Creativity helps children develop imagination and creativity. In the sixth year of life, creating crafts with their hands promotes perseverance, accuracy and responsibility of the baby. Children eagerly carved gifts for loved ones, and embody the methods available to them interesting subjects. To help realize the creative intention, parents can show the younger generation 5 kinds of crafts that are easy to master a six-year child.

- Application materials
- Using plasticine
- Weaving gum
Application materials
In six years, the baby can be entrusted scissors and glue. Accommodation details on the basis of complexity is not for preschoolers and first graders. If you draw shapes desired shape while it is difficult for the children, you can give them as a raw material old magazines, coloring books, covers of notebooks and albums.

Children enthusiastically used in the work of an ordinary hole punch. Circles of colored paper are an excellent material for applications in the form of a mosaic. If the home is not a tool, it can be shown crumbs, how to create a picture of the small fragments.
other materials:
- cereals;
- autumn leaves and dried flowers;
- wool;
- thread.
When the baby confidently master the technique of a simple application of the paper, it is necessary to acquaint him with the methods of the facing and quilling. For products produced sets of finished paper strips, eliminating the process of routine manipulations.
Using plasticine

for sculpting materials opens up a wide space for creative experimentation. For use by children is the most popular clay. It can be used for modeling on their own or combined with other raw materials. It allows interconnect natural materials firmly holds twigs, paper tubes and shapes.
To hack is preserved for a long time, may be replaced by clay dough for sculpting. If requests of the young creator require a lot of material, it is easy to make at home.
By the process, it is desirable to involve the child, especially the kids like experimenting with dyes. A little less docile, but attractive for kids option is clay.
Plasticine, you can draw on paper. Contours of pattern are filled with the required weight smeared color. For this type of needlework is better to choose a soft material, such as wax. Surfaces primed plasticine further possible to give the structure, holding various objects thereto.
Weaving gum

High popularity among girls is gaining lumigurumi. Technique similar to crochet, but instead of thread used bright thin gum. They are well-drawn and more obedient than a thread. Weave allows a child to quickly and easily produce key chains, ornaments and figurines.
Simple bracelets can be done without additional tools. More convenient to use a special plastic plug and hook with a wide head. If needlewoman seriously carried away lumigurumi, you can buy a special machine.