The emergence of insects in the apartment is always a panic, fear, confusion and the desire to get rid of unwanted guests. In vain, many believe that a variety of insects, and other vermin tarakashki can live only in a dirty untidy apartment. In fact, the degree of purity of the room has little effect on the appearance of pests, because the main condition for them is free access to food and water.
- Where are the uninvited guests
- insects
- Causes of
- Fighting bugs in the bathroom
- room preparation
- home remedies
- mechanical methods
- Traditional methods
- professional destruction
Where are the uninvited guests
Insects can appear in any room, especially attracted their kitchen, bathroom and toilet. In addition to well-known to all the ants and cockroaches, and other pests are found in white or black.
Bathrooms tend to live these pests:
- silverfish - small insects (under 1 cm) having an elongated form of white or light-gray tint body, at the end it can be seen three smaller hair. Silverfish are nocturnal, eat organic - wet paper, mold, food residues, synthetic fiber, or even disdain dead brothers. Because they multiply quite slowly, struggle with them will not cause any trouble - just enough to handle the bathroom special spray;
woodlice - have an elongated body, divided into segments, each of which has one pair of legs. These insects breathe only through the gills, so can not do without water. Feed on the remains of vegetation, quickly breed;
- spiders, gnats, cockroaches, centipedes, ants - penetrate into the apartment through the vents of the neighboring rooms or from the cellar;
- mosquitoes - prefer to reside, reproduce and rest during the day in areas with high levels of humidity, so the bathroom is admirably suited.
Silverfish are often confused with the pill bugs, as they are very similar. They love the humid climate, and almost always settle in the toilet or bathroom.
These bugs are absolutely harmless to humans and pets. However, very few people like this neighborhood, so you need to fight with them.
Causes of
The bathroom has all the conditions for the growth and development of various insects. The main reason for their occurrence is a specific microclimate, that is, High-temperature and humidity.
Another fairly common factor contributing to the emergence of a variety of parasites, acts hygiene rules violation and failure to comply with health standards.
If the room is not sufficiently ventilated, inevitably there is moisture, which creates favorable conditions for the penetration into your home different spiders, silverfish, pill bugs and so on. D. The appearance of any insect in the bathroom more often indicates the presence of any problems with the water supply and sanitation (it can be a leaky pipe). It is important to constantly monitor the condition of the sanitary equipment and devices, ventilation systems, floor and walls (to eliminate all joints and gaps).
Fighting bugs in the bathroom
Many ordinary people believe that if in the bathroom, toilet, kitchen or other room there were insects, then get rid of them is practically impossible. In fact, it is a profound mistake, because to deal with one or another kind of insects there are a huge number of both chemical and folk remedies.
Methods for killing insects (cockroaches, bugs, millipedes, silverfish, woodlice etc.), Essentially identical. At home, you can get rid of the pests by using special drugs that can be purchased at a hardware store or use folk remedies.
The most effective means to combat white bugs in the bathroom are aerosolsHaving insecticidal activity. This may include the following drugs:
- malathion;
- Executioner;
- Raptor;
- Lambda zone;
- Combat;
- Delizia;
- Dichlorvos et al.
These drugs are used to dealing with all types of parasites living in the bathroom.
Since aerosols are highly toxic, immediately after the processing facilities need to leave it at least 2 hours. After that, be sure to ventilate the apartment.
room preparation
Before proceeding to the treatment room, you need to determine exactly what kind of insects have chosen your apartment, and determine the type of drug to combat them.
Since white bugs in the bathroom there is often due to high humidity, care should be taken to regularly ventilated room. Ideally - to make built-in ventilation.
An important aspect is maintaining optimum temperatureWhich must not be higher than 23 degrees. The reason is that insects live and feel comfortable only in a very warm room. Therefore, if your apartment is hot, it is desirable to ventilate the room more often, including the bathroom.
should regularly clean the dust in the most remote placesBecause the bugs often appear there. Watch out for the fact that the room did not have a bathroom wet parts and if found dry places such a fan heater.
Regularly wet cleaning using chlorineWhich is not only an excellent disinfectant, but also quite effective substances used to control insects. Disinfection should be performed at least once in 2-3 weeks.
home remedies
For independent control of insects, you can use household chemicals, which are relatively inexpensive, but effective enough.
Among them are the following:
- copper sulfate;
- means for cleaning of sanitary equipment, which include chloro;
- boric acid powder. It is necessary to prepare a disinfectant solution at the rate of 1 part powder to 4 parts water and the resulting mixture handle bathroom. About a week is necessary to conduct general cleaning in order to remove the remains of powder and dead insects. After some time, treatment should be repeated. This will help get rid of silverfish young individuals that have just hatched from eggs.
An effective tool in the fight against insects is a drug butoxy 50. Means diluted with water to give a solution and treated with a bathroom.
mechanical methods
Fight the parasites can be using homemade traps:
- trap of wet newspaper (The cheapest and easiest way) to be spread out on the bathroom floor and leave overnight. Since silverfish are partial to damp places, in the morning they occupy trap. It will only have to turn the paper to make it out of the room and burn;
- trap of banksYou want to wrap with tape or paper and put into a piece of bread or an apple. Adaptation to leave for the night.
Traditional methods
Withdraw small insects can be using folk remedies, which include citrus, naphthalene, spices, pine or naphthalene.
Citrus. Insects, including silverfish and woodlice, absolutely can not tolerate the smell of citrus. For pest control you can use the skins of lemons, oranges, tangerines. Peel the fruit must be expanded in the areas of infection that will scare away insects from your apartment. should not be used for this purpose, deodorants and fragrances cleaners, since they do not have an organic origin and be absolutely useless. You can also spray the wall with water and lemon.
- Naphthalene. Means is wrapped in cheesecloth and laid out in places of occurrence of insects. This will help to scare off bugs and will prevent their re-emergence.
- Spice. Wood louse, silverfish and other insects in the bathroom, do not like strong smells of cloves, sage, bay leaf (not crushed). Herbs are used as in the previous embodiment.
- spike oil. It is quite effective against insects having a repulsive effect. It is necessary to mix the concentrated oil (1 hr. l.) and water (1 L). The resulting solution was treated with furniture, baseboards around the perimeter, carpets and other household items. Treatment should be repeated from time to time as a preventive measure.
- Cedar shavings. No less effective means for controlling silverfish.
- cucumbers. The smell of these vegetables is an excellent repellent for insects. Cucumbers should be cut into thick slices and put them in places where insects. Slices should be changed as soon as they dry.
professional destruction
If you can not get rid of their own white bugs in the bathroom, the only way out is to turn to professionals for help. They use special equipment and strong drug to ensure complete freedom from parasites.
In most professional exterminator apply such a preparation as liquid cypermethrin. Aqueous emulsion is processed cracks and crevices around doorways and baseboards. In this way, only the adults are destroyed on deferred insect eggs this drug has no effect.
After reviewing all the options for dealing with silverfish and other insects, you can choose suitable for yourself. It should be remembered that detects at least some specimens of parasites, an urgent need to begin to eliminate them in order to avoid mass infection.