Among the materials for the production of flowers, bouquets and other crafts I have recently become popular foamiran. In appearance it resembles a thick paper or suede, but is made up of cellular rubber, which resembles a dense sponge. The material has several unique properties that allow it to easily handle the sheet and give them the required shape. Other names foamirana - Foam, vom, foam rubber and plastic suede.

- types of material
- Features and Properties
- work rules
- Crafts with their own hands
- Flowers and Bouquets
- Kids toys
- other products
types of material
There are several varieties foamirana that produce companies from different countries. Types of different thickness, dimensions and shape of sheets, hardness and cost. The most popular are:

- Chinese. It has a high hardness, because not used for the production of color and air craft. It has a distinct smell of rubber. Produced in various embodiments, thickness and color. It is used in scrapbooking.
- Korean. It retains its shape and quality stands out against the background of the Chinese. Very thin - from 0.6 to 1 mm.
- Iranian. Foamiran high quality, perfect for the production of flowers. Because it can be noted drawbacks thickness nonuniformity on a single sheet of material.
- Marshmallow. Very soft and supple to handle, but at the same time keeps excellent shape. It can be extremely thin, suitable for the manufacture of any craft.
- Turkish. It is produced in the form of flat and neat sheets or rolls. It differs from other large variety of colors and patterns.
The most popular type of material creation is the marshmallow foamiran. Work with it easier and more convenient than with the other. You can form a thin translucent parts, stretch them to easily change shape. Aesthetic quality products from such foamirana also are at high level.
Most manufacturers offer material of different colors. There are options with glitter, designs, ornaments and pictures. All this helps to give the desired appearance of the hand-made article.
Foamiran sold material in the form of sheets or rolls. You can buy it in the same place and other products for creativity - in specialized stores or manufacturers. The price of a single sheet can range from 20 to 100 rubles or more, depending on the quality of the region's sales and manufacturer.
Features and Properties
Foamiran - quite modern material, the history and development of which has not, and a few centuries. Nevertheless, it has already become quite popular due to its low price, safety and unique properties, making foam rubber so convenient for creativity. such properties can be distinguished among its advantages:

- material reaches ductility even under very low temperature - the hands warm enough to them to be able to work;
- at the same time foamiran durable and keeps excellent shape after cooling, not being deformed by accidental contact;
- plastic suede can be both easy to stretch and give it volume and density - it is enough to heat foamiran iron;
- Product material can tint using pastels and acrylic paint - it helps to give them a natural look and in every way to decorate;
- material is amenable to conventional cutting scissors;
- foamirana parts are easily connected with each other, and with external elements, if their handle glue strong fixation that allows you to create sophisticated crafts and application of several layers.
All these qualities distinguish plastic from suede materials such as paper or cloth. It is ideal for the craft, consisting of a plurality of flat elements, but not too expensive and requires no training for use or further processing, such as china clay or cold.
work rules
Before embarking on the production of plastic articles made from suede, you must learn the rules of work with it. The first thing to remember is that the material is fairly fragile. Its degree of stretch should not be more than 10%, otherwise the sheet will tear. However, the index of flexibility should not be too low. If foamiran breaks due to weak subsidence or collapse, which means that it is of poor quality.
The second detail that you need to know what parts of foamirana can not be glued together with white glue. For this purpose, you should use the glue gun, filled with a special mass with improved fixing properties. Many crafts are also suitable mechanical fixing, ie bonding of individual elements of the product with the help of wires, hooks, nails and similar mechanisms.

If desired, you can buy in the creative shop special tools for processing foamirana, but many believe it is unnecessary. Make crafts out of it, you can use ordinary scissors and a hole punch. The only problem that may arise in the course of this jam metal part of the tool in the processing of thick plastic sheets suede. To avoid this, you need to roll up on both sides of the material in the thick paper for the printer.
Crafts with their own hands
Using foamirana quite popular in the manufacture of various articles. Easy to work with him. Figures material generally is cut to the prefabricated designs of paper. They can draw on their own or on the Internet.
Flowers and Bouquets
The most common articles from foamirana - the flowers and bouquets. Anyone who skillfully handles the material can make any of your favorite plants, and then assemble them into a composition which is not conceding on beauty articles made of porcelain or polymer clay. For those who are still learning, there are many turn-based workshops with a detailed description of all actions necessary in order to create a bouquet. Before starting work you need to prepare such materials:

