quilling art ( "quill" translated to English means "quill") originated in countries Europe at the beginning of the fifteenth century and involves a special kind of handicraft using conventional paper. Particularly successful quilling technique is used when we make with their hands all sorts of Christmas crafts out of paper. The fact that the familiar elements of Christmas cards, as three-dimensional snowflakes, fluffy spruce branches and trembling in the wind candle flame is not difficult to make yourself even beginners. Besides, now it is elegant crafts available for everyone, and in fact some few hundreds of years ago it was only entertainment for the wealthy - because paper is worth very expensive. In addition, before quilling used to be considered a hobby for ladies, but in today's world they are engaged thousands of people of different sex, age and ethnicity.

necessary material
Before you start with the children to the manufacture of Christmas crafts out of paper, you will need to acquire the necessary tools. It will be a sharp awl medium thickness with a comfortable grip, exquisite tweezers with pointed tips, a well-sharpened scissors, not leaving adhesive residue after drying and sufficient quality dense (not less than 60 g / m2) were uniformly colored paper.
It is cut into a plurality of identical strips width is usually not more than three millimeters (to cut the paper quickly and accurately, it is convenient to use an office shredder).
The width of the paper strip can vary according to what you want to create crafts.

process of manufacturing
First, you need two fingers to squeeze the paper strip a few times to hold on her thumb nail, so that she began to curl. Thereafter, the folded edge of the wound onto the awl. The resulting roll of paper to remove the sewing and hand continue to roll, making sure that the tape is not dissolved. After the whole strip will be rolled up, let her be dismissed lightly. End of the paper strips must be secured with glue.
With the thus obtained preform can do anything you want, allowing it to take shape.
For example, if you flatten it with one hand, you get a drop, and if both - the eye. If so do the corners on all four sides, you will get a square. With a little imagination, a drop of it will be simple to make a triangle, and from it - boom.

There are a number of so-called "semi-finished" for quilling:
- strip folded in half, each half of which is curled inside outwards - a ram;
- the same piece with the ends curled inside - heart;
- curl - it's just wrapped in different directions ends of the strips;
- in order to make a twig, simply peel back a third strip and tighten its edge in one direction.
Now you have the basic knowledge to create their own Christmas crafts out of paper. The easiest and most effective option - it is the use of elements made in the technique of quilling, in the New Year application; it needs a well-lubricated parts glue and firmly press it to the base. So you can draw a Christmas fir-tree, candles and many other closely associated each with a Christmas night things.
If you put in a little effort, it is easy to create a symbol of the coming year. A bit corny, but exceptionally elegant look created in the technique of quilling snowflakes as postcards and volume.
The latter can be used as Christmas tree decorations - enough to supplement the product loop - or combine them together into a large garland.