If you have a flat on the floor lay a carpet, then you do not know firsthand that care for them requires patience, energy, and the use of special detergents. Many housewives spots successfully removed with a Vanisha for carpet cleaning. This versatile cleaning product that is able to remove almost any dirt. However, they do not know how to use it all, so the spaces of the Internet on the Vanish can find negative reviews. We offer you to explore the variety and detailed instructions on the use of this unique tool.
- The composition and species
- Vanish carpet cleaning at home
- Spray against stains
- Shampoo for manual cleaning
- Shampoo for washing vacuum cleaners
- Powder for dry cleaning
- active foam
- consumer reviews
The composition and species
Clear carpets from dirt and stains can be in several ways:
- Wet cleaning cope with complex pollution. Get rid of the stains to help special liquid detergents.
- Dry cleaning involves the use of powders, which are scattered on the carpets. Powder attract dirt to the surface and it can easily be removed with a vacuum cleaner.
The composition Vanisha Excluded chlorine, which can change the color and strength of the product. Efficiency is achieved Vanisn detergent due to the following components:
- chemical compounds that are combined with other ingredients and have a high resistance;
- organic substances with aromas of flowers;
- phosphates;
- acid bleach.
Cleanser Vanish produced both in dry and liquid form:
- Spray for local cleaning for removing stains.
- Powder for dry cleaning will help to get rid of chronic stubborn stains. Its chemical composition includes active elements that even the most stubborn dirt can bring to the surface. As a result of the carpet takes on a fresh and well-groomed appearance.
- Shampoo for manual cleaning can be a simple and antibacterial. Antibacterial means not only removes dirt, but also to destroy microbes.
- Particular shampoo for washing vacuum cleaners used for cleaning and removing dirt odors.
- Active foam designed to remove stubborn dirt, remove stains and freshen carpets.
Vanish All funds have their own characteristics, so they must be used according to certain rules.
Vanish carpet cleaning at home
When using any of the cleaning carpeting drugs should follow these tips:
not to use Vanish on with unstable paints;
- carpet before cleaning, be sure to vacuum.
- when applying Vanisha not recommended detergent cleaners (exception - special means for vacuum cleaners detergent);
- the room while cleaning and removing stains should be aired.
Spray against stains
At home, stain remover should be used immediately after the carpet pollution. In this case, fresh stain is easier to remove. Instructions for Use advises:
- Vacuum the surface and spray the spray on the spot.
- Contamination can be rubbed with a soft brush.
- After five minutes with a clean dry rag spray deleted.
Stain remover in a spray is not recommended for use in hand-made products. Prior to use, it should be checked on a small area of ββthe carpet.
Shampoo for manual cleaning
And usually, and an antibacterial shampoo does not only clean the dust and dirt, but also removes odors. The sequence of their application as follows:
- Vacuum the carpet.
- Dilute the shampoo in a bucket or basin of cool water (1: 9).
- Good foam cleanser. Use it will foam, so it should be as much as possible.
- With the help of an ordinary sponge foam is applied to the surface (wet carpet is not needed).
- When the foam settles and dries, the carpet will need to be vacuumed.
It is not recommended to use the washing vacuum cleaner. Apply shampoo should not be on the silk products, and handmade carpets.
Shampoo for washing vacuum cleaners
At home, a method of cleaning using detergent cleaner and special Vanisha very effective. Easily and quickly removes ingrained dirt from the surface and foul odor.
Instructions for use:
The surface of the vacuum cleaner products.
- Shampoo diluted with water strictly according to the instructions (for 1 liter of water - 1.5 of the cap).
- The solution was poured into a special compartment of the unit, covering the vacuum cleaner.
- When the carpet is dry, it must be vacuumed without detergent.
Application Vanish shampoo on silk and coatings handmade is not recommended.
Powder for dry cleaning
Powdered means you can clean large areas, to refresh the product and get rid of dead spots. Powder reconstituted with water is not necessary, which makes it convenient to use.
Cleaning sequence:
- Carpet vacuuming.
- Shake the bag with the powder and spread the agent of the surface. To obtain a uniform layer can use a soft brush.
- After about 20 minutes, the powder should be dry and it, along with the dirt will need to collect a vacuum cleaner. To collect all the funds from the pile, vacuuming will take a few times.
Clean moistened powder should be done slowly, consistently and strictly according to instructions. Before applying means it is advisable to check on a small part of the product.
active foam
Clean heavily soiled carpet, remove old stains on it or simply freshen the product can be using special active foam Vanish. It is used in the following way:
- Carpet vacuuming.
- Balloon actively shaken and the foam of it is distributed over the surface. When spraying tank should be kept on the product at a distance of 70-90 cm.
- Dry foam can be a few hours. After that, it will need to collect a vacuum cleaner.
As other means Vanish, foam can not be used for cleaning articles made silk carpets and handmade. During the room should be aired cleaning procedures. And any cleanser before use to check a small portion of the coating.
consumer reviews
We cleaned the carpet all the time at the dry cleaners. But then I read the reviews about Vanish and decided to try it. It means literally enlivened our carpet. Shampoo for manual cleaning used strictly according to instructions. We waited for almost half a day until it dries. A few hours after the treatment it became clear that all of the dirt has gathered on the surface and it just need to collect a vacuum cleaner. It should Vanish is not cheap, but it goes much more expensive dry cleaning. Therefore, the price disadvantage of this means is not.
Tatiana, Russia
For many years, I use detergent Vanish. Like all products, it has become less quality over time, but not much. Therefore of its still and always very pleased with the results. Vanish use for cleaning carpets of entrance or renovated refresh and removes stains from carpets.
Shampoo for manual cleaning did not fail ever. Nanoshu it with a sponge or brush. Foam is always applied evenly and dries fairly quickly. After that, it remains to use a vacuum cleaner, and carpets like new. I advise you at all times during use of the cleaning agent open windows or even windows. Especially if someone in the household suffers from allergies.
Ilya, Russian
Regularly brush your carpet tool Vanish - purity and freshness. I use it once every two weeks and the results are pretty. However, to become a carpet clean, you need to work hard, though not difficult to use shampoo. The surface of the coating will first need to vacuum, then put on her foam.
Shampoo to lather, I I dilute it with running water. To foam formed more in the solution you need to soak the sponge. According carpet funds are distributed with a sponge, which is trying to press it to the surface. As a result of her clinging hair, wool and more with what can not cope vacuum cleaner.
Foam on my coat to dry for at least two hours. At this time, I open the window as the smell of shampoo simply "dizzying". It seems he was not nasty, but even after cleaning for a while, I feel it. With half wet carpet vacuum delete means which simultaneously leveled pile. Ideal shampoo does not clean out the coat, but the result I still like it. I recommend everyone try Vanish carpet. I think that will be satisfied!
Oksana, Russian
For any housewife carpet cleaning business it is very problematic. And if the house has a small child, then the cover from time to time are the stains of tea, the chocolate, and more. To remove these stains I decided to try the widely advertised means Vanish. He has taken on a sample of a disposable bag and very glad that did not buy just a bottle. The expected result is not obtained. Old stains are not completely disappeared, and only a little dull. But just acting plain cheap laundry detergent. And this shall be deemed a waste of money.
Kristina, Russian