Recently I tried to make myself a clutch, as the money for the purchase is not enough. It turned out tolerably well, go and enjoy. I would like to tell you a principle of creation of my masterpiece.

Materials and manufacturing process
I took the natural leather, thread, ruler, pencil, buttons, and of the sewing machine. To match the bag size 25x15, 25x35 cm of material is required. Fold so that the clutch height was 15 cm, width - 25, and valve - 7 cm.
In order to indicate the shape of the valve, I use a bowl, but you can also take any suitable pot. On one side is supposed to be a semi-circle to be via zadekorirovat frills.

As a lining for the valve it is necessary to use a cloth that has not sypyatsya Stresa. It must be applied to the inner side, there are neatly arranged frills and stitch it all on a typewriter. The valve can be covered, and look at the result.
Clutch is almost ready, it remains only to make the clasp. To do this, I have prepared the Velcro. It can be put on the glue or sew, but then have to use a button as a "masking" of the element. The decision is yours!
This bag can also be used as a beautician.