Even on the small garden there is a place for the bow. It has a lot of vitamins, can not do without, and adding it to the dish has become indispensable.
But gardeners and horticulturists are regularly faced with the problem of pests. Onion fly (Delia antigua) - it is capable of in a short time to reduce the yield of green onion and vegetables on there. Fighting it becomes a matter of honor for any gardener.
- Description and way of life of the pest
- Symptoms of preventive and agronomic
- Traditional methods of struggle
- Onion midges in the apartment
Description and way of life of the pest
Often gardeners did not immediately determine the pest. To distinguish from the usual onion fly quite difficult if you do not know its special features. Size of onion flies are small - about 7 mm.
It is no different from the color of normal room "cousin", and is usually ash or yellow-gray color. But the danger is not the onion fly, and its larvae.
On average, female onion fly at a time can be postponed for more than 15 eggs for their lives - up to 70. Her eggs are greyish, size of about 1 mmThey have an elongated shape and shallow longitudinal recess.
A week after the postponement of the larvae of onion flies appear. Females prefer to lay their eggs near the bulb or directly on the plant. In the first week of life of the larvae reach a length of 8-10 mm. Since they are right next to the bottoms of the bulbs, then immediately bite into it. From this point the process can be considered as running, and to deal with the onion fly in the garden should be started immediately (unless, of course, the pest has not been seen before).
Larvae quickly get to the core and bulbs gnaw through it from the inside. The very next day the onion becomes soft and begins to rot and gets an unpleasant smell. After a few weeks, the larva goes underground and pupate there.
After 20 days, with the advent of onion has the most second-generation flies the process starts anew. At the stage of the emergence of second-generation insect pests output will be difficult, as their number has greatly increased. Therefore, it is important to detect the presence of the pest a bed even before the appearance of the first larvae.
Symptoms of preventive and agronomic
As mentioned above, the day after the defeat of the larvae of onion bulb begins to rot. Future flies suck all the juice and nutrients, and, of course, to use a bow is already unusable.
There are obvious signs of the appearance of the main pest in the garden:
bulb becomes soft and yellowed in section;
- feathers, as well as onions, begin to rot and turn yellow, wither on the tips;
- onion becomes strong odor.
In, do the following to prevent the emergence of onion fly (agrotechnical prevention):
- Onions planted in early spring, to allow the plant to grow strong until the onion fly;
- Not to plant onions in the same area more than once every three years;
- Be sure to clean the onion planting of weeds and loosening the earth to carry out at least once a week;
- It should not be too much to make watering plants;
- Feed plant in May of urea for the growth and strengthening of the bulb;
- Do not leave the damaged plant in soil, dig up and destroy them;
- For a month or more before planting soil liming process (this can be done after the harvest onion harvest);
- Often loosen the soil;
- Winter to clear snow to the ground promorz more - onion fly prefer to lay their eggs in the warm and neryhloy earth;
- Onions planted near tomatoes and carrots, t. To. The onion flies can not stand the smell of these vegetables.
If you follow these tips, you do not need to get rid of the flies from his garden.
Traditional methods of struggle
Folk remedies have always had a lot of popularity and demand, as they are tested for years. For many farmers the most common way to fight is ash wood oak. This folk remedy is especially effective after the rain.
The moisture increases the number of useful properties ash neutralize a certain amount of potassium and it reduces the amount of trace elements. Ash will need a lot, but do not feel sorry for her in this situation.
So, it is necessary abundantly (about a handful of ash per bulb) sprinkle with onion "from head to toe", Including the soil. Thus, due to the ash wood oak onion fly can not lay eggs in the soil.
Good rankings in the fight against onion fly and potassium permanganate. In most cases, gardeners prefer it as a means contains two very important components - potassium and manganese, by which the plants begin to grow actively.
The main advantage of manganese is that it not let the onion fly to the plants, and at the same time it kills all pathogens. But it is not necessary to use pure preparation, and in diluted form.
The proportions depend on the size of the treated area, but. as in the above method, better abundantly watered, sparing solution treating feathers and the soil itself. Watering begins with flowering cherries and It lasts for a month on a weekly basis.
One effective means of struggle against onion fly a saline solution. This method has a lot of good reviews because of its low cost and simplicity.
Normal table salt found in every home, with little need it. All the proportions and amount depend on the area of the onion beds. should be diluted in 10 liters of 200 g salt andwatering the earth only next to the plants, not the bulb. A few hours after this procedure, a bed sprinkled with ordinary clean water. Repeat can be about 10 days.
Onion midges in the apartment
Of course, the methods presented above, are not suitable for use in the apartment. The exceptions include ash wood oak. If there were lice on onion plants in the house, they can be easy to get rid of:
Mix the water with ash and use this solution as a watering for plants. It will not only scare away the flies, but also a positive impact on the indoor planting.
Often to control insects (including mosquitoes) offer a variety of sprays and fumigators.
Insects are very sensitive to smells, and onion gnat - is no exception. As repeller can be planted in a pot or eucalyptus use camphor - a white solid, which was used both in solid and in liquid form.
Typically, camphor is placed on a heated pan and leave it until then, until it evaporates completely. There camphor oil that can coat the doorways, jambs and window frames to midges and other insects do not fly into the house.
Camphor has a strong odor, which is just a few minutes is spread throughout the apartment. For a person of this material and its vapors are not harmful, but midges and other insects is certain destruction.
you can call the following method of "grandmother", as has long been popular, even though it is quite effective:
- Mark 50 g of conventional white sugar and mixed with black pepper.
- Stir the resulting mixture in a glass of milk.
- Promoknut paper in the mixture (Parchment can) and leave in a place where were last seen pests.
Onion flies, like many other insects, have the ability to adapt to the poisons. If they were in the house after the treatment, then you should try something new.
Thanks to the timely prevention and health "invasion" of these insects can be avoided, and, therefore, protect the long-awaited and desired yield.