Washing and pomyvochnaya bath interior design examples 75 photos

Bath complex includes a steam room, waiting room, a room for washing and relaxation. In more primitive, compact design the last two rooms available, but the rest will be deprived of a certain comfort. With Russian bathhouse in our country is associated with many traditions. The benefits of steaming procedures are highly evaluated in the days of ancient Russia. Even any poor every Saturday washed in the bath, perhaps it is so regularly conditional on good health, which is famous for ancient Russians. The construction is always erected on the outskirts, away from residential buildings. Although the explanation for this is easily found in folklore (the concentration of dirt and unclean spirits), but rather by our ancestors to observe basic rules of fire safety. The bath had no icons, utensils of it trying not to bring into the house. Superstition has it that it has chosen as home fine dirty dog ​​- cleaning rod, which, like the brownie had to constantly placate fare.

All divination ritual took place in this building, because the holy image is not followed by young girls, eager to find out the name of her future husband. Although there are now alternatives to modern bathhouses - sauna (Finnish version), Jacuzzi, Japanese drums, they still remain relevant. The most "spiritual" rest held here. Moreover, the process of steaming with birch twigs and herbal steam occupies only a small part of the leisure activities, and special attention is paid to a friendly conversation in the room to relax after treatments. Wash in the bath needed for rinsing after the sauna. Some people think that you need to come here washed, because clean skin pores open up better under the influence of steam, because the procedure is more designed for rehabilitation. In this article we consider the examples of arrangement of the washing and processing rules.


  • Benefits pomyvochnaya department
  • Requirements to the washing
    • Water System
    • Ventilation
    • Types of drain sewage wastewater
    • Wiring - safety first
  • Stylistic direction and features of finishing materials
    • Wooden panels and linings
    • Ceramic tile
    • Artificial and natural stone
    • plastic panels
    • Plasterboard and coloring compounds for walls and ceilings
  • Furniture and other equipment for washing
  • conclusion

Benefits pomyvochnaya department

The spacious baths for washing allocate a separate room. If the building is small and has no central heating, then this function is combined with steam zone and the separation from it is conducted via partitions. Both the location of the options have their pros and cons. Private pomyvochnaya allows you to:

  • Create a unique interior space.
  • Use strong and durable finishing materials (tiles).
  • To provide one-time wash several people, if it is equipped with a couple of showers.
  • Simplify maintenance soul.
The interior of the washing in the bathMosaic in the showerBuilt-in lights on the ceilingBarrel in the cornerShower Wall

Among the shortcomings of such an option only to note the need to connect a central heating to heat individual rooms and water. Washing, combined with a steam room, too, are not without merit:

  • Space saving.
  • Practical interior, if the oven is an elongated combustion chamber will be located in the middle.
  • Fuel economy, as technically have to heat only one room.
The sink in the wash

Unfortunately, the combined version has one major drawback - the room is less convenient in operation, if both steamed whole group of people.

Toilet next to the showerSpila on the wallTub on the benchFloor tilesSwimming pool in the interior

Requirements to the washing

Pomyvochnaya in the bath should be equipped properly. Particular attention should be paid to:

  • ventilation;
  • drain;
  • Carrying wiring;
  • Incoming water system;
Making the washing in the bath

We are talking about the features of a particular arrangement of the room. If the washing is combined with a steam room, a list of necessary equipment may vary.

Glass door in the interiorTub near showerBenches on the wallFont windowBenches along the walls

Water System

The water supply system in the washer to operate in an uninterrupted mode. In this case, the stock of the resource can be calculated on the number of people who visited an average bath. This caveat applies to those buildings to which the water has to be delivered by hand, filling the tank. To simplify the calculations, the basis is possible to take average values. For one session adult requires about 40 liters from which accounts for 1/4 of the hot water. In such a washing, as a rule, put only one shower. Still under construction form the basis of water supply system and carry out pipework. Heaters use electric or gas or both at once. In this case one will be the primary, and the second becomes the spare. If you plan to visit the baths large companies, it is best to choose a water heater outdoor type, since the volume of its reservoir will be at least 100 liters of water.

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Hanger on the bench

If the room is a problem with the electricity, you can use a modern stove-heater with a heat exchanger. Unlike its analog with integrated tank, such unit allows to output the heated water to the water intake devices located in other rooms.

