Commuter trains a few million people use every day. Someone in a hurry to work, someone is going to the country with boxes favorite seedlings or simply want to learn more about nearby cities and attractions. 5 people gathered life hacking, that will make the trip more comfortable in the train.

Secrets for trains
A trip on the train, you can do a lot more enjoyable if you know and use some practical secrets. These include:

- Fresh schedule. Brochure with departure times and flights can be purchased in the train car. But a printed version can not be correct because of frequent changes in the schedule. Get up to date information possible in a special boat in the Telegram. To do this, just need to know the station of departure and arrival locations.
- Warm place. Current models of commuter trains are equipped with climate control. Recent developments maintain a constant temperature at each point in the carriage. With older models, things are different. Keep warm during the cold months will help at landing places ED2T, ET2M and ER2, which are located directly above the furnace.
- "The ticket is leaving to". Total for 100-120 rubles, you can get a card at the box office commuter trains, allowing the platform to go back and forth for an hour. The magnetic card must be returned to the cashier and exchanged for the amount spent. Keep in mind that after 60 minutes, the ticket will be forfeited return the money has not come out.
- At any station can be free to use restroom with a valid ticket. Suffice it to show it to the staff at the entrance to the toilet.
- Less noise and shaking. People forced to move by train daily, noticed that the cars that have not raised collectors, noise is much strongerThan those where they are directed upwards.
Looking closely, it can be seen that such carriages alternate with each other.
Life hacking for trains
Traveling by train domestic production - extreme entertainment in itself. But the romance of the road has not been canceled. Brighten up a few hours or a few days of travel help a few tips:

- the composition of power supply system is not always stable. To charge your phone or tablet, use power strips with extension, equipped with overload protection.
- In a way you should always have a moist antibacterial wipes for the treatment of the surface of the shelves and desk, as well as hand sanitizer, which is recommended to use as often as possible.
- Documents and money is best kept in a small bag underwear. Even if the luggage is lost, the first necessity items will remain in place.
- If the passengers during the journey concerned persons who are intoxicated, you should contact the staff composition. After the first warning of their obligation to remove from the route.
Despite the variety of vehicles, commuter trains are one of the most popular ways to travel.
Using multiple life hacking will make the trip more comfortable and enjoyable.