Knitting with a hook basket with the cover of the garbage bags: tools and materials, the manufacturing process

Plastic packaging is generally used to store various foods or removal of waste. But they can be successfully used for other purposes. Lovers of handicrafts will be interesting to learn how to tie a hook to the cart with the lid of the garbage bags.

Cart hook of garbage bags

Tools and materials

Make a basket with a lid of the garbage bags easily. You only need to get acquainted with the master-classes in the network and have a little patience. This work does not require specific skills and a lot of time.

To associate an unusual basket, you need the following tools and materials:

  • crochet hook;
  • sewing needle;
  • trash bags.

Before you start knitting should be well prepared workspace and remove all unnecessary items. This will not be distracted and will speed up the manufacturing process.

knitting basket

A way to tie the basket from packages

Beginners knitting necessary with braiding of plastic bags. To do this, they are cut small strips of a width of 5 centimeters. Handles have bags of pre-cleared. Bands need to cut on the bias, so that they get the maximum length. Plaiting braids is only three strips. If you fold them in half, you can increase the strength and volume of the product.

To weave braids, It needs a large iron nail. He hammered in the board vertically. Instead, it is possible to apply any other objects that will be easy to remove the workpiece.

A nail to put on plastic strips, of which woven braid. To fix the next strip, it must be securely tied to the previous one. Thus it will spit the required size.

How can knit a basket of plastic bags

Next braid is laid out in a spiral form for the manufacture of the bottom of the product. All rows are held together by strong nearby thread using a hook. Cover the basket is the same as the bottom.

For the production of skirting products start after the bottom is ready. They are also held together by a strong thread hook. The ends of the braids securely fastened, Wrapped inside of the product. After the lid is placed, all sewn.