Contemporary crafts impresses with its diversity, because in addition to traditional techniques, it is increasingly offering something new. The choice is really impressive - diamond, Melange, whirlpool and finally, embroidery satin ribbons. Tips for beginners will help to understand each of them within hours, though it may seem unrealistic at first sight.

The selection and preparation of materials
Although embroidery satin ribbons appeared relatively recently, it has already become popular in different parts of the planet due to its who do not get a spectacular view and a three-dimensional volume to achieve in any other technology. In addition, the textile patterns are obtained especially gentle and realistic, often reminding the living flower arrangements. A master effect possible to achieve due to the materials used, which includes a list of:

- Ribbons of various thicknesses. The most beautiful fabrics obtained from natural silk, however, the cost of such material is hardly available. Alternatively satin can be used which, though inferior silk, but looks good in finished papers, as well as inexpensive atlas. The latter option is used most often because of its cost. Synthetic compound slightly complicates the process, but does not interfere with experienced and novice masters to make a choice it is in his favor.
- Sharp needle with a wide flat eyeThrough which you can thread the ribbon. It is noteworthy that if the needle will be too blunt tip, the work becomes much more difficult, as the tool will not be able to pass through a well-satin fabric. At the same time too sharp needle can leave clues on the tape, and behind them, and longitudinal or transverse strip, so it is best to use special tools.
- Canvas. If you apply for a normal dense embroidery textiles, then work on it will not be possible without the pliers with which the needle is pulled and threaded with ribbon. Plain canvas for cross-stitch is also not good, because the finished fabric will be too loose. Ideally, to use a special material which is midway between the dense tissue and canvas.
In addition, it is recommended to use wooden or plastic hoop to embroider which will be much easier and faster.
Encouraged and the use of all kinds of decorations (beads, sewing thread, and so on. D. ). With it, run the finest elements of embroidery, rhinestones and other showy ornaments.
Master class for beginners
To learn how to embroider beautiful ribbons, it is not necessary to attend special courses, you can always find a large number of simple and clear master classes in the public domain on the network. Novice needle women keep the following tips:

- To vdet tape in the ear, it is necessary to cut off a corner of her tip at an angle of 45 degrees.
- The second tip is necessary to scorch the lighter so that it is not dissolved. To secure this end of the leaf should perform a special bundle, simply draw the tape through itself in as close to the edge of the site.
- broad bands used to perform classical leaf, which extend over the web acute and locked area using all the same method when the needle with the tape passes therethrough same. In this case it is possible to make a fold volume, which can be used in the future to perform any other elements, whether or pitch unopened buds.
- Thin branches of plants are carried out in two ways. The first of them - columnar thin seam tapes. The second involves the embroidery thread embroidery floss on the bias, with the result that should get a flat figure, perfectly complementing the overall three-dimensional texture of the work.
- Lush bunches usually simulated by the French knots, in the manufacture of which is also no big deal. Just make a few turns of tape around the needle and pull it through the web, resulting in a neat little bundle. Thus it is possible to perform and gradient patterns by applying different shades of audio tapes gamut and a smooth transition therebetween.
- Elongated petals can perform classic loopy or chain stitch, using a very thin strip. In this case, in the middle lobe we formed cavity, which can be left intact or decorated beads embroidered stitch and many other elements.
Of course, the scheme for embroidery patterns beautiful satin ribbons much more is another matter that the vast majority of them are only derived from these databases.
In addition, some masters invent copyrights techniques that allow them to work ready to claim the true originality.