With this unpleasant phenomenon as clogged toilet, often face. Sometimes out of the situation without extra effort it is very difficult. If you look in the sewer system and the device know the effective measures on the cleaning clogged, you can save the integrity of your wallet and instantly establish the work of the sanitary unit.
- The reasons that can clog the toilet
- Determining the degree of obstruction
- The mechanical cleaning methods
- The use of plastic bottles
- The use of a bag filled with sand
- Removing the blockage using a plunger
- Using a plumber's snake
- chemical agents
- The use of folk methods
The reasons that can clog the toilet
Knowing the exact cause of the toilet problem, you can quickly make an attempt at its removal. Most often blockages are formed for the following reasons:
- throwing down the toilet food waste;
- flushing into the sewer pipe of different items, insoluble (Throwing a sanitary appliance toilet paper or paper towels, can aggravate the situation, because pipifaks in water and has a property of swelling considerably increases in volume);
- Fillers for cat litter trayEjected into the drain becomes culprit obstruction formed (only compressed sawdust used as a means of feline hygiene, without clogging the toilet bowl);
- incorrect installation toilet;
- accumulation of salt deposits on the inner surface of the sewer pipe.
Determining the degree of obstruction
Before starting the procedure for cleaning of sanitary devices, it is necessary to clarify how difficult the accident happened. To begin to elucidate this two main characteristics: determining the level of clogging sewer and the localization of faults.
In the event of a serious blockage, water usually passes a weak jet or else at all there is an absolute floor drain. For the purpose of diagnosing blockage in the toilet poured liter of water. An hour check liquid left or left in place.
Determining the location of the blockage is also crucial. You need to open the tap water in the bathroom and in the kitchen. If these points with drain all right, then, explains the poor functioning toilet a stopper in a pipe at the exit. When problems are detected with plums absolutely all parts of the water system, it is likely, it's time to check obschedomovye pipe. These repairs must be carried out only by specialized service personnel.
The mechanical cleaning methods
When clearing sewer blockages caused by hitting the toilet foreign objects, a good result provides mechanical methods, is simple. These include: the use of plunger, a special cable or bottles, sandbags.
The use of plastic bottles
Inventive tenants have long known that the conventional bottle for carbonated water may be used as a plumbing tool. It's pretty simple and yet effective tool to help remove the blockage, if the house is no plunger. To do this, cut off the bottom of the bottle, and home plunger is ready to operate. Clearing the blockage bottle, it is important to make sudden movements:
- in the same way, if the plunger is used, fill the drain hole sanitary water unit;
- holding the bottle by the neck, lowered it into the drain, thus strongly pressed against the neck;
- sharply pull out the bottle.
Despite its simplicity and primitiveness, this method cleaning toilet seat won praise from the majority of plumbers. Therefore, this tool is recommended to take note of, if necessary urgently break through the blockage in the toilet.
The use of a bag filled with sand
Take durable cloth bag, fill it with bulk material, and tied tightly tied thereto strong cord or rope.
Dip the bag into the toilet bowl and press on the push button. It is necessary to loosen the grip on a rope, to stream of water passed bag as far as possible on the funnel.
Once again cistern full of water, you can repeat the manipulation.
Removing the blockage using a plunger
Use a plunger to eliminate only small blockages when patency of sewage still preserved, that is, the drained water, though with difficulty, but it goes away. This device is available in almost each family, but for its effective application is necessary that the size of the hole for drainage was not greater than the diameter of the rubber plunger. Using this tool, you can remove blockages not only in the toilet, but in the kitchen sink.
The mechanism of action of device is quite simple. The work creates a rubber suction cup in the drain channel with conditions excess air pressure. This allows you to promote clogging the drain. Generally, as the distance from the node sanitary sewer pipes become wider so over time the cork should dissolve, thereby restoring the ability of the checkpoint toilet.
The maximum effect of working with plunger achieved provided that the drain holes in other devices that are connected to the public sewage system, closed tight stoppers.
Step-by-step instruction:
- rubber portion is placed above the region plunger drain bowl and thoroughly pressed against the ceramic surface, creating the best possible tightness;
- perform reciprocating motion up and down, and then rapidly peeled prisosochnuyu part of the toilet bowl;
- if floated out waste, clean them, and then continue cleaning until until full operation is restored toilets.
