Handmade is at the peak of popularity. Many women are choosing jewelry is not made of precious metals, and natural stone and other natural materials. Very interesting is the epoxy resin jewelery. For its manufacture use different flowers and leaves, beautiful insects, seashells, crystals. Such decoration can be done independently, needlewoman create entire compositions, it all depends on your imagination. How did made such jewelry?

- Materials for
- Tips on making
- workflow
Materials for
First of all, you should get the necessary materials. You will need:
- epoxy resin;
- dry plants or other material from which you want to make a decoration;
- disposable cups;
- Fittings for the decoration of finished jewelry (fasteners, hooks, frame for pendants, chain or rubber cords);
- orange skewer for mixing the resin;
- special silicone mold;
- standard medical syringes;
- latex gloves;
- respirator;
- varnish finished articles;
- a small drill and attachments for grinding.
Tips on making
That working conditions were comfortable, should be engaged in the manufacture of jewelry in a well-ventilated area and respirator use, since the epoxy resin has a sharp chemical smell and breathe her couple is harmful to health. So better to lay a cling film, so as not to stain the surface.
Also it recommended to do wet cleaning, because dust can settle on the product and spoil its appearance.

The leaves need to be dried well in advance. To do this, they carefully laid out between the pages of books. If you are going to use the whole flower buds, then picking them from the stems, through which you need to thread. Then hang them in a dark space, for example, in the closet and leave it for three to four weeks, after which the plants will be ready for use.
Most often, to create a decoration of an epoxy resin selected following plants: dandelions, daisies, hydrangea, petals or small buds of roses, cornflower, clover, buttercup, cockle and others.

When creating a resinous mass, must be strictly observed on the package itself proportions of resin and hardener, otherwise, the liquid will incorrect consistency. Ingredients gain in disposable syringes without needles and mixed in a plastic beaker.
The mixture should be thoroughly disturb the wand to the desired thickness, avoiding the formation of air bubbles.
Flowers, shells, and other materials beautifully spread in the silicone container that is called Molde. They come in different forms: in the form of rings, spheres, pendant, bracelet, cube, etc. Molds must first wash with soap and water and thoroughly wipe off with paper towels. After the composition of a natural material is laid, is poured into the mold an epoxy resin.
The product ostalyayut 25-40 hours for solidification, then carefully removed from the mold.

The edges of the decoration are treated, using a drill by using a nozzle with fine abrasive coating. Holes for fasteners make this instrument too, but with a thin drill. You can grind the product ordinary nail file, but in this case, the process will take much more time and the result will be less accurate.
At the end of decoration is coated with a thin layer of lacquer, after which drying can attach accessories.
Products made of epoxy resin can not be cleaned with alcohol-containing liquids, and it is better not to keep them for a long time in the sun.
Making such decorations is a great possibility hobby and express their imagination. You will receive the original product in a single copy, which you can wear the most, as well as to give to friends and family as gifts or mascot.