How to make a Christmas tree out of the wrappers

How to make a Christmas tree out of the wrappersIt is approaching the most beloved children's holiday - New Year. It's time to start preparing. Unchangeable character of the main winter holiday - of course, herringbone. The aroma of pine needles, tangerines and chocolate... Chocolate? What remains in large numbers after the children's holidays? Of course, candy wrappers. And let's not throw out a bright wealth! New Year is coming - and that means the time to collect candy wrappers!!! Let's try to make Christmas tree made of paper, or rather, from the wrappers.

How to make a Christmas tree out of the wrappersRun a Christmas tree can be within hours. Articles made of candy wrappers always are bright and festive. And even the smell of chocolate and sweets adjusts to the desired fashion.

Materials for the work: cardboard, wrappers from candy, scissors, stapler and foil.

So, the basis of the articles made of candy wrappers is a blank - a butterfly. This work can be entrusted with the child: the little fingers Practice not only deploy the candy, but also smooth out the wrapper, and then give it a new shape. We'll have to try a lot of butterflies need.

And if Christmas Tree will be colored, there is also a sort have on several grounds. Kind of training fine motor skills and logical thinking.

How to make a Christmas tree out of the wrappersFrom cardboard cut out a triangular silhouette of Christmas trees. Better to take the height of 20-30 cm. There is where the "roam", but not yet tired. For the youngest artists can make mini Christmas tree from several wrappers. The main thing - to give the desired shape wrappers that can not just slide candy wrappers.

Stapler to attach bows, of course, will be an adult. Why stapler? Quickly and conveniently, securely. And wrappers really paper, which will be well and quickly stuck not so much. Although there is another option attachment using double-sided tape. Adult paste tape, baby - puts rows wrappers - butterflies.

Row upon row of beautiful Christmas attire spread.

Rows wrappers attach so that the next row of closed mounting position of the previous "overlap".

Herringbone wrappers of every kind of turn. You can take the same candy wrapper, you can try to make a "striped" Christmas tree, you can try to attach a bright-colored wrappers in the form of garlands and so on. D.

How to make a Christmas tree out of the wrappersIt remains to attach the most important attribute of the Christmas tree - a bright star. Her we fashion a foil without scissors. Putting a square of foil (several layers), nadorvom not until the end of lines converging toward the center, then we will form a ray of a few. All. You can attach a star. Our Christmas Tree made of paper ready.

Thus, the hack is performed with the help of simple materials that exist in every home. There is an opportunity not only to make a Christmas crafts, but also to the benefit of a cheerful evening with her child, And yet - feel that the New Year is just around the corner.