How to get rid of the scales in the apartment - 9 ways and a few useful tips


  • What is an uninvited guest?
  • Favorite habitats of
  • 9 methods of combating scales
  • Traps
  • Chemical methods of fighting

It is not very pleasant to find once that uninvited tenants of an unpleasant kind have settled in a house or apartment. Such residents can become scales - insects, leading a nocturnal life and are very willing to settle in a person's home. To decide how to get rid of a scaly, you need to get acquainted with her habits and distinctive features.

What is an uninvited guest?

This representative of the family of scales is silvery in color. Her body is completely covered with tiny scales. In form it looks like an elongated triangle with three tail likenesses on its apex and two antennae on the wide part. On the sides of the insect there are several pairs of short legs that are constantly in motion, because the scales always move intensively.

It is not in vain called "sugar", sweet - one of the preferred dishes of scales. She does not bite either pets or people, does not tolerate infection, but the feeling that in your absence insects eat food, books and household items is very unpleasant. These uninvited guests are also very prolific. For one clutch, the scales can lay about 70 eggs, and the young insects will not be prevented from growing and multiplying.

Favorite habitats of

It is hardly possible to see a scales in broad daylight, although they often sit under skirting boards and window sills. They like to settle where there is dark, humid and a lot of their favorite food, such as:

  • paper, waste paper;
  • rags;
  • construction waste;
  • loose food products( flour, sugar, starch).

This is a bathroom, a pantry, a cellar, a warehouse, a kitchen, a home library. In an apartment, scales are together with building materials( wallpaper), old books and magazines, loose food products from a warehouse or store. Given their special features, such as the ability to travel long distances and for months to do without food, there is no doubt that this insect can easily get into the house, having seized the right moment.

To detect that this insect has appeared in the house, it is possible by its excrement, similar to the grains of black pepper, and the tracks that it leaves, eating in the apartment the reserves of its owners. The products of their life activity are barely discernible, but they can easily be on the table, on kitchen utensils, in flour and sugar, on bread and other food products. In addition, the scales can lay their eggs directly in the flour or other bulk products. Their taste may not spoil it, but it is better to exclude such an opportunity.

9 ways to combat flaky

In order to exclude living together with such nasty neighbors, you need to take drastic measures. The strategy of struggle consists of the installation of traps, chemical and mechanical methods. The latter include frequent airing of wet rooms, thorough cleaning with a powerful vacuum cleaner of places where scales can live. Do not leave food for them. This means that you need to store things and products in hermetically sealed containers - jars, bags, boxes, containers.


Installing traps, you need to be patient until the last uninvited guest gets caught in the bait.

There are a variety of traps.

  1. Bank of 1 liter volume, wrapped outside with an insulating tape with a piece of bread or sugar inside. Get out of her trapped insects will not be possible because of the slippery walls.
  2. Slightly damp newspaper, twisted into a roll, fixed with an elastic band. At night the scales will master a new habitat, and in the morning they will throw out the trap along with them. Repeat this method will have several times, until the last specimen is caught.
  3. A ready-made trap for cockroaches from a convenience store with a bait - a treat for scales( bread, a drop of thick jelly).

In addition to traps, you can use a variety of drugs, many of which are easy to find at home.

Chemical methods of fighting

It will be superfluous to recall the observance of precautions when using control measures with the help of various drugs. You should wash your hands thoroughly, use disposable gloves when unfolding the product. Do not leave them in the area of ​​accessibility for children and pets.

So, what chemicals will help to remove the scaly?

  1. Diatomite - in the evening the preparation is scattered in the insect habitats, in the morning they are cleaned using a vacuum cleaner.
  2. Boric acid, which is very cheap and sold in any pharmacy, is an excellent remedy for scales.
  3. Insecticides with pyrethrin in the form of an aerosol - are dangerous for children and pets, do not spray in the locations of products.
  4. Citrus citrus. This insect does not like the smell of lemon or orange peel. However, such a tool must be decomposed for a long time, and this is not entirely convenient for followers of purity and order. Therefore, the citrus peel shaving can be used not in the apartment, but mainly in the basement, cellar, away from the captious look of the diligent mistress.
  5. Lemon or lavender essential oils are diluted in water, and cabinets and boxes are sprayed with the solution. At the same time you can enjoy the smell of freshness.
  6. Fragrant spices( cinnamon, sage, bay leaf) can scare off the scales from kitchen cabinets. The downside of the method is that the spices will have to be updated frequently, since their odor is quickly eroded.

It is desirable that these funds fall into the cracks, behind the plinth, to the places of the supposed congestion of insects.

So, in order that the apartment does not live scales, it is necessary not to create favorable conditions for them, to struggle with high humidity, not to leave food in the zone of their reach. To eliminate insects, chemical methods of struggle are applied, traps are set.