The nodes of various types, many people used already in the mists of time. Nodular weaving technique originated with the first ropes. Of them carried amulets and charms, jewelery and decorative items. Inca civilization has created nodular letter - pile. It was used to record the decrees, messaging, conducting the counting. In the history of macrame have 7 little-known facts that will interest everyone.

Name macrame got this kind of needlework only in the XIX century. Over the centuries it has been repeatedly forgotten and revived again.
For uzlopleteniya does not require special tools. Enough small size of pads and decorative pins. The material can be any tape, string or rope.
The interesting facts of uzlopleteniya technologies include the following:

- Origin of the word some scientists attributed to the Turkish and others - to the Arabic languageBut its value is the same - lace, fringe. In the USSR, macrame appeared in the late XIX century. Uzlopletenie their way back to the Baltic countries.
- Ancient weaving technology nodes become popular with the development of navigation and now it has more than 100 all kinds of knots. In India, China and Spain macramé was born in the middle of the XIV century. In Madrid, we found the scheme macrame patterns of those times in the cathedral.
- In Russia, the weaving units used for the production of light shoes, When sewing bags for arrows, hats, harnesses for horses. Later activity equated with pagan rites. Crafts banned, giving it the status of a witch, a criminal. Favorite people amulets sites are also forbidden to wear.
- Later excavations in Novgorod the Great, found Chain Boots, Torques, formed from yarns of lead-tin alloy. In Belgorod unearthed woven of gold thread braid to decorate a woman's dress, made in the XIII century. In the district of Kiev during the excavation of the cross found braided knots made in the XVI century.
- Restrictive rules were written in Italy. Senators of Rome did not have to wear any ties, although the taboo was short-lived. In the XVII century macrame mastered in the countries of Northern Europe and America.
- Between Kiev Rus almost 50 types of crafts have direct relevance to the weaving components: Abutilon, knutnik, Remennik, brozdochnik and many others.
- Huge recognition later this trend was in England. Knots of gold thread began to decorate the clothes not only the royal family, but also the clergy. The Queen Mary in 1600, studied the technology in the Netherlands. Spouse Georg rim 3 produced of the nodes, wherein the inner fence decorated Palace. In the monasteries began to weave shawls, collars, lace and other things that are valued very expensive.
Macrame has come a long way from ordinary household unit to works of art. Today, his technology is available to everyone who wants to make their own thing.