Corrosion or destruction of the metal, is manifested in the form of iron oxide flying characteristic color called rust. Rust is formed by metal interactionContaining iron in its composition, with water. Appeared on the surface provokes further plaque corrosive destructive changes which detracts from the appearance and can lead metallic article unusable.
It is not necessary to throw away the rusted object, as this problem may well be right - there are ways to get rid of the rust on their own.
- rust removal
- acidic solutions
- scouring pastes
- electrolysis method
- ready chemicals
- mechanical abrasives
- Warnings and Tips
rust removal
make This product is suitable for useRemoving rust formed, can be at home. Rusty plaque successfully removed from everyday items, such as knives, the following home remedies or special preparation in industrial environments.
acidic solutions

The house is most convenient to use vinegar against rust, as this product is practically at all. To do so, immerse the rusty object in vinegar for some time, such as overnight. Then get and rub the rusted portion of rigid cloth or crumpled foil. You can use vinegar, but more effective is the apple.
Lemon juice or lime juice is also used for cleaning metal. It is necessary to pour salt on the problem of the knife, moisten with the juice, leave for a while, and then scrub plaque aluminum foil.
Phosphoric acid converts to rust or black iron phosphate coating which is easily removed. This chemical is not always at home in a pure form. Acid is found in small quantities in molasses and fizzy drinks cola. You can leave for a while rusty object in a container with cola and verify the results obtained.
Hydrochloric acid is readily corroded by rust. This aggressive liquid part of some household cleaners, which can rub the damaged metal object and leave on time.
Oxalic acid is present in the raw potato. It can be a few hours to leave the knife stuck into a potato. A root may be cut, the cut surface is sprinkled with soda and rub rusty portion. Thereafter, to complete the process with a metal sponge.
scouring pastes

The good effect gives a paste of baking soda. To this must be mixed with soda water to obtain the consistency of toothpaste, and then applied to the rusty knife and grind metal sponge. To achieve the desired result can repeat the process.
Another type of home paste - a paste of hydrogen peroxide with tartar same consistency as soda. For this purpose, the composition should be more tartar. Instead of hydrogen peroxide can take water as the current element, corrosive rust, it is the tartar.
electrolysis method
This method is not as difficult as it seems. Sequence for use for electrolysis removing rust following:
- Fill the plastic container with water so that you can fully immerse the subject.
- Add 4 liters of water 1 tablespoon of baking soda and stir well.
- For the sacrificial anode to pick up a large metal object that half of it is above the water. In the process of electrolysis, rust settles at the anode. Do not use aluminum or stainless steel.
- Connect to the rusted object clamp negative pole of the battery charger. To do this, choose a clean rust site.
- Lower completely rusty object in the water so that it does not touch the anode.
- Connect the positive terminal to the charger sacrificial anode.
- Enable charger and leave for a period up to 20 hours.
- Disconnect the charger and remove the wire. For the final disposal of residues raid must use an abrasive sponge.
ready chemicals
Preparations for removing rust can be bought at a hardware store or a store of goods for motorists. «Acid Magic», «Evapo-rust», «WD-40" (or so-called "vedeshka"), and others: The choice of the following names may be proposed. They are comfortable and effective to use. Some chemicals are presented in cans with a spray, Others in the form of a solution which must be applied with a brush. Another way - a full immersion in the liquid detergent. Sometimes re-processing is required for heavily rusted items.
mechanical abrasives
For purification of large corrosion metal surfaces you can buy the manual grinding machine. This power tool is sold in stores household goods. Some large stores offer such tools for rent. Grinding machines are equipped with removable disks that can be replaced when worn.
Warnings and Tips
Interacting with the acid, it is necessary to ensure good ventilation or work outside the home. Be sure to protect your eyes with special goggles. It is worth to use a face mask to cover the nose and mouth. Gloves help protect hands from exposure to chemicals.
- When choosing electrolysis method, you must be aware of the danger of electric shock. Material of the tank for electrolysis should not have electric conductivity. Prerequisite is the use of rubber gloves. Make sure that the positive and negative wires are not touching each other.
- Poor machining can damage the product. If the objects to be cleaned has a certain value, it is better to apply chemicals or electrolysis.
What a way to get rid of rzhavchinyvybrat depends on the specific preferences, capabilities, as well as the size of the surface being cleaned. After applying any of these methods, we should remember that rust is not removed once and for all. To avoid re metal corrosion, it is necessary promptly to remove excess moisture, as well as preventive measures applied by applying lubricantPrimers or paints.