Crafts for many years remained one of the most popular and inexpensive hobby. If you want to learn how craftswomen some universal direction, allowing you to create a wide variety of things, is to get acquainted with felting. The history of its origin and features of technology will be of interest to people of all ages. Although this form of art and there was already a long time, it is still popular among modern women.

- The story of feltinga
- Forms and felting materials
- Master class for beginners
The story of feltinga
Technique is a felting wool and allows you to create not only soft toys and home furnishings, but even jewelry, shoes. Sense feltinga to obtain a material of high density felt. This is only possible if the virgin wool is used, then its fibers can be interconnected.

This method of needlework was popular among the nomadic peoples, using felting craftsmen produced carpets and shoes, and sometimes even parts for mobile homes. After the disposal of the ancient people there was another kind of wool from which the knit wardrobe items. As felting crafts began to be used in the XVI century. In the XIX century it was created felting material machineAnd this has greatly simplified the work of masters.
Forms and felting materials
There are two main types of felting - dry and wet. In the first case wool pierced using special tools. This method allows you to create three-dimensional objects, such as soft toys. To implement the second option, in turn, must be a sufficient amount of soapy waterThrough which it will be able to create a fiber friction. This method is used for flat objects, such as towels, capes or panels.
It so happens that in order to create a certain product is used immediately two kinds of technology. For example, if the master makes a toy hare, his body is a dry method, and legs, ears and pieces of clothing - using the wet method. Dry felting easier than wet, so it is most often used by novices.
Handicraft need the following equipment:

- In the case of dry technology tools list remains the same no matter what kind of thing is planning to create a master. The material must be colored, rough or semi light in density, in any case, not spinning. Excessively thin threads to work will not work, since the needle hurt them. To create all kinds of toys baseless suit camel hair, and to decorate the finished creations optimal Semifine sheep wool or angora. Needles to felt need of special shape, with tiny indent at the bottom. If such a tool is thrust into the material, fibers will cling notches formed and weave. It is required to operate the thin, medium and thick needles, first need to be processed, the second - to create a form, and the most thin allow for correction. To protect your fingers, you can use thimbles. Do not forget about all kinds of decorative details: beads, ribbons, lace, and so on..
- To operate the wet method will need a tough mesh, for example, mosquito, or a veil. For convenience, it would be superfluous special mat for this technique and air-mosquito film.
Master class for beginners
To learn how to make beautiful felted things better to try to perform the most simple work, and then move on to something more complicated. For example, you can make a flower brooch,. To execute it, you will need wool, wire thickness 0.4 mm and thin needles. In addition, it is necessary to prepare the brush applied to foundations, PVA glue, scissors, acrylic lacquer, small beads of 7-10 mm in diameter, buckle for brooches and a soap solution. The sequence of actions is as follows:

- First, a wire frame for brooches make a sheet. After the lock of the green, which is under the frame-based, start pierced with needles. A piece of material should be only slightly greater than the sheet size. Next, the wool should be inverted and repeated puncturing, since processing is carried out from two sides.
- After the workpiece over a wire frame and with the help of needles make out the edge. Shade sheet can be more natural, if you add a coat of dark green color. The difference between shades of much did not stand out, it is possible to iron sheet iron.
- To make the stalk, it is necessary to stick a particle swirling wool on the wire. Twigs are formed of white wool, which is placed in the middle of the bead. The ball is placed in a soapy solution and rolled in their hands. If there is a thread stand out, they are best cut with scissors for nail. Cut off the tip of a ball and making incisions 8, you can get a flower. Finished buds were placed in a mixture of water with an acrylic lacquer. After that, it remains only to string all the blanks on the wire, if necessary, tightening the material and creating a core. To lock the product, the glue is applied.
At the end of a branch, leaf and fasten the clasp.
Felting - a very interesting technique that allows you to create a variety of original and beautiful things. Learn felting wool and everyone can, just need a little patience.

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