The children's diaper can be useful for colors: magical miracle soil and special watering

Wine as a top dressing, mustard and garlic from pests, seedlings in the shell... Fantasy gardeners endless! But here so the move to present than flowers can be a useful baby diaper, it is difficult to even seasoned fans of the experiments. Of course, if you do not know about the almost magical properties of space-crosslinked polymers.

The children's diaper can be useful for flowers


  1. practical features
  2. magic soil
  3. Other methods of application

practical features

It sounds like the window XXV century. But no, everything is simple: the scientists assembled the behavior of pectin in jams, and came up with gel. And there is something about the structure of cross-linked in the space added to the importance. In practice a three-dimensional array of moleculesBetween which a void - that's it, and fills the water. Polymers are different, but good for the flowers that in diapers - he is able to absorb and release moisture without being destroyed over the years.

Young parents probably know the popular toy - colorful balls Orbeez, which strongly swell on contact with water. They are also used in crop production, as well as garden hydrogel.

Added into the soil, this polymer works wonders:

How to make ground with a hydrogel of the diaper
  • perfectly absorbs excess moisture - roots cease to rot;
  • It gives water only when the land dries up, saturating the plant as needed;
  • the soil retains moisture longer, not drying up, even if the pot is placed next to the battery;
  • nutrient components does not leach during irrigation;
  • It improves the structure of the porous clay and soil, contributing to the accelerated growth of the roots.

In addition, it enhances the aeration - earth breathes, does not cake.

magic soil

A method use of the diaper in the garden

Normal children's diaper can be useful for home colors no less than Orbeez and hydrogel. Previously advised to put the diaper on the bottom of the pot instead of draining. But this method does not work anymore, as modern children's "panties" and really leave the ass dry, ie not release moisture back.

Much more effective working miracle soil! It will reduce the frequency of watering three times and accelerate growth, especially if the plant is sensitive to changes in humidity. And even more do not have to ask a neighbor to look after the home garden, while the family is on vacation. Prepare a mixture useful for flowers is easy:

The diaper in horticulture
Terms of use of diapers in the garden and the garden
  1. Put a diaper in a bowl, pour into it a couple of glasses of water and let soak. Sometimes it is recommended to first remove the "internal", but the dry dusty pulp strongly.
  2. Cut, shift the contents into a bowl. A little more to pour and mix well, to lie down. If pour into dry ground filler content after watering swollen displace the soil from the pot.
  3. Mix wonderful loose "snow" with the earth: clay or light dusty 1: 1, the normal 1: 2. The remaining excess gel is stored in a freezer.

Now you can repot the plant in the usual way - by handling in a pot bigger. At the bottom layer of the resulting mixture is put: ≈ 3 cm for small and 5-7 cm for large pots, fill all voids.

If the transplant is not possible, in the ground pits and fill them with the mixture. It remains to pour the flower and make sure the diaper is really useful: expected rapid growth, always fresh green leaves and vigorous plant species even in the winter!

Other methods of application

The hydrogel are wonderful cut flowers - the water does not go bad, do not rot stems from a surplus of moisture. For aesthetics in a vase placed only wetted absorbent, non-mixing in the soil. The gel can add food coloring. He will transform not only translucent "icicles", but also buds, enhancing or changing their color.

Very useful baby diaper for flowers and other plants in the country. Gel "snow" is ideal for rooting cuttings, Transport of seedlings and seed germination. Easy miracle soil is ideal for growing seedlings of flowers and most vegetables. If admix it to flower beds or lawn soil, saying about what the neighbors grass is always greener, will cease to be true:

How to make a ground with the contents of the diaper hydrogel
  • even heavy rain does not flood the beds;
  • after a little rain the moisture will remain for a long time within the root system;
  • watering flower beds will be 3-5 times less;
  • stop fertilizer leached deep into the soil;
  • no longer need to travel to the country only for watering plants in pots and vases.

Although many diapers hardly accidental lying around the house. For holiday needs is more appropriate agricultural hydrogel. It should be decent, but spent sparingly and works up to 5 years. A portion that is not covered strange spot color, the top layer of soil must be ordinary soil.