Effective means against unpleasant foot odor and shoes: most good pharmacies and folk medicines

Foot odor in humansConstantly sweating feet wet socks, unpleasant smell of perspiration emanating from the shoes directly from the feet... All this brings a lot of inconvenience both to the patient and the people around him. A man with such problems closed in itself, reduces communication to a minimum or completely stop it, the store hesitate to pick up a new pair of shoes, hoping to at least temporarily get rid of the problem.


  1. The causes of hyperhidrosis
  2. pharmacy agents
  3. Formidron with formaldehyde
  4. Cream paste Teymurova
  5. antiperspirant Lavilin
  6. The drug Formagel
  7. Zinc ointment
  8. Salicylic-zinc paste
  9. formalin cream
  10. antiseptic Urotropin
  11. Borozin powder
  12. GUERCUS with oak bark
  13. Effective popular recipes
  14. Getting rid of the "flavor" in shoes

The causes of hyperhidrosis

Most often this is due to non-compliance with basic rules of personal hygiene. But sometimes, hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating stop) may be indicative of the development of any serious disease. Therefore, before embarking on the treatment of hyperhidrosis necessary to establish the exact cause of the disease.

Why sweat the feet of adultsFirst of all I must say that the very human sweat (even the men) is not any smell, it publishes harmful bacteriaAs well as their metabolic products. So, the main cause of the odor may be called non-compliance with hygiene legs.

But the stench can appear as a result of abnormalities - diabetes, fungus foot circulatory disorders, Diseases of the cardiovascular system. In addition, excessive sweating can suffer older people because of their age.

If there is such a problem, an urgent need to see a specialist for timely diagnosis and an accurate diagnosis. Perhaps this will prevent the development of serious diseases.

conducted diagnostic measures We did not reveal the problem? Then it is necessary to pay attention to the following factors:

  • excessive the use of spices and spices, particularly acute;
  • high air temperature in the room or on the street;
  • wearing shoes or socks made of synthetic materials;
  • increased physical activity that result in amplification of the sweat glands;
  • smoking and alcohol abuse, that promotes the accumulation of slags and other harmful substances in the body.

In addition, repulsive odor may appear in result of the activity of the fungusHitting the skin of the foot and the nail plate.

Funds from the odor and Athlete's FootWondering what to do with excessive sweating of the feet, many do not consider it necessary to address to the dermatologist with a problem, considering that it will pass by itself. Perhaps it would be if such unpleasant phenomenon arose only because of poor personal hygiene. But hyperhidrosis can be a symptom of a disease, in which case it should be treated along with the underlying disease.

First of all, a specialist will appoint sedatives, made on the basis of medicinal herbs that have a calming effect on the nervous system and body as a whole. This can be peony root, valerian tincture, motherwort and t. D. But patients with increased sensitivity and excitability of such drugs do not bring much good.

If sedatives did not give a positive result, the doctor prescribes bromides or tranquilizers. Because these drugs are addictive groups, the treatment they should not exceed three weeks. The main advantage of tranquilizers is that they are perfectly cope with anxiety, irritability, stress. After all, it is often nervous stress provokes the development of hyperhidrosis.

Furthermore sedatives against perspiration and bad odor are assigned specialist preparations containing atropine. The action of these drugs aimed at reducing sweating. Their use may cause side effects such as constipation, headache, worsening of visual function.

pharmacy agents

Against hyperhidrosis is best to choose the right tool at the pharmacy. These drugs are really very good help, so get rid of the problem can be quite fast.

Formidron in solutionFormidron with formaldehyde

Fairly effective medicament, which includes the active agent formaldehyde. This is an excellent antiseptic that contributes to the destruction of bacteria and prevents their growth and reproduction. In addition, Formidron has the following properties:

  • It reduces repulsive odor that emanates from the feet and the shoes;
  • thanks to its member tannins helps to reduce sweating and dries the skin of the lower extremities.

The drug is most effective in the morning application. It is necessary to immediately after waking up thoroughly wash and wipe dry feet and interdigital spaces, and then apply the cleanser on the skin with a cotton swab. The preparation is allowed to use no more than two times a day. When using the means necessary to be careful because formaldehyde is very toxic and there is a possibility of their falling into the airways with the alcohol vapors that can cause irritation mucous. Prohibited Formidron use with ulcers on the skin and allergy to the components included in the formulation.

Teymurova paste antiperspirant and odorCream paste Teymurova

This is the most popular and widespread means of sweating. In the ointment include talc, which is well dry skin, zinc oxide decontamination stop surface and destroying the infection, as well as boric acid, disinfecting the skin, without causing irritating exposure. After two weeks of constant use of paste you will notice a significant reduction in sweating.

antiperspirant Lavilin

It is based consists of natural ingredients. It is used in the treatment of hyperhidrosis, prevent the development of fungal pathologies, eliminates specific smell.

