Embroidery on paper - is an easy-to-learn technique that is used to add accents in gift tags, cards, bookmarks, gift bags. It is best to work with heavy paper or cardboard, but you can use other materials.
Virtually any design or pattern can be sewn embroidery on plain or colored paper with basic embroidery stitches.
Necessary materials
Materials needed for any project of embroidery on paper are basic and very easy to find. Perhaps they already have at home. It:
- cardboard;
- needle embroidery;
- thread for embroidery;
- scissors;
- pencil.

After collecting supplies increase the embroidery pattern to the desired size and apply pattern on the wrong side of the paper, using a pencil.
Since a paper has a rough and a smooth side, the drawing must be applied to the rough side of the paper. Pencil should not strongly press to be able to delete it later.
Place a sheet of paper with a pattern over the plug or packing foam, the side on which no drawing. Using embroidery needle, pierce the paper for all the lines intersect at regular intervals and push the needle tip into the tube through the paper or packaging foam.
Pre-piercing stitching lines helps prevent accidental removal of the paper during processing drawings, and substrate utilization protects your work surface from any damage that may cause needle.

Be careful not to make the holes too close to each other, or they can tear the paper while stapling that can distort your design.
Work on the design
Turn the paper over and sew the design. Do not use the units. To create a design using back stitch needle, chain stitch and French knots.
After processing the embroidery gently wipe marked pencil line on the reverse side of cardboard. Your job is ready.