- Reasons for the smell in the sewer system
- Tools and materials for cleaning the robot
- Removal of odor:
- How to eliminate the unpleasant odor in the toilet with modern means?
Smell in the toilet - how to get rid?- This question was asked by everyone who came to the newly purchased apartment, and just started to make repairs. Indeed, the problem is not one that can be postponed "for later".In order to learn how to eliminate the unpleasant odor in the toilet, read this article. In it we will tell you how to do this, as well as the causes of this fetid ambre.
to content ↑Reasons for the appearance of odor in the sewer system
The reasons are varied, and it is impossible to single out one of the main things from this abundance. When such a specific smell appears in an apartment or a private house, the idea is that a skunk may live in the pipes, or a pipe has broken through somewhere, and the water from the sewerage has flowed not to where it should flow. Let us consider the most common causes of the appearance of the stench.
Cause the first
During the installation of pipes, it is necessary to make small inclines - thus the water will not start to stagnate. Quite often - both in apartments and in private houses, a similar problem arises from the assumption of mistakes during the installation of sewer connections with sanitary units.
The result is not quite the correct operation of the hydraulic shutter or the siphon. The water that remains in it is an obstacle to bad odors in your home. During the incorrect installation of pipes and siphon, this obstacle is not present.
Important! The hydraulic seal is a curved part of the siphon tube, which serves as a barrier to the spread of an unpleasant ambre in the room.
Reason the second
The second reason that so unpleasant smells and there was a need to get rid of the smell in the toilet in the apartment, the wrong connection to the network of automatic washing machines to the drain system. For example, when the drain pipe cut-in is done after the siphon - the barrier to all unpleasant odors remains on the side, and all the stench fill the drum of your washing machine. You can only imagine what flavor will exude the clothes after doing such washing.
If an unpleasant smell appears in the toilet, check how well the sewerage installation was performed.
Important! There are norms of slope of pipes during their installation, and if these norms were violated, the pressure inside the sewerage system breaks through the water barrier, and as a consequence - the unpleasant odor in the toilet is exactly assured to you.
Cause the third
The third cause, because of which you can smell like sewer, is the cuff on the drain of your toilet bowl. Because it is made of rubber, and over time, rubber can crack or burst. To remove such a fault, cracks should be sealed, but it is better to simply purchase a new cuff.
Reason fourth
The next reason is the leaky corrugation between the drain pipe and the toilet bowl.
If you have cast-iron pipes and a riser, there is a high probability that cracks will appear in them. Also, during a very long period of use, cast-iron pipes may bend, and the result may be a break in the sewage system. You can imagine the consequences yourself.
In order to avoid such a disaster, it is necessary:
- to periodically inspect the sewage system, as well as the risers;
- in time to replace them.
Important! In the event that it is still possible to fix anything, then directly repair the pipes. That is, in order not to think how to get rid of the smell in the toilet, simply observe the frequency of care of the system - regularly clean the sewer pipes. Reason the fifth
The most common reason for the appearance of an unpleasant ambre in the toilet and in the kitchen is the usual clogging. This can happen because of absolutely any object that gets into the sewer or the siphon of the shell and stuck inside it. As a result, water can not completely pass, further accumulation takes place, stagnation, and at the very end, decay. From here and there is an unpleasant smell in the toilet - how to get rid of it, we'll tell just below in the text.
Reason Six
An unpleasant smell in the kitchen may still appear due to a prolonged non-use of sewerage. If you do not live for a certain time in a house or apartment, we recommend that you fill a drainage hole with a small amount of vegetable oil. The film, which is formed in this case, does not allow the water to evaporate from the siphon and will not allow an unpleasant smell from the sewer pipes inside the room.
Reason the seventh
If you live on the ground floor, and an unpleasant smell is available not only in your kitchen and toilet, but also in the entrance, the problem most likely needs to be looked for inside the basement.
to the contents ↑Tools and materials for carrying out cleaning robots
Materials and tools you will need:
- putty;
- plumbing cable;
- antibacterial cleaner;
- cleaning fluid for pipes;
- sealant;
- waterproofing pads.
Important! Remember that if an unpleasant odor once appeared, it will appear again soon, which means that the problem is already there, it must be solved, and in no case should it be allowed to go by itself. Eliminating problems at the very beginning of their appearance will allow you to save both your time and your money.
to content ↑Odor removal methods:
- Sometimes the cause of an unpleasant odor is the problem with the water seal. Solve this problem will help only a qualified plumber.
Important! The use of various kinds of air fresheners, as well as flavorings, helps to eliminate an unpleasant smell only at the initial stages. In order to correct the situation, find and eliminate the very cause of the unpleasant odor.
- During the appearance of cracks in cast iron pipes, they must be sealed with cement mortar. And if there is a possibility, it is better to completely and completely replace the sewer pipes and riser, without waiting until they become rotten from old age. Plastic pipes are best to change immediately, and not try to repair them. They are easy to understand and just as easy to assemble.
- If a bend has not been made during installation of the siphon, that is a water trap, it must be done, otherwise - the unpleasant smell in the toilet in your apartment will be for ages.
- If the sewer pipe is not installed correctly, it is necessary to install them again, in the required position, while observing all necessary slope norms.
- If the corrugation between the drain pipe and the toilet bowl is not sealed to get rid of the smell in the toilet in the apartment, you just have to replace it.
- In order to eliminate blockage, it is necessary to clean the sewer pipes using a plumbing cable or chemical, folk remedies.
- If a siphon is clogged in the kitchen sink, it is necessary to remove it, clean it with absolutely any cleaning agent, and then rinse, because all the food, dirt, grease, and hair are collected there.
Important! Cleaning the septum, to avoid trouble, it is desirable to carry out at least 1 time in six months.
to the contents ↑How to eliminate the unpleasant odor in the toilet with modern means?
Once you cross the threshold of any store with household chemicals, your quest will be crowned with success. How many agents have already come up with, in order to get rid of the unpleasant odor in the toilet.
In the fight against the scent of odors will help you:
- Chemicals that are made on the basis of chlorine - they are capable of cleaning and disinfecting the surface, as well as killing all pathogens.
- Chemicals based on acids - they excellently dissolve old dirt, rust, as well as calcareous deposits and urinary stones.
- Air fresheners in the form of aerosols, pastes or plates for the walls of the toilet bowl or tablets for the drain tank.
You must understand that this is temporary, and it affects your financial resources. But when you have to choose between unpleasant odors and the constant purchase of household chemicals, this option will seem even very acceptable to you.
Important! Such means can serve as a "Dressing duckling", "Domestos".They not only clean the toilet itself, but also eliminate unpleasant odors. But remember that they will be able to help only in cases where the smell is not too strong and the problem is only in excessive plaque on the walls of the pipes.
Let's hope that the knowledge you have acquired will help solve your not very pleasant problem with minimal money and effort.