The wash and how Zelenka: description of the methods, the use of effective means of

Zelenka on the skin - how to washThe solution of brilliant green is in the home medicine cabinet almost every family. After all, it is a means of helping us with various wounds and treatment of chickenpox in children. The drug is good, but only to use it, not soiled it is simply impossible. Because, even opening the vial, observing all precautions, you still can not protect yourself from getting a small amount of the solution on the skin. And to wash it, as it turns out, is not so simple. Yet such means, there are a lot of them.


  1. Means than to wash the skin with Zelenka
  2. Removal of green fodder with skin
  3. Elimination of green fodder with hands
  4. Leather processing in children after chickenpox
  5. Tips readers

Means than to wash the skin with Zelenka

The sooner you start to wash Zelenka, the process will be faster and more efficient. If she I did not have time to dry it simply can wash with soap and water, using a brown bar of soap. And you can also use ordinary soap. It will wash off quickly without leaving a trace. But if the solution has already managed to dry and absorb into the skin, there may need other means. Among them are the following:

  • soda;
  • bleach containing chlorine;
  • alcohol and lemon juice;
  • lemon pulp;
  • hydrogen peroxide.

Given that the solution of brilliant green alcohol, the alcohol will easily cope with the task of removing the stains from his skin. A lemon juice will help him with that. Dilute the mixture should be in a proportion of 5 to 1. Also vodka alcohol can be used instead, but its proportion in the solution must be greater.

How quickly wash hands with green fodderOne of the most effective ways to remove green stuff from the skin is a soda. In addition, this method is one of the most care. However, the time it will take a little longer. By the way, this method should be used ordinary baking soda instead of soda. For this method you need to mix a small amount of soda and warm water to form a slurry. It should be applied on the stain and rub in a circular motion for a few seconds. Then the slurry should be washed off. If Zelenka fully retired, you should repeat this procedure until, until the skin is clear.

The flesh of the lemon can also help cope with spots of green fodder. To do this, take a piece of sliced ​​citrus and swabbing spot. Then, after 15-30 seconds, rinse with water. If the result does not suit you, then the procedure is repeated again.

Hydrogen peroxide discoloring property and is used to launder Zelenka. To do this, moisten peroxide piece of cotton and attach to the place where there is also a spot for a few seconds and then rinse. In this method, Caution should be exercised. Arms should wear gloves and if the skin there are wounds or cracks, it is necessary to look for other means.

How and what to wash away quickly ZelenkaA special caution should be used if you choose chlorine bleach. To it is necessary to resort only in case of emergency when you need to quickly get rid of green fodder and other means do not work. However, it should be remembered that You can not handle the spot clean with bleach, but only 50 percent of its solution and the procedure should also be carried out quickly. Quickly lubricate the skin with green paint and quickly rinse solution. Once the skin is cleaned, should process this plot 6-percent acetic acid to neutralize chlorine.

If the brilliant green on your body lasts for several days, in order to wash traces need to steam the skin of hands or feet in warm water for at least 10-15 minutes. You can also attach to the place, where the spot towel soaked in warm or hot water. A better option is to - before this procedure to take a bath. Then Zelenka be erased with a sponge or brush.

Removal of green fodder with skin

Zelenka on the skin - remove quicklyOpening a bottle of green paint can stain not only on the skin of the hands, but also on the face. But in this part of the body can also be easy to handle stained greenIf you know how and what. To remove stains brilliant green solution with faces commonly used cosmetic products, such as:

  • liquid makeup remover (milk or cream);
  • Scrub mild;
  • fat cream.

Also applied and vegetable oils, such as sunflower, olive oil or coconut.

Scrub and cream is applied with a thick layer and leave for a few minutes alone. According to them should be removed after this time using a cotton sponge. A skin should wash gel for washing or conventional toilet soap.

Vegetable oils and makeup remover is used differently. They are applied to a cotton pad and wipe them a spot. If trace of green fodder did not come down, it means leaving for some time and only then wash off.

Elimination of green fodder with hands

On the skin of hands, namely, to remove not so difficult with palms. For this fit:

  • wipes for office equipment;
  • Toothpaste;
  • nail polish remover containing no acetone.

Action wipes for office equipment due to the fact that in them the same way as in zelenke contains alcohol which dissolves the dried solution. By the way, they can be used on any site except the skin.

Toothpaste should be used so. Apply it on the trail of green stuff and leave for 3-5 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Nail polish remover is used to wash Zelenka with nails and around them. If zelenki solution fell under the nails, you should apply a warm bath for hands with the addition of lemon juice in it. Fingers therein should keep for 10-15 minutes and then rubbed away using a toothbrush, paste or nail polish remover.

Leather processing in children after chickenpox

There are different methods to quickly wash Zelenka from the face and handsChickenpox child brings a lot of inconvenience. Yet many are glad that the child had been ill with it at an early age (again it will not be returned), because in the older age it is carried much heavier. But here the disease has passedAnd spots of green fodder, which is used for the treatment of lesions remained. A child needs to go to kindergarten or school. Therefore it is required to bring them quickly.

Here are also many ways. But the basic tools is a fat baby cream and ascorbic acid. Baby cream is applied to the stain and leave for 10-15 minutes and then wash the baby in the bath, using soap and washcloth. ascorbic acid tablets or powder is dissolved in water and rub them traces green solution using cotton wool.

You can also use the methods used to remove stains from the skin of green fodder in adults - oil, soda and cosmetics. Hydrogen peroxide, and alcohol can be used only pointwise.

If the child does not need attend school or kindergartenIt is better not to use any special techniques for flushing green trace. The usual daily hygienic procedures themselves will drive them in a few days.

Tips readers

 I had a small wound, but it festered. At first I handled her brilliant green. But it did not help. Only left the spot. Then I decided to use hydrogen peroxide. I treated her wound. And I did not have any pus in the wound, no traces of green stuff on your skin. That's how I discovered a way to remove green stuff, not with anyone without asking.

Alexander, Belgorod.

I'm on my experience that the best way to bring Zelenka than alcohol does not exist. And this is understandable, because the solution is prepared on alcohol, so it dissolves it better than any other means. One can also use other means on its basis, for example, toilet water or vodka.

Julia, Kostroma.

When my child was ill with chickenpox from green fodder had to be washed, not only him, but also myself. You can not use this solution and do not get dirty in it. Fingers and nails were constantly green. I tried many remedies that advised familiar those who have read about on the Internet. But the most effective was the baby cosmetic oil. It safe and cope with spots quickly.

Victoria Moscow.

Now on sale you can find a marker with green paint, with which Zelenka can be applied only in those places where it is needed. Especially it will be useful to deal with chickenpox.