If you do not take care of your toilet properly, once the dirt there have otdraivat. It is important to know how to clean the toilet bowl on urinary stone and which tools are most effective. Urinary stone is gradually formed on the rim and the outlet of the irregular flushing urine and poor cleaning, first has the form plaque. If it is not removed and will not be orderly, plaque and compacted become a urinary stone.

- How to wash and do not harm
- How to clean the toilet bowl rust and plaque (video)
- The cleaning process
- Removing age-old mud
- How to clean the toilet (video)
- Using a steam cleaner
How to wash and do not harm
Deposits formed inside the toilet, have a brown color, their appearance is unpleasant, creates a sense of impropriety, so of them really want to get rid of. Before you clean the toilet on urinary stone, one must know how to do it, to do no harm. The toilet can not be injection cool boiled water, since its surface and plastic sewer pipe can not withstand a temperature above 85 ° C. From exposure to boiling water can warp the plastic, and the toilet covered with cracks and even break. You can not use metal brushes and sponges, as well as harsh abrasive powders coarse fraction, no matter how complex or become contaminated, as it will damage the glaze.

When using chemicals, should be particularly careful not to allow contact with the skin while cleaning not to tilt his head low over the instrument, so as not to breathe the fumes. The chemical agent should not fall on the toilet lid attachment, as it can corrode the parts, and they are broken with time. Toilet bowl wash in a brush dense rubber gloves, a stiff brush or sponge with roughened layer. To remove dirt from hard to reach places use a narrow brush.
Before you use a particular tool, you must read the instructions and follow it. With proper care, the toilet has a decent view, and after 10 years of operation.
How to clean the toilet bowl rust and plaque (video)
The cleaning process
Whatever the means for cleaning the toilet from urinary stone you choose, you must first drain the water seal. This is done by absorbing water in an enema or a plastic bottle with a tip. Collect it with a sponge and cloth. After that, all the pollution and the amount of work will appear in its entirety. You may find that the urinary stone in the toilet, in the corners of the drain has a thickness of a finger. If everything is not so started to clean the toilet bowl on the raid, the detergent is applied to the hour, after which a brush is rubbed and rinsed.
Dissolve urolith alkaline agents (White, Domestos) or based on acids (Silit Beng gel dressing). When impurities average intensity of the selected agent applied 6-10 hours. To clear the rim, moisten a paper towel and fastened to the patches.

All the means listed above are also suitable for removing limescale, which is formed from the minerals contained in the water to drain. The more often it held flush, the greater the likelihood of its accumulation. The precipitate gradually eats into the surface of sanitary ware, making it rough. that remove plaque in the toilet home remedies, try the next agent: 0.5 liter Coca-Cola put on problem areas, leave for 2-3 hours and remove dirt cleaning brush.
You can remove a stone in the bowl without removing water from it. If education is not very dense, try applying a concentrated powder Antikalk. Means it is necessary to add to the drain hole (1-2 tbsp. spoons) after completion of the reaction (after about 20 minutes) to clean. If you Antikalk in liquid form, it is required not less than 500 ml.
To prevent the formation of plaque and calculus, you can buy special tablets for toilet cisterns. Depending on the concentration and quantity of the active substances 1 tablet flushing removes plaque symptoms within 2-8 weeks.

Removing age-old mud
To remove a urinary stone kopivshiysya years, effective electrolyte. To work with him to be careful, wear gloves and glasses, apply gently, without splashing. It quickly dissolve thick stone inside the toilet bowl, but can damage sewage wiring of plastic pipes.
If the toilet has not been cleaned for a long time, remove the deposits of oxalic acid powder will help. It is applied to the moistened sponge and scrub the dirt. Acid can be sprinkled on the spot and leave for an hour. After the end of its residues should be thoroughly washed.

To clean a toilet dense deposits, primarily, they should soften. The selected agent is applied on the stains, left for a few hours and then purified by a fiber sponge which is rigidly affects the surface. Some lend themselves with difficulty, and the procedure has to be repeated. hostess often, to clean the stone from the plumbing, enjoy the following folk remedies:
- 1 cup 9% vinegar, mixed with 1 tbsp. l. soda;
- citric acid in powder or dissolved in water.

Strong alkaline action has a caustic soda (sodium hydroxide). The granules can be dissolved in water and pour dirty areas. This is an unsafe way, but with a reasonable use of the toilet bowl cleaning them possible.
Yellow plaque may appear in pots for children, if the mother does not wash it and rinse only. Uric acid reacts with the pot material and deposited. For his education should not be long enough 2-3 times in 20 minutes to hold the child's urine in a pot and wash thoroughly. The less smooth surface, the formed stone faster.
To wash it, Domestos or Comet breed with water 1: 1, pour into the pot for 30 minutes and wash. Some mothers find means Narpik unscented more efficient from a stone than chlorine. Wash solid deposits will Silit Beng or liquid detergent Cleaning 2, the water should not be added to them.
How to clean the toilet (video)
Using a steam cleaner
This modern device is designed to clean by dissolving and melting under the action of mud powerful jets of steam various surfaces. It is supplied with attachments, including a specially designed toilet. With rounded, you can send a jet of steam under the rim. Packed in a convenient brush and clean off at the same time softening the urinary stone. Moreover, the steam temperature accelerates chemical reactions, making means for cleaning the toilet bowl more effectively. Wash not only the toilet, and the entire bathroom with a steam cleaner is simple and fast. You can never use in cleaning detergents, or spend them in smaller quantities. Steam penetrates everywhere beats dirt and disinfects. After that, all surfaces should be wiped dry. Toilet, where clean steam cleaner, never has an unpleasant smell.
Contamination inside the toilet appear regularly, so the elementary cleaning it should be carried out continuously. It's easier to do it every day for 5 minutes, then stand than half a day in front of him on his knees, rubbing and scraping, or go for a new one. Accustom himself and his family keep the plumbing in the house clean and well-kept simple.