Few needlewoman know what loin knitting and what it is used. It should be noted that the patterns made under this scheme, are rather original and attractive. Translated from the French language, this technology translates as "embroidery on the grid" in which the image is made up of filled and empty cells. Working on this principle is quite simple and easy.

The concept of loin knitting
Loin knitting is an imitation of lace, which in appearance resembles a grid. Her cell, depending on the pattern are filled thread. This principle is the basis of technology. Once filled with the required cell during manufacture of the web.
Scheme is very similar to cross stitch. Some of these are the ones used in the process.
Today, the product range includes a variety of patterns. They can be both simple and more complex. Their dimensions are different, too. But before starting work should be done such manipulations:

- Mentally correlate the size of the entire product with the proposed scheme. If this is not done, it can not exit the web, which was originally conceived. In this situation, are taken into account all the nuances, the main ones being the density of the pattern, hook size, the thickness of the thread.
- It should also be noted how the grid looks like a square. Can be at the discretion of the needlewoman make some adjustments: do more or less the number of loops, knit tightly or less tightly.
Fillet pattern usually begins with an air chain. Very simply count the number of loops for the column. In one cell fits 3 and 6 of conventional air in order to form the first row. Further calculation of the loop comes from the size of the web.
But not in all cases it is necessary to start with the first row. It happens that first is the center lineAnd already from it continues knitting in different directions.
It is worth rememberingThat the stock of yarn required in advance. This is due to the fact that the color of the thread even one manufacturer may differ significantly, depending on the lot.
Using fillets
It applies this knitting technique is very widely. She decorate tablecloths and napkins, bed linen, curtains and so on. In this case fThe shape of the same may be varied:

- Polygon.
- Oval.
- A circle.
- Square.
- Rectangle.
The edge can be made wave, scalloped, toothed, and other patterns, which can only be displayed on the grid.
Very original look items decorated with a border of knitting loin. Preparation of the products should be careful and neat, because one wrong move can ruin the whole picture.