Caps, knitted from natural materials are always in demand. But when the wool is used, it is important that the product was not "scratchy". Therefore, when knitting the male cap spokes to be added to the base material of artificial 30-50%. You can use polyester or acrylic. People with sensitive skin is better to use instead of cashmere wool.

- Highlights
- Knitting hats, stockings
- checkerboard pattern
- Youth cap-toe
- Option drying and visor
- Origialny "bag"
Winter hat for men - is not only article of clothing designed to protect from the cold, but also fashion article of clothing. Today there is an opportunity to choose from a large number of models available. Most often masters knit these options:
- bag;
- stocking;
- sock;
- hats with ears;
- model with pompons;
- headgear with a visor.
The chosen scheme should be studied thoroughly to the finished product was qualitatively related and consistent in size. At the request can be linked and scarf, as a complement to the cap. Stopping the choice on a particular pattern, it is necessary to take into account:
- kind of yarn;
- experience and skill knitters;
- opinion of the future owner of the product.

There are patterns that are drawn during wear. It is better to start to prepare a sample, moisten it with water, and then stretch. After this you should leave it in the free position. When the product is dry, you can judge the appropriate density knitted and how many loops will be optimal.
Knitting hats, stockings
For example, you can take 2 different sizes. This will be the volume of the head 54/56 and 56/58 cm and height parameters of the finished cap 27/28 cm. Of materials for hats beanies, as it is called, will be required:
- Semi-woolen yarn - 50 g;
- Circular knitting needles - number of 3 and 2.5.
knitting density was 24 loops on 32 rows corresponding to the size of 10 by 10 cm. The scheme is:

- Take spokes number 2.5 and gaining 160-170 n.
- Further provyazyvayut elastic pattern, for which at one front loop have 1 Wrong. This mode provyazyvayut 5 cm.
- That the model is well suited in size and nicely fits the head Bates uniformly in the subsequent series of 30-34 p. The result is 130-136 loops.
- From this point it is necessary to move to the spokes of number 3. Facial moving around the circle more and vyvyazyvayut thus 18 cm. Ubavka performed every 17 n.
Following this, two loops tied one and continue to diminish in the next 14 rows. In the last of them all loops provyazyvayut 2 pcs. 8-12 pieces remain, which tighten and transferred to the wrong side. Next, you need to fix them and decorate as desired. To do this for a small pompom.

A selection of men knitting hats with the description surely inspire you to create the author's things with his hands. You can stick to different styles in the preparation of such products, for example, classic and sports. You may attach the lapel, provyazyvat major elements for a more interesting picture, to get the checkerboard pattern.
checkerboard pattern
The model is simple in execution. To link it to stick technique of rhythmic patterns gum. Due to the peculiar figure, which is obtained on the surface of the cap, it gains volume. For the manufacture of such products need to:
- 100 g of "Zimushka" gray yarn;
- Circular knitting needles fitted with a short cutting line;
- set the number of spokes for knitting stockings 4-4.5;
- thick needle.

Gaining on circular needles 96 n., Circularized ring and knit by preventing twist. For sufficiently lower strap 10 rows which are knitted elastic band 2 by 2. According to this technique in all rows of circular turns provyazyvayut 2 facial and purl loops.
Embarking checkerboard pattern. Make it once with number 1 to 8, repeating the first to fourth. Next knit elastic band 4 by 4. In this case, the circular rows of knitting 4 facial and purl loops alternately.
To narrow crown, 4 p. from the beginning of knitting technique on a 4 by 4 Bates one loop in backstitches hinges. For this purpose, 3-4 provyazyvayut loop together. Carried out 2 times decrease in 4 p., Each time until all groups backstitches loops would not on 1 pt. Subsequently 4 p. these loops are knit together with 1 front loop. The spokes 48 thus remains n.
To make a crown, in this second row makes decrease, then provyazyvayut with 3 and 4 loops. n is 36 on the spokes. A further series of knit without subtraction. In the third row provyazyvayut along each loop 2 and 3. The spokes 24 to be n. The fourth series of passes without subtraction. In the fifth knit together a first and a second loop. The spokes is present at this point 12 n.

