Puzzling over what to give your loved one or just do something nice for your loved ones, think about the possibility of an original embroidered portrait from a photograph. This gift is not only bound to attract with its originality, you can be absolutely sure that he It will not be forgotten gathering dust somewhere in a corner, and will take its place on the wall and will be a wonderful decoration interior.

- What to do in order to embroider a portrait from a photograph?
- Processing of photos
- Tips for beginners
What to do in order to embroider a portrait from a photograph?
Well, of course, first of all, you need a self portrait. The man who will give or, for example, your. Most importantly, the photo was clear enough on a homogeneous background, because significantly complicate the fine details of the background work and distraction.
Processing of photos
If it is not sufficiently clear or, from your point of view, needs some correction, you can always fix it using Photoshop. This program will allow you to adjust the picture of your choice, to fix the light, put the necessary brightness, remove something extra. You can take a picture in black and white, and can use additional effects.
Once you achieve the result that you are completely satisfied, you can proceed to the next stage of the production of embroidery scheme.

This is done with the help of special programs, the most popular of which is the Pattern Maker. It is quite simple, it has easy to use interface, and with it you will be able to easily and conveniently produce the desired pattern. The same program will help you to choose the color of thread that you will need, as well as the size of the stitch.
Using special characters the program will give you the color gamut, which is necessary and you will be able to choose their colors for a special table with a detailed description.
If the scheme seems too complicated, you can always simplify it and reduce the amount of the required colors, just remember that the more you simplify the scheme, the more affected the quality of the future portrait. The program will tell you, even the number of skeins of yarn that you will need to do the work and how many threads should do your embroidery.
Before you export your chart and print it, to facilitate the work recommended to add the net. When you print, you can choose the scale that you are most comfortable to work with, so do not have to strain your eyes too.
Tips for beginners
And finally a few more tips. Of course, one should consider the fact that a newcomer in cross stitch is difficult to immediately embroider a portrait, because it has still not required skills. Therefore, if you are not confident in their abilities, try to start with a little practice, performing a simple operation. Read the necessary literature on how exactly to do without knots and how the binding thread in which direction the stitches should go and how to pull a thread. If you are a beginner, maybe you should stay on the black and white version. which looks quite impressive, but more simple in execution.

And, of course, keep in mind that in order to embroider a portrait from a photograph, you will need quite a lot of time, at the very least a month, because cross-stitch business long and painstaking, requiring a lot of patience and perseverance.