Things made with their own hands, do not go out of fashion. Especially popular are beautiful pictures of denim. Make a work of art of the jeans is easy if you know the technology of manufacturing. Experienced masters will help to create a truly unique in its beauty fabric which perfectly fit into the interior of the room, as well as a perfect gift.

preparation of material
Create pictures of denim is simple enough, most importantly, understand the technique. This you can do with your children, so they kind of needlework, no doubt, have to taste. The finished composition will add charm to any room, whether it's children's room, kitchen, office or living room.

This technique was invented famous painter of British origin Ian Berry (Ian Berry), who just loves things made of denim. Once had to part with another pair of pants, he had decided not to send them to the scrap, and try to turn them into a masterpiece. His paintings from scraps he represented under a pseudonym Denimu, hence the name. Now the young man had a lot of followers from around the world.
Before you begin to be creative, you need to prepare the material and tools. The list of necessary equipment includes:
- fiberboard (MDF);
- old jeans with different color palettes;
- scissors;
- PVA glue or dragon;
- the segment burlap to create fine details;
- marker;
- paper for producing a template;
- multicolored cardboard;
- line.

The creation of such self-made paintings help a person to express their individuality in the design apartments, as well as apply the "artistic recycling" worn jeans and other unnecessary things.
Creative hobbies acts as a sedative, and if you connect the baby, then the process will be much more interesting and productive, develop the baby and the parent sense of composition, will impart an aesthetic taste, and learn to think figuratively.
Step by step instructions on making
Buy a beautiful and suitable for painting the room is problematic: Good is expensive, but cheaper options are not always fit into the interior of the room. But it is quite realistic to create a fabric that will fit the bill. In addition to this there is no need to purchase an expensive material, as old jeans fit.
To create an original painting denim follow the steps. Looks process as follows:

- Mark the fiberboard sheet, cut from it a square or rectangle. This master class will create a canvas the size of 55h45 cm.
- After that you need to cut and put in a random scraps of denim material, all elements must be different in color. If you want to make a bright song, you can use colored jeans. It is best will look blank of 10x15 and 15x20 cm.
- Draw animal patterns, such as cats, to put on the fabric and cut around a marker or a piece of soap. It is desirable that each blank was a different color, then the picture will look more original.
- In the next step you need to accommodate all the pupils in the fiberboard sheet. Background glued to the base and leave for some time that all good dry. Only after that it will be possible to fix seals.
- Thus, the main work has been completed, there is clearance. To do this, you need to make small details, draw a marker for eyes and nose. The antennae can be made of burlap, this fishing line is suitable.
At the end make a beautiful frame, it can be made into a braid: cut the ribbon width of 2.5 cm and braid them. You can use the 3 stripes, but much more interesting to look weaving of the four elements.
The finished braid glued around the edges fiberboard to the reliability of fixed pegs and allowed to dry. You can then look for a suitable place for a home-made masterpiece.
First, one can practice a simple embodiment, and gain experience, proceeding to more complex compositions.
Inspired by the works of John Berry, risk to re-create something similar.