Beading is considered a modern art of creating beautiful and original things. To create beauty, it requires perseverance, patience and beading scheme for the most-most beginners. There are several techniques of weaving with beads, which are recommended to learn the beginning of creative activity. With their help you can make any flower, a toy, an object of decoration.

- weaving techniques
- brick scheme
- Circle and parallel
- A cross and a tree
- Rose and Fenichka
- Creating toys
weaving techniques
To make a beautiful thing, you need to set a weaving scheme, buy a large glass beads. Beading for the very young and inexperienced is better to start with the volume of products. They do not require higher skills. To implement them spent a minimum of time.

There are some rules for selecting consumables:
- the color and shape of the beads should match the schema;
- the absence of defective parts;
- Bead number.
Newcomers better to use wire. She, in contrast to the fishing line, easy to simulate the contours of various objects. Additionally, it is recommended to buy a set of needles. Basic beading techniques: mosaic, brick, circle. Mosaic weaving is considered to be a simple method of manufacturing different products.

The principles of the scheme:
- Go to work on a single thread;
- number multiple of two beads;
- fourth web consists of an even number of beads of the first row;
- second row begins with a set of beads and then the other, but with the end of the level;
- dials the next bead, and the needle is passed through by the end of the 4 series.
A number of completed first strung on a thread member. It can break if made zigzag movement through all the levels.
brick scheme
Brick weave, unlike tile, turns in another direction, and requires a lot of time. Because of the similarity circuits are often used in a single product.

Beading on the brick pattern:
- the first row is made of five beads;
- are put on the yarn 2 pieces, and then 3;
- the needle passes through the second opposite weaving and 3 by the movement;
- needle 4 passes through the bead and then through 3, but in another direction.
The last step is carried out with respect to the beads 5. The needle is returned to its initial position and passes countercurrently through the score beads. the second row is expanded if necessary. To do this will need to add 2 pieces. After the stitch yarn is output from the other bead of the 2nd row.

If the dialed sixth needle with the thread is inserted downward through a bead 5, and is output through 4 the first two levels. Enhanced web is carried on the 2nd and 3rd levels, and it narrows after the fourth: the first two pieces are threaded, and is under the stitch yarn. Connected elements 6-7 in the fourth row, and the second and fifth levels are returned to the initial position.
Circle and parallel
Circular or French braiding you need to master to make animal or flower. For the base of the last element is used thick wire. On the basis of strung beads, and the bottom is attached a thin rod with beads. Two wires must be arranged in parallel, cementing them together with one curl. In this way, it turns ½ arc.

On the reverse side of another wire rod is fixed, which is fixed to the main shaft. To get a piece of paper, you need to weave several of these arcs. Their attachment alternates the top, then the bottom. The last row of wire is secured with two turns. About 0.5 cm end of the wire is bent into ornaments.
The child is easier to weave figures of animals on parallel technology. In such a case, the elements of the first two levels are threaded on one side and the other directed towards the first row, but in two parts level. Rows are attracted to the fishing line center. The tips are displayed on opposite sides of the toy. Using this technique can create a flat and solid products.

A cross and a tree
To create beautiful things will need the following supplies and tools: stones, beads, bracelets, necklaces, small and big needles, fishing line, wire, pencil, scissors, notebook in the box for schemes. To perform the steps correctly and beading, it is recommended to prepare a work area: table, lamp.
Newcomers should start with simple products - wristbands, flagella. They can be executed in the monastery style.

This weave is easily absorbed by the newcomers:
- On the line to put on 4 pieces.
- One end is threaded on either side of the last bead in the other direction. In this manner it is obtained a cross.
- To the right is put 1 piece, and the left - 2.
- The right end is threaded through the last bead.
Under the scheme need to weave a number of completion. Then, at the right end are put on 3 pieces. Subsequent weaving is performed so that the upper bead of the 1st series was the basis of a different level. Crafts continues on this principle to create the desired number of rows.

Beginners can quickly learn the technique of the tree of creation:
- Leaf cut wire pieces of 80 cm.
- It will take 7 cm green beads.
- From wire edge minimum spacing of 20 cm.
- Performed stranding of 3 pieces.
- Wire twisted zigzag.
Seven branches are joined in one composition. To a tree trunk it was not thin, need Floral tape, which is wrapped around the base. The resulting tree planted in a pot on the cast. You can draw a marker strips imitating birch bark.
Rose and Fenichka

Beginners can make their own hands a simple rose or violet. For the base of the flower need to cut the wire at 10 cm and stalk - 50 cm. On the base 5 are strung beads. 2/3 wire typed beads to form an arc. Bud consists of five arcs.
A similar scheme going petals. To make the acute form is recommended to connect them with the axis, keeping an angle of 45 degrees. In the next step is going to Rose. 3 petals are folded horizontally, but bent double. At the same time they are slightly bent outwards. To the middle is not scattered, the wire is compressed tightly. Petals primatyvayut to the stem by means of sewing yarns.
Another original decoration of beads is Fenichka. small beads are used to create it and the fishing line 2 of 3 cm in length. Decor transparent fishing line threaded through two. Then the beads are strung on a piece of fishing line separately. To make the core vdevayut two fishing line through the white beads. Each part is passed through the 2 blue beads. This principle is respected before the creation of the remaining units.
Creating toys
For just a toy crocodile belongs. It can be made of beads, if strictly follow a specific pattern. Pre wires are threaded through the dark-colored beads. This method creates a crocodile nose. To lock it using a parallel braiding in the center of the segment.

One end of line 2 is picked up the green beads, which are tightened to the spout. They entered the second segment of line. After fixing it turns the second level. The third row consists of 3 pieces, and 4 - four. In the fifth row alternate elements of green and other colors. Thus obtained crocodile eyes.
After the fifth series of the figure narrowed to three parts. To make the tabs, add two loops. Since the abdomen over the head, is added to the beads. Gradually tapering belly, and at the end of weave back legs. To create a tail will need 1 number of two beads, and at the end - one.
To make using beading complex products, it is recommended to master the technique of nodular: between the elements to tie knots, which gives flexibility and shape. Different animals are created using this technology.