Getting rid of a hangover with the help of life hacking at the post-holiday morning: food and beverages, pharmaceuticals

Perhaps everyone is faced with a situation where alcohol woke up after a fun party with unpleasant symptoms in the form of a terrible headache and a feeling of nausea. It is therefore necessary to understand what there life hacking on post-holiday morning to get rid of a hangover.

How to get rid of a hangover: life hacking at the post-holiday morning


  1. The use of drugs
  2. water and food aid
  3. other methods

The use of drugs

Get rid of the unpleasant symptoms will help some drugs. The most effective ones:

vitamin B6
  1. vitamin B6. Helps increase the enzymatic activity of the liver, the tablets simply defused alcohol and other impurities. To improve enough to take 100 grams of the substance.
  2. sedative. These drugs relieve from heart palpitations that accompany any hangover. After taking leave anxiety and irritability. It is best to give preference to herbal sedative fees, such as valerian tincture or Leonurus.
  3. painkillers. If there are symptoms such as headache, you can take paracetamol or ibuprofen. But do not get too carried away by them, as they have a negative effect on the stomach and liver, which are already affected by the drinking of alcohol.

All these funds will no doubt improve the state. But still it is necessary to resort to the last.

water and food aid

You can eliminate hangover symptoms with ordinary water and some food. The most effective of these are:

Mineral water
  1. Mineral water. Thirst always accompanies a hangover, so it is important to drink plenty of fluids. It is best to give preference to non-carbonated beverages. In this case, the alcohol out of the body, and it will be replaced by clean water.
  2. Brine perfectly helps to quench your thirst. In addition, it will help restore the water and electrolyte balance in the blood.
  3. Milk. Can be made broth at its basis, it cleans the liver from harmful toxins and restore it.
  4. Natural honey can help normalize blood sugar levels, which usually breaks down after taking a dose of alcohol.

It should be noted that in no case can not be pohmelyatsya. It is only at the time improve the condition, but the next day it will be much worse.

other methods

Get rid of the holiday hangover can be other ways. The easiest way to get some sleep. The fact is that this is usually a painful condition lasts no longer than a day. And the easiest way to survive the 24 hours it was in a dream.

It is important to remove any irritants. These include bright lights and loud noises.

How to get rid of a hangover

It really helps to get rid of a hangover walk in the fresh air. This is because during exercise endorphins are produced, and they, in turn, elevate mood and significantly accelerate the elimination of alcohol from the body.

Another life hacking, which improve the state - is a douche. Toxins can leave the body through the pores, and contrasting water will cause them to act more quickly.