Using a plumber's snake
Eliminate clogging the toilet by using a special flexible cable. It is made as a rigid hollow spindle, equipped with a rotary knob. Without it professional tools It is difficult to imagine modern professional plumbing services. At the end of the cable is equipped with a pointed nozzle or spiral structure of circular cross-section wire.
Step by step guide use a cable:
- Spiral process is lowered into the drain bowl. Begin to rotate his arm. Such actions are beginning to push the device by hydraulic locks.
- If the cable ran into the opposite part of the diaphragm cup (with the partial lowering of the cable) before remove blockage, You need to continue the rotational-translational motion until the device starts to slip on the inner region of the portion of the toilet.
- Ppregradit path rope can vertically extending wall of the riser, in such cases need rope length not less than two meters.
- The toilet direct release cable trying to push the horizontal sewer pipe to the inner wall of the water supply riser. Difficulty in moving the cable occur if its tip bumps into the stopper. To punch a blockage to the riser require sudden movements back and forth.
chemical agents
If the previously discussed methods of dealing with the clogging is not successful, you can use special chemicals.
The possibility of the tech industry is so widened in recent years, on the shelves is not enough space around the assortment of various household chemicals. Each person can choose at its discretion means, the application of which will help to say goodbye to the different sewer clog, including the toilet. Cleaning products are produced in many different ways. This fluid may be a powder or a gel.
Studying the label, you will notice that almost every agent contains in its composition lye or acid. It is the action of these components and ensures the customer to achieve excellent results. Alkalis and acids almost instantly decompose all sorts of objects both synthetic and organic origin. Them the strength to dissolve the tufts of hair and fat deposits on the inner walls of pipes.
To clean the toilet from clogging by chemical means, the first step is to carefully study instruction liner. In it the rules of application and precautions when using the drug are described in detail to eliminate blockages in plumbing fixtures.
Most of these products domestic purposes poured in a certain amount in the drain hole. Chemical formula clogging begins to dissolve after about an hour. Then you can start draining water to make the final result. When congestion is too strong, and it is not possible to win the first time, then after a while the means to re-pour.
Using chemical substances need to protect exposed skin. The entire procedure must be carried out in rubber gloves, as if a pair of drug toxicity, it can not do without a respiratory mask. Do not use harsh chemicals, sewage if communication is made of metal pipes. If the home is all cast iron pipe or plastic, such a precaution is not necessary.
The most popular products on the domestic market:
- Mole. Remedy for clogging the toilet, included in the budget segment. Despite the low cost, excellent breaks any blockages in the toilet. It has in its composition of sodium hydroxide, which action is enhanced surface-active compounds and other additives. It is produced in the form of powder and gel. It copes well with the dissolution of fatty deposits and biological waste. It may even decompose the fish scales, it does not spoil the wall of plastic, cast iron and steel pipes.
- FCPF. Means produced in the form of granules, sealed in a hermetic package. Can be applied in both cold and hot water. Effectively cope with clogged and at the same time disinfect drains, it eliminates odors.
- bugs Pothan. Costly means for removing blockages in a fluid. It takes effect within a few minutes.
- Biosostav Plunger. One of the few chemicals, the effect of which is not based on an acid-base reaction, and biobaktery activity destroying organic blockages.
The use of folk methods
Handy tools that will allow yourself to remove the blockage in the toilet:
White. The alkaline environment of the bleaching agent allows you to clean and erode accumulated in the drain duct garbage. To cleanse the sewer system is required to fill in a ceramic bowl of a small amount of money and leave for five or six hours.
- Lemon acid. Equally effective means for cleaning the toilet bowl. Before going to sleep in the bowl flowing powder scooped out of it water. To dissolve the garbage plugs require 100 g of this concentrated aggressive substances. After two or three hours downcomer patency must be restored.
- Baking soda. Popular at home and very effective way to clean zabivshiysya toilet. Sodium bicarbonate decomposes perfectly organic compound. The desired effect is reached after time Spent soda devastated in the toilet bowl.
- vinegar. Effective use of a combination of vinegar and baking soda. To start the water is drained from the tank and then poured into the bowl a mixture of these components in a ratio of 1: 1. Half an hour after completion of the reaction system is washed with hot water.
Using the techniques described, you will be able to independently and quickly to cope with simple clog the sewer system. However, in complex situations, an appeal to professionals still makes sense. Regularly taking care of the functionality of its plumbing, implementing prevention blockages, you can avoid problems that require drastic measures.