6 serial number requires knitting loops in pairs. As a result, the spokes will be 6 para. When all stages are passed, is still working to tear the thread. Its free end length is less than 10 cm. It is pulled through the open loop, and pull together tightly. Take a thick needle and secured by hidden stitch yarn at the beginning of work and in the knitting closure.
Youth cap-toe
To make such a youth model, it takes only a few nights. You can use different versions of the yarn. Respectively, will receive the autumn and spring and warmer model hats for winter. If you choose the latter option, it is possible to supplement vyvyazat scarf thick yarn with a pattern of braids. If the volume of the head is 60 cm, it is possible to make the height of the cap at 25 cm. What is required in this case:
- Yarn - 50 g;
- straight or circular needles № № 2.5 and 3.
Care must be an algorithm of actions in accordance with the schemes and descriptions of men's hats. Knitting needles, you can create a direct web which subsequently is crosslinked. An alternative embodiment is a circular circuit. Recruited 94 n., And then proceed to direct provyazyvaniya web. Its height is 18 cm.
On the next row do decrease. Elastic knit loop 21, the next 2 loop gain of one of the drawing. Repeated manipulation of the subtraction, hereinafter knit elastic band 44 n. Bates again. Following this pattern is repeated until the end of the series. Decrease should continue at each end row over 6-7 cm. Then knit all even loops of two subsequent 2 rows. Total remains no more than 12 points. Pull them, and then on the wrong side of the cross-linking of the product produced.
Option drying and visor

This, too, ear flaps, but in its present form. When the required volume to 58-59 cm, a 100 g average yarn density. In addition, the need to hook number 4 and straight spokes similar numbers. Ideal for such a model will be pattern garter stitch, when all ranks provyazyvayut from the front.
To understand the sequence of the work becomes easier with the description. Knitting hats for men make a lot easier than it seems. For models with ears work does not begin on the standard algorithm. Dial 12 n., Then knit, up to 1 n. in each new row. As a result, you should get 20 p.
Following this provyazyvayut 15 p. direct web. Lay aside work in a similar manner and the second knit "ear". Gaining 22 p., By which the visor cap will be created. They should provyazyvat garter by adding 2 n. from each side. This should be done 4 times. Happens in the end 30 n.
In the future, direct viscous gain 24 series. Everything is transferred to a single needle, followed by 20 provyazat n. one "ear". To make the back of the cap, gaining 16 n. required for the second element 20 n. The part on which the visor require 30 n. A total of 86 p obtained. Provyazyvayut straight rows 36, whereupon in each second clean claim 7. evenly.

When the remaining time for a total of 20 p., They should be together provyazyvat 2 pcs. Those that remain, pull together, display inside the thread and fasten. The last part of the visor is sewn, tied hook so-called rachim step. It bars without sc, but implementing them in the opposite direction, ie from left to right.
Fashionable hat for men ready. It is possible to tie their own hands stylish scarf repeating the same pattern, and on the cap. For the younger generation of products will suit decorated with jacquard pattern.
Origialny "bag"

This is a simple model, tight-fitting surface of the head. Such an option can be considered as traditional, since it is characterized by sleek design. No need to decorate it any pompons or any other decorative elements. This is a simplified type of cap-stocking.
Knitting hats male describing bag can vary somewhat, depending on the wishes of masters performing it. If the volume is taken 57 cm, the ideal length will be at a level of 28 cm. What materials are required:
- 100 g of yarn for a double strand;
- spokes № 2,5.
Binding of such a model is suitable for beginners craftswomen. You should dial 142 and loops to start knitting the rubber band on the face 2 for every 2 purl loops. Just need to knit the 7-series, and from the eighth to move to the front surface of. Having thus 17 cm, it is necessary to start the loop decrease. The operation according to the following scheme: in each third row provyazyvayut 2 n. together. The remaining number of shoot. Located on each side of the seam is sewn with care.
You can resort to the seamless operation scheme. This headgear looks more neat. Using a master class for men, you can create a hat with funny design. It is suitable for young people who lead active lifestyles.
If you associate more and scarf, indispensable to get a set of winter walks. It is better to use for this purpose, multi-colored threads. Made from mixed yarn composition wardrobe items are practical and always stay warm in any weather. you can choose the color scheme for them yourself. The process of knitting hats men with description, which lists all the important details, makes it easy. His hands can be made and stylish cap.