The cat is totally not always the personification of purity and comfort. But it is such that the pet will go on about their innate instincts and if he is not neutered, it will mark the territory. A cat thinks its territory all around: and clothing, and bedding, and furniture, and even your favorite carpet. It is useless to scold the animal, you need to quickly get rid of the smell of urine, otherwise everything will return to their circles. Cat begins to urinate in a place where it smells of urine.
- Causes of cat urine in the apartment
- General recommendations
- Means for removing cat odor
- The use of professional tools
- folk ways
- The first method
- The second way
- Deodorization with shoe
- Preventing mark territory
Causes of cat urine in the apartment
The reasons that encourage the cat is not used for its intended purpose tray are as follows:
New smells. Cats perceive all strangers odors, as an excuse to assault their personal territory. About this feature of the cat should not forget, if you come to the house guests. To avoid an unpleasant situation, someone else's shoes, it is desirable to put on a shelf higher.
- Cats do not like her tray. pet owner you must pay attention to the size of the tray, and a cat. He probably it is not suitable in size. The tray has to be more animal no less than 1.5 times. Location kitty litter should be secluded and quiet. If the apartment is located a few cats, it is best that each cat is a separate tray, because not all pets like to share their toilet. Another very common cause - is not well washed tray. Cats have a much better sense of smell than humans, and they feel great as they have a clean toilet. It is advisable to clean it daily with detergent.
- Mark territory. An animal in a variety of places sprays a small stream of urine, if it is it may well do in the house. The tendency for such action appears in castrated cats. So, they attract attention to his person cute kitties. Animal shows the marks that he main and dominant over other individuals. Most often, the smell of labels is much more stable smell of urine, as there is a special odorous secret.
- Troubles that are associated with cat health. As a rule, the animals tend to old age, they tend to frequent peeing, sometimes even her incontinence.
Stress. Cats tend to be quite sensitive person. They feel great atmosphere in the house, and especially the attitude. When the cat was offended, he can in this way to remind about his person. For cats must be calm and equanimity, they do not like excessive fondling and abuse to the person.
General recommendations
Many cat owners are faced with the complexities of neutralizing the odor in the apartment, which leaves the cat urine. You can eliminate the smell, but it is very difficult to do. If you notice that the cat had just written, the urine you must immediately remove paper towels. In this case, it must be done in such a way that the surface did not seem to trail.
Urea, which is part of the feces of cats, very quickly dries out and becomes invisible to the human eye. However, during the first contact with water, an unpleasant smell again appearsWhile with the same sharpness. This applies even more to the shoe. Even after careful getting rid of cat urine odor can come back after the first socks.
It should be possible quickly remove fresh urineBecause when it dries from its smell would be almost impossible to get rid of.
Means for removing cat odor
Baleen-tailed owners have devised a variety of methods that make it possible to remove the odor. Specifically how one can use will depend on the type of surface where the cat urine has got, its location and the time unnoticed. Here are the ways:
Potassium permanganate. To remove an unpleasant smell, use this tool, you need to cool the solution. It is not recommended in such a way to remove dirt from shoes and clothing. You can take advantage of during the removal of odors with linoleum or floor. solution of potassium permanganate has to be mixed thoroughly to manganese from no stains remain on the objects.
- Vodka. The most popular tool that helps to clean any surface. Vodka is very effective even in the struggle with the old spots. Great during the struggle with fresh portions of urine hit. There is only one drawback - it is the smell of alcohol, for the removal of which will need to re-wash all things.
- Soda and peroxide. To combat the odor of cat urine unfortunate place sprinkle baking soda and pour from above 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. Long-standing areas can be left on overnight. It is forbidden to use on upholstery, clothing, as soda leaves a stain.
Vinegar. To get rid of the apartment malodor by this means, it is necessary to stir the vinegar with water in a ratio of 1: 3. Great for getting rid of stains from furniture, clothing, and linoleum floor. Shoes and clothing then it is recommended to wash in warm water. To remove stains from upholstered furniture, it is necessary to stir the solution and pour into a spray bottle to spray on the "nuisance" that left a cat. After carefully wet with a wet sponge.
- Lemon juice. Fresh juice of one lemon in a cup of water to dilute. When you are not very sensitive to the surface of the acids can be used undiluted juice. Lemon juice may discourage an animal to go to this place in the toilet.