The water supply system in a washingThe lamp in the cornerBrick wall in the interiorScoop on the wallTowels on the couch


In wooden baths in the washing room humidity level changes and there are strong temperature fluctuations. Naturally it is necessary to carry out the ventilation system, which will provide high-quality room air circulation. In its absence is possible overheating of the human body, the indwelling washing, the occurrence of mildew spores which can enter the lungs and the concentration of the unpleasant "stagnant" odors. Ventilation can be natural or forced. In the first case, air circulation occurs due to pressure drop. ductwork create and assemble by hand. Forced ventilation supply type can be used in the natural system's inability to cope with the volume of air mass or in the absence thereof does. In this case, the main driving force - a fan that blows air and filter system cleans it.

Ventilation in the wash

Types of drain sewage wastewater

The best option would be to connect to the centralized sewer network or association with a residential house system. If this is not possible, the methods wastewater few:

  • Installation of the storage tank. The waste water will have to be pumped regularly.
  • Drainage system. Not the most reliable option, which is used for small banek. The basis of the drainage system can be well or "cushion". Water will go into the ground naturally. This drainage is considered the simplest in the arrangement, but the mistake can be costly, up to the destruction of the construction of gender.
  • Cesspit. It is located at a distance of 2-2.5 m from the bath. Pipe bends without drain is fed at an angle. pit size is calculated based on the average number of persons and the frequency of their visits to the bath.
  • Septic tank. The construction cost is quite expensive. The main difference in the arrangement of the septic tank for a bath from the same unit for the house is in the depths of the pit, which is almost two times less. Produce your own camera can be made of tires on KAMAZ or concrete rings.
Drain in a washing

At arrangement of the sewage system must take into account three main aspects:

  • The depth of the groundwater.
  • Type and characteristics of the soil.
  • The depth of soil freezing.
Mosaic on the floor

For example, in clay soils can not equip the drainage system, and sandstones, in which the water does not stagnate, it fits optimally.

The font in the cornerWood ceilingShower cubicle with glassThe picture on the wallThe mirror above the sink

Wiring - safety first

Pairs - an excellent current conductor, so the overall switch plate and switch boxes should be installed in the dressing room. Fixtures for washing as well as for the pair, special needs. In their design must be heat-resistant bowl, ceramic cartridge and wooden lampshade. If the owners are confident in the quality of the ventilation system, this rule can be ignored. But in the washing outlet positioning is undesirable. The safest place for them, where low risk of circuit - a dressing room. Switches can be used the usual way as a simple walk in the house, but this again depends on the quality of ventilation.

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Hidden wiring in the wash

In the baths of wood all the wiring system should be open. But do not stretch it along the baseboards, and a loft for extra safety.

Ladder in barrels

Stylistic direction and features of finishing materials

To the interior of the wash room looked beautiful and complete, it is necessary to choose the right style of decoration. The design does not impose any restrictions on the choice of direction. Among the most popular and unusual varieties note:

  • Traditional Russian style with logs or timbers to finish. If the area of ​​the room allows, then showers complement Hot cold water.
  • Luxurious, modern loft with high ceilings and open lines of communication system.
  • Experimental and unusual for a bath neoclassicism, which organically combines tradition and modern trends of interior fashion.
  • Laconic Mediterranean style with ceramic tile in the decoration and pastel colors, which dominate white, jade green and blue shades.
  • Roman style with columns or pilasters, arched vaults and decorative moldings.
Washing in the Nouveau

Also, the traditional Provencal apply for registration, the Scandinavian eco style or conceptual directions: minimalism, hi-tech, chalet.

Shelf at the wallMarble tiles in the interiorFont with stepsShelf for shampoo in the cornerSteering wheel on the wall

Wooden panels and linings

To emphasize the style of a log bathhouse, interior furnishing is performed using a tree, and washing does not become an exception. Battens are classified according to the type of material used for softwood (pine, cedar, spruce) and hardwood (basswood, aspen, oak, alder). To finish washing using steam and a second species. Softwood when air heating is isolated resin. Molded board is divided into four grades, including "extra" is considered the most high-quality and expensive. By type of profile can be noted euros, soft line, calm, and an American imitation timber (block-house) or timber. Molded - one of the varieties wooden panels. According to this classification allocate two other types: MDF and chipboard. To finish washing their use is not recommended, since a part of the materials present adhesives, which can be released when heated. Molded has several advantages:

  • The simplicity of the installation.
  • Environmentally friendly and pleasant smell of the forest in the area.
  • Aesthetic beauty.
  • Resistance to mechanical damage.
Molded in a washing

Among the shortcomings noted the presence of micropores in the wood, which when filled with moisture can cause deformation of the panel and become a breeding ground for mold.

