Warm balcony arrangement makes it possible to connect to additional living space square footage, which is not exactly to be redundant. Although the room and is large size, here it is still possible to arrange a functional area: study, bedroom, studio, library, boudoir, and even a mini-dining room. Finish - the first phase of renovations. Bring the balcony in order to insulate and give it a "gloss", you can use different materials. The construction market offers a wide range, but against the lining, MDF, particle board and plasterboard profitable plastic panels stand out. To the domestic consumer material it has long ceased to be a novelty, but it has not lost its popularity. Around the very name of "plastic" is still wandering legends about its toxicity, fragility and insecurity. Such was the PVC twenty years ago, when there was invented advanced technology of its production. Modern and old plastic - the materials are quite different and in appearance, and in baseline characteristics. Unfortunately, for many consumers the quality of this revolution took place quietly, but representations of the old material remained. Let's talk about how to choose the right material and how to finish a balcony with plastic panels.
- About the material
- Advantages and disadvantages of finishing material and
material variety
- In size panels
- Type of coating
- In the method of manufacturing
- How to choose
- How to make payments
mounting methods
- Fastening by means of glue
- Fixing crate
Step by step guide finishes his hands
- Materials and tools
- Preparing walls
- installation of lath
- on warming
- Mounting panels
- Nuances openings skin
- How to care for panels
- conclusion
About the material
Although consumer acquainted with the plastic is relatively recent, the material was invented in the early last century. Moreover, a chemist, received the cherished formula not sought to invent something similar. In that time, he was working on a completely different project. PVC, as well as many other inventions, famous and brought benefit to man (take penicillin), may be called the result of a random experiment.

Initially, the plastic was hard and had a porous surface. Such material was not suitable for decoration and can not compete with the plates on the basis of waste wood (chipboard, MDF). He demanded improvements, and what have rushed to producers who before the others realized that for future PVC. They have persistently sought to perfection and finally a fundamentally new technology was invented in Germany (Method of free foaming PVC), polyvinyl chloride that gave to the leaders of finishing materials market (and not only). PVC panels become lighter and the surface - smooth. The range of colors and textures become quickly updated with new samples, simulating a variety of Materials: wood pattern graceful "specks" and "stains" are typical of the stone, a rough surface brick. Panels made of PVC began to replace the paint and wallpaper, wall paneling, particleboard and fibreboard, gypsum board. Competitors are gradually handed over the position, and PVC due to its accessibility to win the market.

Advantages and disadvantages of finishing material and
So what is good PVC and what lies behind this long, complicated name? In fact, everything is quite simple: the scales marked "dignity" far outweighs the capacity with the inscription "shortcomings." This ratio of the pros and cons, and was the key to the popularity of the material. In the long list of advantages of PVC consists of the following qualities:
- Low cost. PVC panels are ideal for the budget repair. The ratio of "price-quality" in this case has found the perfect balance.
- Resistance to temperature changes. This material is suitable for both warm balconies and for the cold rooms where the temperature is different from the street just a couple of degrees.
- Samozatuhaemost and high combustion temperature. Contrary to misconceptions plastic used for decoration, not so easy to burn. MDF, OSB and fiberboard light at lower temperatures and during combustion secrete more acrid smoke and toxic substances. The reason for this was the "glue" that holds the wood fibers and chips that make up the plates.
- Easy installation. Plastic panels are easily cut, and methods of attachment will not be able to drive into a dead end, even the most inexperienced artists.
- Low resistance to mechanical damage. Plastic panels can not be considered brittle, but their strong impact surface may be damaged and a dent. These sections of the wall or ceiling can be replaced without having to dismantle the rest of the finishing cloth.

- Moisture resistance. Plastic is not afraid of direct contact with water. Because of this particular panel are popular not only for decoration of balconies and loggias, but also bathrooms, kitchens.
- Easy to clean. The panels can be cleaned with any household cleaning products, as the material is not afraid of even the tools with abrasive effect. The plastics are no pores in which could clog the dust and dirt. Because of this material does not accumulate a "reservoir" of mold and mildew.
- A wide range of colors and textures.
- Additional heat and noise insulation. PVC panel will warm in the dead of winter, but thanks to the cellular structure of the "help" keep the heat a heater core grains in the balcony.
- Light weight. This advantage panels plays a special role especially for balconies, since such structure is not desirable to overload, especially after partial disassembly septum.
Another advantage to the "piggy bank" PVC panels will be no need to flatten the surface of the wall or ceiling before their installation. Material on the contrary, is used in order to mask defects. With regard to the service life, the manufacturers give different figures: between 25 and 50 years. Perhaps the panel can actually stand for half a century, but in what form they will meet their old age - a mystery.
See also:Finishing clapboard balconies with their hands