- foamirana sheets;
- preform sketches with petals, buds and leaves of different colors to choose from;
- scissors;
- glue gun;
- tape;
- hole puncher;
- foam ball or another basis for the bouquet;
- Wire medium thickness;
- heating element;
- beads, and other items to decorate a composition.
In the manufacture of the bouquet foamirana first necessary to determine the total composition of the composition: number of colors, their location relative to each other in size. Then it is necessary to draw a pattern on paper corresponding billet: pitch, buds of roses and orchids, leaves of different forms. Then you can start to work with the material. Creating crafts and consists of the following steps:

- First it is necessary to cut out all the necessary workpiece for Bouquet selected composition. It is desirable that they were big and wide, with the most comfortable working.
- Then treated pitch. To do this, they bring to the heating element for a few seconds, and then folded like an accordion. Then straighten arms design and again heated for 1-2 seconds. This helps to create on the petals folds and curves, giving the flower a lush and natural look.
- After preparing all the petals or buds, they are glued with glue gun, putting each other in a staggered manner. Number of blanks for the product depends on the type of flower, for example, for only two of chamomile and rose to five or six.
- Wire cut into short pieces on top of each of which a bead is pushed. This will be the flower stamens. They are twisted together and then placed in a pre-punctured center punch and the workpiece is fixed, with the arched underside.
- Finished with flowers, go to the production of leaves. They are shaped by imitating twists and folds. If necessary, at the edges of small incisions are made to give a natural look. With floss or wire on the surface of each leaf paint streaks.
- The final stage in the manufacture of a flower - is to add details. You can tint petals put on them flecks, carefully adjust the shape of the bud. After that, all the details of crafts secured to the stem of a twisted wire that is wrapped with a green ribbon or a thin strip foamirana.
- After finishing the production of all colors, proceed to the design of the base. It can be purchased at a specialty store or make your own by cutting the Styrofoam ball in half and fasten the two flat end on an empty token.
- Handle the basics wrapped ribbons, as well as stem-flower crafts. You can give it the appearance of a few stacked stems or tied with a bouquet. On the foam base portion attached flowers and leaves. When creating a bouquet is best to mount them directly to the foam with the help of wires, without using intermediate stems.
Ready bouquet can be decorated with beads, pieces of cloth or any other materials to choose from.
Kids toys
If desired, from foamirana other than colors, you can do a lot more craft. To make them as easy as a bouquet. Since plastic suede - is a popular material for the children's classes, a good option would be to co-produce a few toys such as dolls for tea. You will need:
- large sheet foamirana one color;
- polutoralitrovye plastic bottle;
- scissors;
- glue gun.
Procedure for the manufacture of such artefacts is simple. Here is the step by step instructions:

- Cut off from the bottle top. Remove the cover and cut the neck.
- Grease the bottom of the bottle with glue, attach to foamirana sheet. Trim with scissors in diameter to happen bedplate.
- Cut from the material strip width of 1.5 centimeters and a length corresponding to the circumference of the bottle. Glue on the base of the product to the boundary between the bottomed and the strip was invisible.
- Make a "cover" the kettle. To do this is to attach the upper part of the future to foamiranu crafts, circle and two circumferential cut, after which measure their length and matching it to produce tape width of 2 cm. Circle lubricate the glue on the edges and seal with tape.
- Cut out a small rectangle foamirana, twist it into a tube. Top paste corresponding circle diameter. Attach the design to the center of "cover" the kettle. The cap is ready, it remains only to put it on top of the bottle.
- Produce "nose" of the craft. To do this, fold the rectangle (about the size of 6 cm to 8 cm) of foamirana into a cone, cut off his top and bottom of the handle so that it corresponds to the bending of the bottle. Paste the item to the kettle.
- Cut long handle 1 cm wide and sticking different ends on either side of the spout. Decorate the finished crafts flowers or other elements of foamirana, paper, or any scrap materials.
Having made several crafts for instructions and adapt to working with foamiranom, you can start making toys and crafts on their own schemes. As in any creative activities, there is no strict framework and rules, it all depends on the imagination of man.
other products

Use items from plastic suede possible when decorating any products: refrigerator magnets, handmade jewelry and ornaments, toys and interior items. Reaching a suitable scheme of foamirana can also produce dolls, animals, cartoon characters, Christmas toys and many other crafts. Some use foamiranu found in scrapbooking and card making.
The easiest way to do this material applications or flat products. If there is a pattern, this work will afford even a small child. Three-dimensional toy to create more complex. Most often in these types of work foamiran combined with other materials, using them as the basis for fixing the various parts.