Baptismal font next to the showerBasin on the benchilluminated swimming poolTubs on the floorBlinds on windows

Ceramic tile

Tiled floor and walls can decorate only washing, but for the pair, this option falls under the taboo, because tiles can be very hot and could burn human. Ceramics has several advantages:

  • The strength and durability.
  • Increased resistance to mechanical damage.
  • A wide range of figures, patterns and color palette.
  • The possibility of replacing one element without compromising the integrity of its neighbors.
  • Easy maintenance and a lack of sensitivity to the aggressive household chemicals.
Ceramic tile in the wash

Among the shortcomings noted the fragility of the tiles before installation: if the fragment is accidentally dropped on the floor, then he is likely to crack.

Hanger on the wallInterior with a glass doorHot shower and in washingHanger at the doorShower with curtain

Artificial and natural stone

Laying of natural stone in the washing will create a unique natural pattern and emphasize originality interior. The main natural minerals, which are used for the interior decoration of rooms deemed marble, sandstone, granite and travertine. Polished to a glossy surface sheen with small patches of quartz will be a great interior decoration and the composition will be in harmony with the metal.

Artificial stone is classified into an acrylic, polyester, cast marble or onyx, quartz agglomerate. Imitation inferior to the original strength. Composite compositions may comprise a resin, which on heating become unstable, so this material can not finish washing, combined with steam. And artificial and natural stone have high thermal conductivity, so again, they are forbidden to decorate surfaces in rooms that are regularly heated.

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Stone in the wash

Heavy natural stone wall portions can polish not exceeding 0.5 m in height. If the material is used up, the clutch may collapse.

Swimming pool mosaicCeiling fanThe combination of stone and woodLumps in the interiorBasket with towels on the floor

plastic panels

PVC panels have long been used for decoration of bathrooms. Separate washing is not much different from those premises. Polyvinyl chloride is not afraid of moisture. The material no micropores, like the wood, so the water does not stay in them, and therefore the mold fungi have nowhere to breed. Wash plastic panel easily by a simple soap solution. Material boasts democratic price, and a wide range of color variations. Stories about the dangers of synthetic all are true only in part. When you create high-quality PVC is not used substances that are harmful to the human body. Unfortunately, PVC wear out quickly, getting "unmarketable kind" is sensitive to mechanical impact and from hitting the panel may crack. Mounting and replacement of the damaged piece is easy. Unscrupulous manufacturers can offer the goods of poor quality, so chase sverhekonomiey not worth it, because it can do much more if the material would be toxic.

Plastic panels in the washing

Plasterboard and coloring compounds for walls and ceilings

Generally referred to as drywall materials used for rough finishing. They often sheathe frames false ceilings or made false walls, partitions. However, recently began using plasterboard painted as the final fabric. For this purpose, a special moisture-resistant type is used. Such drywall sheets are green and marked with coded gypsum plasterboard. In the manufacture of special anti-fungal material and water repellent compositions are added to it. Drywall allows you to create complex shapes, high-quality surfaces camouflages imperfections and is easy to plastering, painting. If the sheets are cased frame, such a design is going to eat a lot of extra centimeters, which will become a luxury in small washing room. After mounting, surface ground, and then stained. You can only use compounds from natural ingredients, which, alas, can not boast a long service life.

The lamp in the mirror

Furniture and other equipment for washing

The standard kit includes washing equipment shop, tub with cold water, a shower, a washbasin (Not always present), mirror, coat hooks and a couple of shelves for storing towels, sponges and cleaning funds. Also in this room is usually present a tub or a bucket of water and a special mat that absorbs excess moisture. To make a bench for washing your hands need wood with low thermal conductivity (optimal linden) and a minimum set of tools: hand saw, screws, screwdriver or screwdriver.

The furniture in the wash bathFloor matsTowel rails on the wallBrooms on benchesThe curtain on the shower

Unlike pair, are used for washing stalls primitive design without backs. Seat width for one person should be 0.9-1 m. If you plan on placing the company, then for each new visitor washing was added 0.6 m and further reinforce the middle legs.

Shield on the floorBrooms in a tubLamps on the wallThe door of the lining in the interiorThe interior of a log wallsThe font in the corner


Washing room - an important component of a complete, comfortable bath. To get the maximum health benefits, you need to go all the "cycle" processes where steam is present after rinsing required. The visitor does not feel a "new man," if you do not wash away the sweat and refreshed. Separate washing is almost no different from the usual bathroom at the cottage, so it apply the same finishing materials and tweaks in the design.

Shutter on a windowFaiencePlastic ceilingThe sink in the cornerInterior with two fonts