Mold - a living organism, which can appear in any place where there is moisture, dampness. Mold affects, including tissue and skin. Mildew may appear on the tissue from both synthetic and artificial fibers and so on natural cotton, linen, viscose and wool, silk.
Mold on fabric leaves stains and damage which is very difficult to withdraw. Fight with a touch as possible using household chemicals and folk remedies.
- The reasons for the appearance of mold on clothes
- preventive measures
- Removing stains from things white
- clothes washing of colored fabric
- Home cleaning methods
- Ways to get rid of the smell of mold
The reasons for the appearance of mold on clothes
Mold - a fungus that breed in the heat. Small organisms in appearance similar to white-green moss with an unpleasant odor. The appearance of such spots contribute to the following factors:
- incorrect storage of things, for example, in closed bags and boxes in which air does not fall;
- high humidity in the room;
- improper drying of tissue products;
- spread of mold infested with things on a number of underlying clothing.
There are effective ways to remove mold from the fabric without damaging the product.
preventive measures
To prevent fungal structures on the things important to follow some rules:
Every thing after washing well dried, ironed and then folded in the closet.
- Upper clothing should be aired several times a year.
- Hoods in the bathroom and kitchen have to be working, so that moisture does not accumulate.
- For disinfection of things, especially bed linen during washing soda are added to the powder 1: 1. After washing well rinsed clothes.
- Dry clothes recommend the fresh air.
These simple rules help avoid the unpleasant flight.
Removing stains from things white
If education was not possible to avoid fungal plaque, it is necessary to wash off in time. In order to wash the mold off the clothes of white color, there are several ways:
The bowl is poured warm water and poured a spoonful of powder for hand washing. Stains rub with soap, and then dipped into a bowl and leave for half an hour. Over time, the clothes must be washed in a washing machine at a temperature of 60-90 degrees with the addition of a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide.
- The second way to clean cotton towels. This will require 500 ml of water, 3 ml of liquid ammonia and dining false salt. The solution was simmered until complete dissolution of salts and they rub the affected site. After 5 minutes, things prostiryvayutsya in the washing machine.
The thing is, the affected bloom, do not discard, Removing mildew from fabric can be made at home, with a little effort.
clothes washing of colored fabric
Plaque with colored fabrics display more difficult than with whites. Before you remove mold from clothes, you must make sure that the means used will not spoil a thing.
There are several ways to wash the mold off the fabric. The most affordable means of a a mixture of water and ammoniaCooked in equal proportions. A solution of rubbing the affected areas of tissue. Leave for a while and wash the usual way.
Thing, made of wool, can be treated turpentineAnd sprinkle baby powder. Then cover the stain with a cloth and iron iron. After the procedure, you need to carefully extend the thing and dry.
To remove a stain with a colored towel, use vinegar. In a solution of 9% soaked towels and allowed to stand for 10 minutes. Then washed with a powder and rinsed with fabric softener. After washing in any way things well dried in the sun, so that the fungus is not formed again.
Home cleaning methods
The most affordable way remove mold with fabrics in the home is to use onion and lemon. To prepare the ground means peeled onions in a blender or twist in a meat grinder. Lemon is also milled. Both components were mixed and applied to the affected area. After half an hour means is removed and good prostiryvayut item in the machine with the addition of detergent.
The second most popular way is use yogurt. Removing plaque with his help to do very simple: yogurt or yogurt applied to the affected area and left for 7 hours. If the stain has disappeared, the thing can be rinsed. If the results are not satisfactory, the procedure can be repeated.
An excellent way to withdraw the mold from the cloth will the use of chalk. It is crushed and applied to the spot. Close thing with white paper and iron an iron. Mel was removed with a tissue, then prostiryvayut thing in the washing machine.
These methods plaque removal will not harm the quality of tissues, thoroughly clean the mold on clothes and disinfect it.
Ways to get rid of the smell of mold
At improper storage of mold appears on clothing. It is also important to get rid of the unpleasant smell that remains after cleaning stains. You can use several methods.
The first is the treatment of fabrics in a washing machine. To remove odor use vinegar or baking sodaWhich is added to the detergent. After washing clothes drying things outdoors.
The second way - to remove the odor without washing. To do this, use a special tool for cleaning, which sprayed every thing and dried in the sun. Get rid of odor It helps vodkaWhich is sprayed onto the pre-wash things and leave to dry completely.
If the smell does not erode, get rid of it can be boiling. For this thing is poured boiling water and left for a few minutes, then washed in a conventional manner.