Pelmets: master class on sewing curtains at home, step by step guide

Windows should show a general concept of a house or apartment. And here we must bear in mind not only the high-quality material, shape and color of the frame, but also elements of decoration. First of all it is a beautiful stylish curtains that should match other interior accents. Unusual charm, comfort and attractiveness will give them such an accessory as pelmets.

How to sew curtains with lambrequins own hands


  1. The general concept and types
  2. window decoration in different rooms
  3. Making your own hands
  4. customer Reviews

The general concept and types

Pelmet curtain - a narrow strip of cloth draped, Which covers the top of the curtains along the length of the cornice. It is used not only to mask the wall between the window and the ceiling, but also performs the function of decoration. There are many options with different shades. Simple awnings made of cutting material that is embedded through a shutter assembly, and the tape having a straight or lower edge cut-out figures.

For soft swags use the most lightweight, well-draped materials. The performance of the hard material is tensioned over a frame or glued to the nonwoven substrate, called a gang. With the combination of soft and hard forms can be obtained combined pelmets, where you can use a different, but similar in color fabric shade. When sewing apply the various elements:

How to sew by pelmets
  • SMAD represent a piece of fabric with folds, sagging semicircle. They can be arranged vertically or horizontally symmetrically and asymmetrically. External elements like a lady's fan.
  • Frill - a piece with pleats, slightly beveled on the edge, which put the side window opening.
  • Perekidy obtained by flipping the fabric over the ledge which hangs freely soft folds.
  • Kokil - decor element in the center where it folds vertically disposed form an acute angle.
  • Tie called side member with a spiral drapery.
  • Bell created using tissue collected in conical folds.
  • Puffs are collected from the tissue cellular manner reminiscent of a honeycomb, and attract the attention of its volume and elegance.
varieties swags

One of the complex structures are pelmets with scalloped edges or carved patterns. Face will drape fabric from synthetics. A limitation of such openwork canopies is the design of the kitchen, where there is always humidity. The steam trigger swelling of the carcass, and the fat from the plate cover cloth pattern, it will be difficult to clean up.

When the decision to decorate the interior of the window of this element in the home first make measurements, then is drawn diagram of the future product, and is made of fabric calculation. For beginners, sew their own hands pelmets scheme with the pattern is always in the "Home Ideas" magazine.

window decoration in different rooms

beautiful pelmets

It is important to choose suitable for every room he pelmets. In the living room curtains with lambrequins can be made in different styles. One of the most popular has been and remains a classic. Classic means straight cuts and fabric with soft folds. This interior includes tie bows, laces and other accessories, designed in the color of the top decoration.

They are used mainly light-colored fabricAre not excluded ruffles and pleats. hi-tech style give the room ergonomics and comfort, which can not be said about other options. In this case, should not be too bright details, everything is simple and clear.

The following combinations are the most winning this season:

  • tulle pelmet and matte shades of two colors;
  • Curtain composition of warm tones;
  • transparent tulle with straight curtains, curtains of bamboo and canopy - all in one tone.
Fabrics for pelmets

Curtains with lambrequins in the bedroom can be very different. For this room many people use colored fabric with an abstract pattern, but it is important to shed shade was in harmony with the room decor. By choosing the right color, you must pay attention to the walls, carpets, and furniture. When choosing fabrics should be borne in mind that the dense material required for the manufacture of rigid lambrequin. Zhatuyu fabric is better not to use. Sophisticated look is silk, but it fade in the sun. More preferably cotton.

How to decorate a window lambrequins

Kitchen should be well lit, so the curtains and pelmets selected from a fabric that would not interfere with the penetration of sunlight into the room. It is necessary to pay attention to the cotton, bamboo, linen. Designers are advised to kitchen calm tones. It looks cozy combination of folk ornaments and translucent material.

Pelmet for a child's room should be easy to care for, from environmentally friendly material and combined with the interior. Quite often, children become pelmets soft type, but in the folds of dusty, which is bad for children's health. The best option would be hard types that do not require special care, but minus its that unusual fairy paintings are not able to create here.

