Soaking - one of the most common causes of failure of modern mobile devices. There are a number of emergency measures to rescue the soaked device. These measures need to be taken immediately if the phone was in the water. In this case, it is possible to restore its function without costly repairs.

- Urgent measures
- Disassembly and removal of moisture
- The assembly process
Urgent measures
People drop their phones in sinks, tubs, in a puddle in the street, sent to the washing machine along with the clothes, throw them tea, coffee and other liquids. No matter how it gets wet on the instrument, the result in most cases is the same. It will stop working.
However, this situation is not a reason to throw away the device and go for the purchase of a new one. In some cases, it is possible to return to work. The probability of recovery options depend on the following factors:
- Telephone brand;
- type of liquid, its temperature;
- the time during which the apparatus is in the soaked condition.

If this happens, do not look for solutions to the problem on the Internet. They can give people who are not versed in the intricacies of modern mobile phones. It is better to follow the recommendations of experts.

They advise how to remove the device quickly from the liquid to avoid oxidation of radio. Check the function by clicking on the different buttons, in any case impossible. This will cause a short circuit and the final damage.
If the unit gets wet is not in plain water, and coffee, tea or liquid salt, it it is recommended to rinse with water very quickly. Otherwise, the salt will corrode the contacts and the details of the sugar stick together. The remaining water must be removed with a towel and paper napkins.
Then required to remove all removable elements (battery, a flash card) and also their wet cloth. Devices having non-removable battery on their own can not be repaired. Will have to seek the help of professionals.
Disassembly and removal of moisture

If wetting was small, you can put the device in the rice or salt. These products are well-pull moisture. After a few hours worth of his turn. Sometimes it helps.
But it is best to dismantle the phone and allow internal parts to dry thoroughly. If the model is disassembled, then dismantling it should have no problem. It needs to unwind fasteners and pull out of it all that is possible. It should be done very carefully, remembering details and location algorithm for disassembly. At each stage, it is recommended to take a photo or a sketch. This will simplify the assembly process.
All released details also need to be dried with a towel or napkins. Chips, cables and contacts (if they succeed to reach) to gently dry cotton swab. A good option - to use a special liquid pulls moisture. It is sold in small cans.

If this fluid is not recommended to place the unit in a disassembled refrigerator, equipped with the system «No frost». It must be done as follows:
- Wipe all of the phone with a cotton pad soaked in alcohol.
- Put the appliance on for half an hour in the refrigerator. The freezer can not be put.
- Get, wet excess moisture.
The same procedure should be repeated three times. Modern refrigerators have built-in fan and evaporator. It is due to them will remove the water remaining on the contacts and chips.
Finally, dry the device will help the vacuum cleaner. It is necessary to put on his narrow nozzle and blow through each hole for at least five minutes. Some craftsmen used for these purposes, hair dryer. Do this in any case should not beOtherwise all the details oplavyatsya, the phone will have to be discarded. The same thing happens if you put it on a hot battery.
The assembly process

Immediately collect the device is not necessary after the removal of water. It is recommended to leave it in a disassembled state in a warm dry place. In this case, it may again be useful in Fig. Positioning device in groats follows so that the fine particles do not fall into the hole.
In this state, the phone you want to leave at least 2-3 days. Sometimes the process can take up to one week. After this time, you can test the functionality of the device. To do this, place all the parts according to the diagram or photo. Particular attention should be paid to the battery. If there are even slight traces of oxidation, it is better not to use it, and replace with a new one.
When the need to look at the display. If he still perspiring, it is necessary once again to disassemble the machine, place it in a dry place for two days, and then assemble. After that, everything should work. The life of your phone after such measures may be different. Some models are successfully operating for years, while others break down after a couple of days.

If these measures do not bring the desired effect, please contact the service center. Tighten with this not worth it. The earlier a specialist diagnoses the breakdown, the higher are the chances of its elimination. This is especially true of touch models. They have a fairly sophisticated device and the operating principle, to repair them yourself is very difficult.
Soaking is not classified as warranty claims, so repair services on your phone in any case will have to pay. The amount is determined in each case individually. It depends on the phone version.