The use of professional tools
you can buy odor destroyer by animal urine at any pet store. It is not one. But that's just totally not all of them, in practice, proved to be effective. Unfortunately, some of them only mask it for a short time.
First of all, high-quality shredder contains in its composition special enzymesWhich are capable of dissolving uric salt crystals. By using this tool, be sure to follow the instructions. Do not forget that certain substances start their work only a few days after use.
Excellent proven tools such as the "Zoosan", "DezoSan» and «Bio-G». In addition, the popular «PetStain & Odor», «Cleansan» by Kirbyhomecare and "Zoovorsin". One should note that the various surfaces need to use different tools. And be sure to test your acquired composition somewhere on an inconspicuous area of the carpet or furniture.
In some cases, in order to fully recover from the effects of tricks chetveronogo pet, you need to identify left them "surprises", and only then apply the shredder. Why it is not necessary to sniff every corner. It is only necessary to purchase for this special lamp. Very often it is also called a Wood's lamp. With this device forensic seek out traces of metabolic products (sweat, urine, blood and so on. D.). Just this device causes them to glow. For example, urine is yellow. However, there is this thing is relatively expensive, but you can use it more than a dozen years.
folk ways
When cleaning cat litter and eliminating tags you can use homemade recipes. Most of the effective ingredients are always at hand.
The first method
For the preparation of this tool will be needed:
- Soda.
- Vinegar.
- Liquid soap.
- Peroxide.
To get rid of cat urine is necessary in several stages:
Initially, you need to spot handle vinegar.
- Then, when the vinegar is absorbed into the carpet, it should be vacuumed and sprinkle baking soda.
- After pouring in such a spray solution: 2-3 ml liquid soap, 100 ml of peroxide, a glass of water.
- This solution is sprayed onto the carpet and leave for about three hours.
- Then gently washed off with warm water, the area with a cloth.
The second way
Another tool that has proven its effectiveness by multiple experiments:
- 20 g of detergent powder.
- A shot of vodka.
- Shampoo with lemon odor.
- Ammonia.
- Cleaner for carpets.
Use this tool also must be step by step:
A place that needs to be cleaned, pour the vodka for three hours.
- Then Moisten with a mixture of detergent and detergent.
- After careful wash out via a superimposed mixture and rinse.
- Pour shampoo on the hour with a lemon flavor.
- Re-wash and rinse.
- Dry the carpet.
Such a method would require a lot of effort, but the carpet will give you the freshness and purity.
And also do not forget that cats are very They do not like citrus scents. Because after carpet cleaning would do well to sprinkle favorite animal place for his toilet with essential oil of orange or lemon. This will help not only to remove the remnants of the smell of urine, but also discourage the animal from this place.
Before any agent applied to the surface in need of cleaning, it is an inconspicuous portion of carpet check your reaction.
Deodorization with shoe
Remove steady cat urine odor from shoesvery difficult. What can be done in these cases:
Leather products need to handle inside the glycerol. Until full impregnation leave outdoors.
- Footwear washed in cold water and then treated with diluted vinegar in water (3: 1). Drying must be on the street. Insoles on the basic product is processed separately.
- Thoroughly wash the shoes in cold water. Process manganese saturated solution after wash in a washing machine. You need to dry outside.
Preventing mark territory
If you are taking the education of a cat, we decided to prevent negative consequences, remember the following:
The only option for all to get rid of cat urine odor - is castration. If you're a humane man and think that in this way depriving cat meaning of life and its dignity, it means that patient. This cat can not fail to mark territory. The tray will at least give off the smell of cutting his eyes.
- Castrated cat, which continues to be labeled, need additional veterinary examination. Probably the animal abuses in the field of urology, kidney problem or is he just drinks a little water.
Unpleasant odor of cat tracks passes through month after the castration.
Do not forget that categorically prohibited pest nuzzle at the crime scene. Many cats are pretty unforgiving. With these actions you will only provoke a pet to great feats yet. And with the help of physical violence to the instincts clearly much to handle will not work.
And you must to monitor the cleanliness of the tray your pet. Most cats prefer to go only to a clean toilet. When for some reason you stop in a timely manner to clean it, to celebrate their needs cat will be in places worse than. For example, as an alternative can be chosen your favorite shoes or carpet. It is therefore much better to get rid of the reasons due to which the pet does not obey the rules, then what to think, how to neutralize unpleasant odor.