Every year the number of people choosing as hobby crafts, growing and growing. This method allows you to not only relax and distract from various everyday problems, but also to express themselves in creative work. One of the most popular works of the hands is ganutell. Principles of technology and selection of ideas will be useful and interesting to many masters.

- Features crafts
- History of technology
- Types and master class
- Professional advice
Features crafts

To work in the style most often used ganutell only 2 material: thread and wire. Wizard can add to inventory all possible means of decoration as necessary: buttons, beads, and other elements that will make the product more beautiful and original.
Most often made earrings and flowers in this technique. The main advantage of this craft that does not need to be an expert to make a beautiful product of the wire. In this case, all that is necessary to be able to easily find work in almost every home. Quite often, wizards make orchids, but we can show more imagination and come up with something a little more unusual.
To understand all the intricacies of technology can have a couple of months after the beginning of her studies. After that, some talented needlewoman has given master-classes, allowing you to get a good extra income.
History of technology
Ganutell appeared before the onset of the 17th century in Brazil. It all started with the fact that people began to wind algae and different roots of aquatic plants on the branches, and then dried them, obtained the original decoration. Of course, this was not yet the modern appliances, but only a premise, but eventually she found the current view.
Especially popular is the needlework was in Malta, including monasteries. The nuns were made similar decorations for his mansions. Crafts even got to the residence of the Pope, these flowers adorned the altar, which is very like a priest. After the technique has become known throughout the world. The name came from the Italian word canutiglia, which translates as "twisted thin thread."
Types and master class
Each artist will be able to choose for themselves the most appropriate technique. Total distinguish two main types of Ganutell:

- Traditional. This method means that the need to wind the thread onto the wire or fishing line. This kind of technology is ideal for the novice masters.
- refined. In this case, the beads worn on the wire. Technology is much more complicated conventional method, however, it allows you to perform a very spectacular and unusual crafts.
To learn how to create products in ganutell style, you start with something simple. You can try out the flowers.
This will require the following accessories:
- copper wire, 0, 5 mm thick and about 8 m long;
- strand of silk or floss iris;
- satin ribbon green color;
- base - needle or hook;
- scissors.
Make a flower able to even a child. Operation is as follows:

- It is necessary to cut off a couple of pieces of wire, 30-50 cm long and wound them on a substrate.
- The wire should be compressed and to give it the appearance of the spring, and then let go.
- You need to get a kind of "droplets", and then wrap them in a spiral filaments so that they have found the form of petals.
- The resulting petals should be connected in one pile, and from a green ribbon to make a stem. You can attach the beads in the middle of the petals.
Professional advice
Ganutell only seems simple technique, in fact, there are special techniques to improve the quality of the craft. Skilled craftsmen are divided into the following tips:

- There are not only the yarn right color, but also the materials, painted with paint for fabrics. If you use the second option, you can get a beautiful blur effect.
- It is not necessary to bend the wire, where it will be evident and look unattractive. It should be understood that bending the wire several times, it can be simply reversed.
- If you can not bend the wire, you can use the tool - wire cutters or pliers.
- It is better to cook the entire inventory in advance, so that after not think about where to get the tools you need. It is also important to consider the type of materials. For example, in the case of threads, it should be remembered that there is a thin, thick, giving to shine, and so on. D.
Ganutell - sophisticated technology, allowing you to create amazing things. However, before you do some crafts, all must be carefully thought out.
First, better to do something simple, and after trying his hand at a grandiose project.