Of course, in any ointment will be a place for the fly in the ointment. Although the list of the disadvantages of PVC panels are much more modest list of advantages, not to mention them:
- PVC panels are pretty fragile and highly sensitive to mechanical stress. Casual about it has already been mentioned above. If we compare the strength of PVC MDF go chipboard material uniquely lose with a huge score. Draw parallels with solid wood and not at all worth it.
- Toxicity during combustion. PVC does not burn, but melts. Near it is not necessary to put hot appliances. During reflow material can release toxic substances, although in lesser concentrations than, for example, when burning particleboard. Toxicity material varies greatly depending on the manufacturing technology. low-quality products, which are traded dishonest businessmen, it is much more dangerous to human health. In quality PVC to be a "passport" - a special certificate.
- Burnout. Unfortunately, PVC panels fade in the sun just a couple of years. The problem is acute for balconies open to sunlight. This is particularly noticeable on bright surfaces with drawings. For ordinary white Panel issue is devoid of relevance, but this stuff is too boring and monotonous. Recently, manufacturers are experimenting and creating new material samples, which are not as sensitive to constant contact with sunlight.
This list may include one more conditional drawback - bias. This applies mostly to domestic consumers, who subconsciously cheapness is associated with poor quality, and the word "plastic" - with disposable dishes and low-grade year furniture.

material variety
Plastic panels have their own classification in three basic characteristics (except for differences in the design):
- The size.
- coverage Features.
- Preparation method.
- Connection type (seamless, chamfered, with a relief surface).
Let's talk about each category in more detail.

In size panels
Dimensions PVC panels can vary. Their thickness depends on the intended use:
- for cladding panels generally have a width of 0.8 cm and 2-3 cm (and there are more dense material).
- ceiling trim panels thinner, the thickness varies in the range of 0.5 cm-0.8 cm.
The length of the panels may also be different, but the most frequent variants 2.7 m, 3.5 m, 5.95 m. The width varies between 0.1-0.5 m.

Type of coating
Depending on the type of plastic coating panel are classified into three groups:
- Simple monochrome products. Their surface is devoid of pictures, so extra coating is used. Monotone many may seem boring. Such panels are often used for covering office space.
- Lacquered. On the surface of the material by means of offset printing or on transfer pattern is applied. To the image was fixed, top panel coated with special varnish. Composition of ennobled plastic, but this makes it more "gentle" and sensitive to scratches, which are visible on such a surface.
- Laminate. The surface of the structural panels decorated pattern. Laminate usually reliably simulates the texture of wood or stone.
Although lacquered and laminated panels look richer and bring variety to the range of finishing material, they suffer from "photophobia" and are subject to fading. Unfortunately, the "beautiful" and "practical" do not always go hand in hand.

In the method of manufacturing
Available in PVC panels in three variations:
- Tile.
- Wall paneling.
- The sheet material.
Molded represents long slats that can be positioned horizontally or vertically, depending on their length and the size of the room. Sheet - modules, the height of which can be up to 4 m, and the width - 2.3 meters They are primarily used for blouses walls.. Only one sheet can cover a large area, so the installation will be carried out at an accelerated pace. Option is best suited for the "lazy" or hurrying masters.
See also:The design of the small balcony 75 photos of the interior of examples

How to choose
Before you go to the hardware store, take into service a few useful tips that will help you choose a high quality material:
- Be sure to check the existence of a certificate. Only certified products can be called qualitative.
- The thickness of the panel can be checked by a simple touch of a finger. If the material is dented, its surface is too flexible and for finishing the balcony is completely unsuitable.
- The quality of the material you need to check inside. The panel to be compressed between two fingers and see how it will behave ribs on the cut. If they break down, then the material will last a long time. The more ribs in the material, so it is stronger.
- Beware of the acquisition Panel light "mouse" hue. This color of the material often suggests the use of recyclable materials.
If plans for a large-scale purchase of "future use" of the material, the panel is better to take from one party, then they are not guaranteed to be a different color on a pair of shades. On the surface there should be no dents, scratches, chips. Be sure to check the quality of the connection, between the two panels should remain flat, hardly noticeable seam and edges of modules fit together like a key to a lock.

How to make payments
Calculations are made by a simple algorithm. You should be familiar with only two parameters:
- The surface area, which will be faced with.
- The length and width of the panels, which are multiplied, and it turns out one of the module area.
Of course, in addition you need to consider the type of panel (sheet, tile, wall paneling).

mounting methods
Mount the panel in two ways:
- Directly on the surface of the wall using a special adhesive.
- On the crate.
The first method is more suitable for "cold" balconies, as the availability of space for insulation in this case is not provided. Consider both options in detail.
Fastening by means of glue
Fix the panel with adhesive only on a perfectly smooth walls. The slightest deviation or unevenness necessarily manifest themselves and on the panel surface. Clay needed to fly the special. He firmly connect the wall surface with the plastic panel, so neatly replace one piece of decoration has not come out afterwards, it can only snatch "with meat". The most serious drawback of this method is the inability to build a layer of insulation material. In this case, the panel simply create the visual effect of "a beautiful finish," and a little (just a little) to save the area, which could be set aside for crates.

Fixing crate
Lathing or frame has obvious advantages that discredited panels attachment method using the adhesive:
- It makes the construction more stable.
- It adds a layer of insulation.
- If necessary, it can easily be replaced as a separate panel (when crumpled or cracked), and all of the coating, when, for example, a desire and possibility to sheathe balcony other material.
Mounting batten significantly complicates the process of cladding panels, but the game is worth the candle, and the result - wasted time.

