The venerable age of civilization Celestial causes isolation of the unique Chinese culture. Though China and supported trade with neighboring countries, but never borrowed anything from the strangers. Chinese culture, architecture and design fascinated Europeans greedy for exotic antiquity. This led to the fashion of Eastern subjects of a life, which from the end of the XVII century has spread worldwide. Love for Chinese culture was called "Chinoiserie" and instantly spread among architects, artists and even cooks and tailors.
- History of style
- Distinctive features
- To fit
Color and material finishes
- Floor
- Walls
- ceilings
- Furniture
- Accessories and textiles
- Chinese living
- Kitchen Design
- Bedroom
- conclusion
History of style
In Europe, Chinese products have become part of the fashion in the XVIII century. In wealthy homes were collecting expensive Chinese porcelain, the poor also decorated their homes with Chinese exotic crafts. In the 18th century English furniture master Thomas Chippendale began to actively enter into its interior furniture elements Chinese style - grids, trims, etc.

A little later, before susceptible to all new European minds and reached three thousand Taoist doctrine Feng Shui, has set the goal to find space and used for the benefit of human health of streams Qi energy. Developed by philosophers and sages system of the 5 elements to classify everything that surrounds a person, including the man himself. Attribute elements calculated degree of harmony in a particular room and calculated methods of its increase.

Of course, you can not mix one-sided arrangement of the rich Chinese culture of living space only with the teachings of Feng Shui. Had on her influence and historical events. For example, 2 well-known dynasty of Chinese rulers of the Qing and Ming left their mark on the design of palaces and houses. If the Qing style is characterized by a warm palette and massive decor, the style of the Ming more minimalist and restrained. That it is dominated by the now traditional for China's red, black, white.

The basis of modern Chinese style - the idea of the unity of opposites, to maintain a balance, merge Yin / Yang and the harmony of light and darkness.
Distinctive features
What elements of the Chinese style will not be mistaken in his identification of:
- Only rounded soft lines, if there are sharp corners, it is extremely rare;
- key materials - bamboo, hardwood (original - sandalwood), marble (used for countertops), and silk course abundant ceramics - figurines, vases, dishes;
- Traditional Chinese decor embodied in calligraphy, large and small sculptures of Buddha and animals of natural stone, lacquer painting, natural Chinese carpets, national works painting;

- zoning used plot painted picture screen or grid made of bamboo;
- straightforward and simple furniture is designed to serve the basic needs of the owner. However, it is made of precious wood, then decorated with national ornaments and varnished.
As for colors, they are selected depending on the functionality of the room:
- red symbolizes masculinity;
- Black is considered a symbol of rebirth, and thus - the feminine;
- White - a symbol of immortality, purity and eternity;
- Yellow symbolizes power;
- green - energy.

To fit
Chinese style in the interior - the choice of the people relaxed, both conservative and non-ordinary. It is suitable for those who like bright colors, refined connoisseurs of philosophy, creative people. They will be happy to put it into its housing connoisseurs of luxury and exotic oriental accessories.
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Color and material finishes
Chinese interior design has to introduce bold colors. One of the most popular colors in China - red. The Chinese believe that red - the color of well-being, the color of good fortune. As the accent color can be used gold, yellow, blue.

However, nothing terrible will happen if you decide that the red will affect you exciting. Instead, it is possible to equip a brown background, perfectly combined with cream, beige and milky. These colors are often found in modern interiors China. The rest of the housing must meet the canons of house style - a minimum of simple, but expensive furniture, a sufficient number of colorful decoration.
The main requirement for the floors in the Chinese style - simplicity and brevity that has successfully expressed in materials such as light wood or ceramic tile. The ceremonial room and bedroom one must have rich Chinese red carpet required. However, the red carpet is not limited to the decoration in the living room floor.

Carpet weaving in China for more than two and a half thousand years. Carpet weaving is from China came to other countries (eg India). Beautiful silk and wool rugs were hand craftsmen. Special decor always distinguished carpets from China: dragons and lotus flower, the symbol of Yin and Yang, herons, tigers, characters and a variety of floral designs.
The possibility of registration of walls in an apartment in oriental style the most diverse. Modern finishing materials manufacturers produce entire line combined Chinese-style wallpaper. The traditional approach to the interior in China is based on the laws of Feng Shui. Harmony in the house comes through the visual style - so reads the main Chinese treatise.

Housing should always be well lit - so there are light-colored wallpaper. Create them from natural materials: bleached paper, bamboo. The patterns on the wallpaper have a lot of detail, as they are created specifically for a prolonged contemplation:
- yin-yang brings harmony in the home and peace of mind;
- spectacular dragon signifies wisdom and goodness;
- actively exploited in the finishing image of plants and trees: bamboo leaves, bonsai, cherry blossoms - unchanging image in the decoration;
- for decoration often used characters - they are graceful and sometimes philosophical meaning.

Not necessarily on the wall to hang wallpaper. Painting of walls in light colors are also quite a popular option for the Chinese interior. One but... The walls should be decorated with ornate decor. Part of the decoration of the walls in the Chinese style - a huge Chinese silk carpets with fine flowery pattern. They contain genre and narrative scenes from the life of the Chinese people, pictures of animals and even poetry. Often they met in the homes of the nobility and the wooden panel with elegant carvings.
However, a rather expensive silk decor today successfully replaced not less popular painting walls. The history of Chinese painting goes back centuries to 8000 years. Murals religious movement spread in China during the Han and Qin dynasty. And in the era of the Tang began to appear first domestic subjects.