Making your own hands

Cut out and sew the curtains with his hands for a living room or bedroom - it is not very simple. Therefore it is possible to make a simple canopy to the kitchen window as training and experiment. To do pelmet with your hands, you should buy an inexpensive but suitable for the interior of the fabric. The length of the tape should be slightly more than the length of the cornice and equal to about one-third of the height of the window, as the need to cut the tissue around the circumference.

How to choose fabrics for pelmets

To do this, fold the fabric in half lengthwise, recede from each edge of 7-10 cm and cut ΒΌ circle. Half of the circle is calculated by the geometric formula which can be found in any school textbook.

We must not forget that the circle should be equal to twice the length of the cornice. After suturing the side portions and the edge of the semicircle on the canopy can sew fringe or lace. In the kitchen a pelmet can be used as an independent piece.

For the pattern and sewing of curtains with his hands more complex designs need to use the following step by step instructions:

Dimensions and swags scheme
  1. Measure the width of the window. With a long ledge measure its length, and fabric buy 2 times more. At a rate of canopy is one-fifth of the length of the curtains. For these dimensions bought fleece or gangs with adhesive backing.
  2. Make a pattern template. Unlike ordinary pattern, it becomes a life-size, so it will be easier to cut the fabric: the pattern is placed on the wrong side of the fabric and encircle shallow.
  3. To the underside of the fabric is adhered fleece with allowance for seams.
  4. For fabric stitched by shaping and the article everted onto the front side, otglazhivaetsya, attached to the upper edge of the adhesive tape, and pelmet ready. The edges can be thrown over the ledge and drop along the curtains.

To find the type of pelmet, it is necessary to pay attention to the ceiling height. Since the canopy on the curtains visually make them shorter then the height from floor to ceiling should not be less than three meters. If desired, still draw the canopy at a low ceiling can choose the fabric in a vertical strip or depicting geometric shapes.

If the room is not enough natural light, better do pelmet organza and smaller width. In sunny areas, you can choose darker shades curtains.

customer Reviews

I do not understand why now so many are opposed to the curtains with lambrequins. If the sense of beauty is not brought up in a man, you can spoil everything and without swags. And I very much like it. I have such an option in the living room, three swings, declining to the left corner. Coloring chose beige tones, one in one go, with a delicate tulle looks great.

To be honest, I can not stand pelmets. I do not understand that they are all good. I believe that in our country a special presentation about the interior. These strips are hung from the ceiling, all around brown: the curtains, furniture, blankets and everything else. On the interior photos that are printed in glossy magazines, all beige and brown, I hate those colors.

Marina, 27 years old.

After repairs in the bedroom was decided to replace the curtains. We choose "Diana" for 1190 rubles. This whole set: curtains, blinds textile and pelmet. I believe that with the purchase we were lucky. Pelmet beautiful, so comfortable with him it was in the room. Curtains, of course, from cheap fabric, thin and light, green color, but it will be soon replaced. And the pattern swags for beginners can always be found.

Tamara, 32 years old.

I personally prefer the normal curtains, no different pomposity. Curtains can carve and sew their own. Tulle can be collected in the middle of the fold, you can dissolve, as anyone convenient. In a word, itself a master. And the kitchen curtains equipped with a snap: take white linen, do the cutting, impose canvas and step by step, looking at the drawing, embroider patterns. In my opinion, the simpler, the better, more ornaments to anything, just collecting dust. window clearance must be done in conjunction with the furniture and color of the walls.

Valentina, 37 years old.

I think that in a small apartment-type "Khrushchev" curtains with lambrequins will look ridiculous. Still, these ornaments give the room a grand, solemn look. And what kind of small rooms at 15 meters? Of course, if a first sight, a sofa imported supply, chandelier with candelabra, antique wardrobe with gold knobs, then those rich curtains will come in handy. However, I do not mind to sew their own hands the curtains with lambrequins into the kitchen, I saw the neighbors, look good.

Anna, 31 years old.