About 40% of people occasionally experience panic attacks. This disorder is characterized by debilitating bouts between which man is anxiously waiting for their repeat. However, there is positive news: this state is safe. Moreover, it can be completely overcome, if you regularly follow the 9 ways to get rid of panic attacks. Psychological life hacking will help to forget about anxiety forever!

- Organize a healthy lifestyle
- Abandon destructive plants
- To cope with the general anxiety
- Get rid of stress
Organize a healthy lifestyle
According to the conducted research, panic attacks most often occur in people who lead unhealthy lifestyle. Psychologists say people can easily overcome this condition, provided that will look after their health. Many are used to replace a full-fledged vacation drinking alcoholic beveragesBut because of the bad habits the body's response to stress is enhanced.
This fact proves The performed statistics. According to her, people who frequently consume alcohol or have a smoking habit, are most susceptible to anxiety and other vegetative vascular diseases. Therefore, an important condition for getting rid of panic attacks is to abandon bad habits.
Abandon destructive plants
Often, panic attacks are connected with such installations. They prevent adequate perception of reality, as well as hinder interact with the outside world. In the struggle with anxiety disorders is important to learn to let go of negative thoughts. In this difficult task can help:
- Meditation.
- Technique passive muscle relaxation.

Their action is the brain during a session settles, removes the internal and external voltage. An additional plus: the classes do not require a cash outlay, special skills and a lot of time. They may well be engaged at home in a comfortable environment for yourself.
To cope with the general anxiety
Psychologists have proved that the general anxiety may occur long before the first attack of fear. Wanton excitement prevents to live normally, work, communicate and eventually becomes chronic. Get rid of this unpleasant condition will exercise (Sports or fitness), the rejection of strong coffee or other caffeinated beverages that can trigger anxiety, and positive thinking and rejection of negative thoughts.
Get rid of stress
Stress - it's not just the external situation (dismissal, quarrel with relatives), but the reaction to them. That's why people respond differently to the same moments. To cope with stress can help the following tips:

- Regularly practice yoga or meditation. Such exercises help relieve feelings and inner discomfort.
- exposure method. During the attack, many people are afraid of any place (fear to be in the subway, shops and so on. D. ). Help cope with the illness frequently visit these very places.
- It is not necessary to resist attacks. In this case, the method will help samurai. He is concentrating on his condition, pay attention to the rapid breathing and palpitations, easy to treat dizziness or tinnitus, because this attack is completely safe for human health.
- Getting rid of suspense repeat panic attack. We need to understand that negative thoughts only provoke more intense fear.
- Eliminating stress state. This will help a great diaphragmatic breathing. As well as exercises in which you want to direct attention to the relaxation of various parts of the body (neck, arms, legs).
- Changing the reaction. Do not be afraid of panic attacks. It is important to learn how to calmly and with love to make their attacks. After all, the fear only provokes deterioration.
In this way, get rid of this disease can be. The main thing is to comply with all the recommendations, as well as regular and systematic practice meditation.