Plots for decorating can be very different: characters, mountains, bizarre trees and flowering plants, birds and dragons, pagodas, the phenomena of nature. The dominant color on the walls is red and yellow - the colors of fire, which represent inspiration and development. For a more low-key figures, you can use brown shades. According to Feng Shui wall in such colors will attract in the house wealth and good fortune.
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Of course, in the modern home, you can use an ordinary tensioning simple and smooth fabric ceiling. You may want to put on it the image in Chinese style - cherry blossoms, dragon or a few characters. This ceiling will create the necessary mood and complement the style.

It is possible to give preference to gypsum ceiling, through which you can also create multi-level structure. A very important rule for the ceiling in Chinese style - the symmetry. Even multi-level design must be symmetrical.
To emphasize the specificity of style lamps help in the form of a light white balls of rice paper (or imitation). Place them on a possible ceiling levels, combining with modern more efficient spotlights. Can be purchased at specialty stores that sell products from the East large Chinese wooden fixtures with glass inserts painted and decorated with red tassels and fringe.

Furniture in China, created for centuries and was inherited. Therefore, there are 2 types of furniture - a cheaper bamboo (although most are the poor peasants and craftsmen and do in China furniture is not used, and lived on mats), and more expensive - simple in form, but made of expensive breeds tree. Today furniture can be made from inexpensive rocks and lined with maple, cherry, oak.
Whatever may be the simplest form of furniture, but it is sure to sign it by hand or masters decorated with carvings. Painting is usually contained genre scenes, images of birds or historical events. Dark red, black, dark green - the basic background colors for furniture.

Prerequisite arrangement of furniture is the principle of symmetry, for the expression of which were acquired paired objects. Table with 2 chairs on the sides symbolize love, happiness and prosperity. If the room hang paintings or silk carpets, then under them, too, I set the table with a couple of chairs.
Cases were also installed in rooms in pairs opposite each other. Cabinet fronts specially made pure, to be able to give free rein to imagination of the artist. The images on the cabinets were often auspicious nature, such as flowering peach tree meant a wish of longevity, the dragon - power, peony flowers - nobility.

To create an authentic atmosphere in the office can be purchased at a specialty store (usually such a stylized furniture is antique shops) table for calligraphy. Usually it has a special sloping panel. Frequent pieces of furniture in Chinese style - wide couches with a small tea table on curved lower legs. All that is possible - tables, tables, chests of drawers, shelves adorned with vases of flowers.
Accessories and textiles
style feature is that the long curtains and drapes popularity in China is not used. The windows from the inside of the partition were decorated with ornate, intricate details. Curtains hung only on the bottom of the window. There was a time when the windows were closed just inside the thinnest rice paper. Modern Chinese-style curtains should not create obstacles to the sunlight. Translucent, expensive, very simple cut, they should just flow down. No swags should not be here.

The walls, however, were decorated with the finest scarlet silk, on the floors adorned with red carpets and low furniture decorated with shiny gold pillows. Textile accessories can fulfill the role of color accents. Pillows could be blue, yellow or green tones with black and gold pattern. For textiles can be attributed, and a screen covered with the finest painted cloth, serving to delimit the zones in the room.
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Chinese living
Living in the Chinese style - a grand room for receiving guests. Everything here has to be rich, beautiful and solemn. For floors suitable light parquet or laminated wood. The walls are glued over the bamboo or paper wallpaper with pictures of traditional Chinese painting. Excellent in a solemn ceremonial style fits finish wood paneling and even bamboo fabric.

Furniture here should be the minimum amount. It is important to keep the room space. The best option - a low table for tea, a small sofa, elegant shelves or shelves with vases and other accessories, chairs with soft seats and a couple of chairs. As a final touch the room to be filled with decor that will make it original and unique.
Cult thing for the Chinese interior - an aquarium. If the home pond koi bred Chinese, the aquarium usually swim their analogues - goldfish. With the help of fine porcelain veshchichek, bells, paintings with hieroglyphs you will bring to your interior a special color.

Kitchen Design
For a small kitchen wall design can be selected in light colors - light beige or cream, which does not exclude the presence of important color style - red and black. Dark red furniture fronts and black kitchen apron as well as possible to emphasize the interests of the owner of the east. Good will fit into the interior kitchen stone countertops.

In the kitchen, in the Chinese style just needs to be a lot of decoration. This can be Buddha figurines or animals, kits for tea, flashlights tissue paper painted with a flower vase. By the way, artificial cherry twigs enliven the interior. The walls will be well looked narrow-painted paintings with Chinese landscapes and poetic quatrains.
Bedroom issue in the Chinese style is not easy. The thing is that traditional beds in China - it is literally a room in the room. They have their own roof and the fence around the edges, covered with rich textiles and ensures complete privacy sleeping. There is such a bed is often in the middle of the room. Of course, to implement such a luxury in a small room will not succeed.
If you can not make a major element of style to the room, you can use a variety of decorations that accentuate her stylistic affiliation - to put a screen, cut off the place for changing clothes, hang above the bed huge fan with the image of flying Cranes. It is worth to hang pictures on the wall or a picture of a lotus - a flower symbolizes perfection and harmony.

Above the headboard often hang canvas painted up to the ceiling, but in modern interiors, they are often replaced by glass. However, it is possible to take place with photo wallpapers with the image of dragons or curves pines growing on top of a rocky cliff. Well it fits into the interior high multicolored lamps of bamboo and rice paper, and high floor vases.
Create a Chinese flavor in his house with his own hands is not the easiest event, but the subsequent effect reward the worker hundredfold. Chinese style - life-affirming, wise and very positive. It is soft, pleasant and very harmonious. If you can not create one using the expensive furniture, it is possible to achieve the same effect using the decor, finishes and accessories.