Since ancient times, noticed that people can endlessly contemplate the fire and water, they are well soothe nervous tension unloaded. Practically, in many homes, there are small fountains and fireplaces. But not everyone can afford to have attributes such joy in the house. That is why the candle was, and remains, an indispensable symbol of domestic comfort. And also it is a pleasant companion and romantic holidays.
Candle cooking is not only a hobby, but for someone a good income. And made with his own hands the candles will be a good and useful gift, decorating the interior of the housing. And the unexpected power outages, it is a natural occurrence of any room.

Production of candles
In its simplest form, is taken as a basis for the usual, bought in a hardware store, a white paraffin candles. As the molds, use a small glass jar. Suitable for coloring wax crayons. If there is a flavor oil, the candle can be flavored by adding a drop of molten wax before pouring.
Further, it should crush a candle with a knife so that the wick can be gently remove - it will be required in the manufacturing process.
Divide the wax into 3 equal parts, much as possible. For simplicity, used crayons wax in different colors.

Paraffin put into a container, and melt in a water bath, without boiling.
Crumble pieces small, and put it in the heated wax. Stir well until completely dissolved.
Apply a drop of glue in the center of the bottom of the jar, which will be filled with future candle and stick wick. Cut off the excess length. The wick should extend slightly beyond the edge of banks.
Two smooth rods (can toothpicks), put on the neck of the jar so that the wick is between them, hold them together at the edges with adhesive tape. It is necessary that during pouring paraffin wick not moved and stayed in the center of the candle.
Pour the first layer of wax, and wait for it to complete solidification. Can be placed under the bottom edge of the jar, any object (such as a matchbox) that she was standing at an angle, and to cool in this position.
When solidified paraffin hardens at an angle, and pouring the next layer, placing an object under the opposite corner, then the side of the candle will look original.
Melt the white wax without adding chalk, pour it over the previous layer (obliquely or not at the discretion of the manufacturer), and wait for the solidification.
Melt the last part of the wax, with the addition of chalk
for coloring, and poured onto the second layer, but now the jar must be level to the candle surface was smooth.

After hardening, remove the sticks, which adheres to the wick. Optionally, to decorate the edges of the banks ribbon or cord. If after setting the last layer formed a small crater, you can fill it with a drop of wax.
From the above narrated, it can be concluded that to make the candle yourself, not so difficult. The main desire and creativity.