Gel for the legs of the smellThe drug Formagel

The gel helps to reduce the secretion of sweat glands which leads to disposal of hyperhidrosis. The drug has a disinfectant and antiseptic properties. The medicine is recommended for all people who suffer from excessive sweating, regardless of the origin of disease.

Before using the product must be washed well and wipe dry skin on the feet and toes. Apply the product for 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water. The effect occurs after the first application and lasts for weeks. If necessary, medication can be used for three consecutive days.

Zinc ointment

This antiseptic cream having a drying action. It is used for redness caused by excessive sweating. Remedy is applied to the affected areas with a stop 3 times a day. The course of treatment should not be too long, otherwise it might appear itching and irritability.

Zinc ointment from foot odorSalicylic-zinc paste

Available in the form of a paste. Zinc has a drying effect, salicylic acid - anti-inflammatory. Ointment can be used in any form of sweating feet, but only in patients older than 12 years. Use caution - may cause allergic reactions.

formalin cream

A small amount of the ointment rubbed into the skin 1 time per day. The tool has a prolonged effect, but for a long time it is recommended not to use it, because it can cause skin irritation.

antiseptic Urotropin

Antiseptic agent having prolonged effect (up to one month). Available in a liquid or powder. The procedure should be carried out before bedtime. In clean dry skin of the feet with a cotton swab and apply the solution to wear cotton socks.

Powder preparation should be carefully powder the affected areas of the skin, and before leaving the house - rinse with warm water using a germicidal soap. Methenamine can not be used for skin damage or fungal infection.

Foot spray on odorBorozin powder

It has an antifungal and antimicrobial activity. Designed for shoes. After seven days of use, a decline in the intensity of sweating.

Borozin penetrating through tights or socks to protect your feet from sweat all day, gets rid of mold and bad odors.

GUERCUS with oak bark

It is produced in powder form. Fairly effective against hyperhidrosis, which includes the oak bark. After the second application of reduced sweating, weakens odor. To achieve results you must do the bath for a week, then the problem disappears forever. The procedure is carried out 2 times a week.

In the manufacture of therapeutic creams using herbal extracts. This may include the following extracts:

  • oak bark, which is a natural antiseptic;
  • extract from lemon, reduces the amount of secretion, it prevents the development of fungal diseases, softens rough skin on toes and heels.

For plant extracts are added to the hormones that inhibit perspiration, as well as corn starch, propolis, bactericides oils, which are well dried skin.

Effective popular recipes

Of excessive sweating of the feet will help to get rid of an ordinary apple cider vinegar, which is necessary every night to wipe the feet. In order to prevent hyperhidrosis feet and groin is recommended 2 times a week to take a soothing bath. In addition, to eliminate excessive sweating and treatment of disease, you can use different recipes of traditional medicine.

  1. Powder. A good effect possesses potato and corn starch. You can also use the powder from zhzhonyh alum. Good dries the skin willow bark, which must be ground and mixed with boric acid. This means powdered feet, wear socks and leave overnight. Upon awakening, the foot must be rinsed under running water. Eliminate excessive sweating will help ordinary baking soda.
  2. Baths. It is necessary to prepare thick broth willow bark, viburnum or oak, pour it into the container with hot water and to lower the foot for 30 minutes. Once the water has cooled down - add vinegar.
  3. Tinctures. From bad smell will help get rid of the tincture on the basis of birch buds. It is necessary to take fresh raw material (a handful), pour alcohol or vodka (1 st.), Insist 10 days. Wipe the problem areas 1-2 times a day. To prevent the appearance of fungus, used infusion of unripe walnuts. The smell of sweat is good saves infusion of black tea (1 bag) and vodka (1 tbsp.). The procedure is performed on a regular basis for 30 days.
  4. Paste. To reduce the sweating of the feet and eliminate the strong smell of the liquid used paste of honey and powdered oak bark. Means to put on the feet and toes, hold 20 minutes, rinse decoction of oak bark or plain water.

High efficiency also have herbal teas. You need to make tea from the leaves of hyssop, taken 2 times a day for a week. You can try to make such drinks from the St. John's wort, lemon balm, mint and valerian.

Getting rid of the "flavor" in shoes

Means for shoes from odorsCasual shoes and hosiery, as well as the foot, in need of care. The emergence of bad smell may signal the development of fungal infections. To avoid these problems it is recommended to use a water-repellent agents which protect footwear from getting wet, thereby preventing the multiplication of pathogenic microorganisms.

If, however, prevent the appearance of odor was not possible, should wipe the inside of the boot (boot and t. Q.) Of hydrogen peroxide, manganese or vinegar solution.

the unpleasant smell in shoes It can be eliminated by using tea tree oil. To do this, dissolve a few drops of oil in water, the resulting solution to process the inner surface of the shoe, and then put out to dry shoes.

As you can see, ways to eliminate excessive sweating and unpleasant foot odor and shoes a lot, and everyone is free to choose what tool to use. However, the problem is easier to prevent than to solve, so experts recommend to carefully monitor their health in general and the state of the skin in particular.