Step by step guide finishes his hands
So, we chose a more reliable and thorough way to install plastic panels - a crate. The entire workflow is divided into the following stages:
- First step. Measurements, purchase materials, selection tools.
- Preparing walls.
- Install furring.
- Warming.
- Mounting panels.
And now look at each step in detail.

Materials and tools
To work with plastic panels need tools that are already in the "black suitcase" in any self-respecting wizard. Nothing new or unusual will not have to buy more. So you need to stock up on the following materials and tools:
- Tape measure, level, pencil.
- Hacksaw blade and construction.
- Drill, screwdriver (can be replaced with a screwdriver).
- Staple gun.
- Dowels, screws with rubber sleeves.
- Insulation (foam and foam).
- Metal profiles for lathing.
- Guides for panels.
- Panels made of plastic.
Separately, for the preparation of the wall need to putty and primers. If there are large cracks, they have cleaned using a grinder.

Preparing walls
Preparing walls will not take long. If they are uneven, the crate will help to correct this deficiency, and finishing will not give this a terrible secret. With the presence of the slots will have to cope on their own. First you need to carefully examine the surface around the perimeter of the balcony. If cracks and crevices still found, they are thoroughly cleaned, and then daubed with putty. When the composition dries, the wall is coated with a primer layer. Better use the funds with antiseptic and sealing effect. They will prevent soggy walls, the appearance of mold and mildew, "leakage" of heat. The primer may be applied in two layers for greater reliability. After drying, the composition (better to leave the balcony alone for a day) start the installation batten.
See also:Clothes dryer on the balcony

installation of lath
For lathing typically selected battens. Since the balcony - a potentially dangerous place for wood because of possible moisture, it is better to stay on the metal profile. Racks pretreated with special structures. Then begin to form lath. Using screws with plastic sleeves or plugs mounted vertical modules. Do not immediately fit in to the wall closely. You may have to adjust their location using the lining, if the wall is uneven. The distance between rails is typically no more than 0.5 m Experienced Master advised to fix them to the wall at three locations:. At knee height, waist and shoulders. These areas are considered the most "traumatic", that is here to cover the risks of accidental damage and get much higher. Strengthening sensitive areas, check with spirit level, exactly how much is installed crate. If necessary, adjust the location of the rails, after which they are fixed permanently, close to the wall.

on warming
A layer of insulation must be carefully laid between rails. Although the range of products is extensive, most choose cheaper, but no less effective foam. It is ideal for the "raw" balconies, as it is not afraid of water, as mineral wool, for example. For it would have to install additional layers of hydro and vapor barrier. The joints between the pieces of foam are filled with foam then can proceed to installation of plastic panels.
Insulation is needed even for those balconies that have not yet been fitted with sealed double-glazed windows, but the owners of the plans they have already entered. Subsequently, the plastic coating to be dismantled in order to lay a layer of insulation. To avoid performing unnecessary work, it is better to use it right away.

Mounting panels
Installation of panels begin with the installation guide. They can be of different shapes and differ in purpose. Guides can be secured using a staple gun or screwdriver and screws. After that, proceed to the consolidation of the first strip. One should start from the remote and "inconvenient" angles. Bar does not close immediately fetches: it must align vertically (via level) and only thereafter to fix permanently. After that, the work will go faster: a new benchmark with the dock that was set earlier, and fixed. The area above and below the door openings are left for dessert.
To cut a strip along, it is better to use a special knife construction. Cutting across a suitable hacksaw.

Nuances openings skin
Trim openings we left for dessert. Before trimming and final assembly strips need to check the quality of connections and a perfect seal the edges of those that are already fixed on the crate. If there was trouble in the form of a slot, it can be masked by plastic skirting planted on the glue. The balcony door (if any) need to do more through holes in a row to provide air exchange between the room and a balcony. The last docking seams between treated and on the corners. They are covered with a sealant. Instead of transparent, it is better to choose the composition of the color of the plastic coating. Such a solution would look spectacular and beautiful in any interior.

How to care for panels
The panels do not belong to the category of whimsical materials. In the care they are quite undemanding: a plastic surface must be periodically remove small impurities and the dust layer, which, incidentally, is very slow accumulates on PVC. To work only need a special sponge or mop for windows with a soft nozzle (if you want to wipe the ceiling) and cleaner. Wash the panel can be any formulations: water with soap powder detergents for dishes or glasses. The main thing is not to overdo it with supplements, otherwise you'll have a long time to tinker, wiping stains. Particular attention should be paid to the most "dirty" areas: near the baseboard near the windows, a balcony door.

Finishing balcony panels of plastic does take a little time and do not require specific skills. Finishing can be seen as a training lesson in which novice master unlikely nabet bumps, but will get invaluable experience. If you decide to use the panel with a print or pattern, their surface is better protected from the harmful effects of sunlight and hang on the window curtains or blinds. Then cover longer retain their original appearance, and repeated repair the balcony will be postponed for at least a couple of years.