Furniture for teen room: wardrobes, suites and other types, design photo

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When the house lives a teenage student, it requires a separate space, and does not just want, but need in a comfortable, cozy room, where he can learn, relax and grow healthy and happy. This requires the right furniture for teen room, it is necessary to choose carefully and wisely, because of it depends on the style of the room, its comfort, and child health and mood.

Blue shelves on the wall of the room for a creative teenager

When choosing furniture for a teenager's room is important to take into account the opinion of the owner of the room

Selection criteria for teenagers room furniture


  • Selection criteria for teenagers room furniture
  • Furniture design, depending on the sex teen
    • girls
    • For boys
    • For heterosexual teens
  • The choice of style furniture
  • variety of furniture
    • Soft furniture
    • Freestanding
    • modular
    • And others
  • Materials furniture manufacturing
    • natural wood
    • Particleboard and MDF
    • Combinations of different materials
  • Forms for the room furniture
    • Cupboard
    • Table
    • Bed
    • And others
  • Video: How to arrange the furniture in the room of a teenager
  • design photos of the room with furniture teen

What are the principles you need to choose the furniture in the children's room for a teenager? A lot of them, we present a list to which you can navigate:

  1. Quality. This does not mean that the furniture should be made of natural beech wood or mahogany. No, not necessarily. Just the material should be durable, and the assembly - reliable.
  2. Functionality. If two children live in a room, or a small-sized room - even more so. Each meter should be used optimally and wisely, so that the furniture should be functional.
  3. Affiliation. It can not be ignored: if the room lived a girl - this one, boy - is quite another. Choose for the girl girly furniture, for a guy more manly. And do not forget about the child's tastes, he's an adult and has the right to vote.
  4. Style and design. The furniture should be suitable to the interior of the room, the walls, carpets, curtains. If all light - it can be white or cream. Let it be a single shade of wood, as if all of a collection - it will be a good solution.
  5. Price. It makes no sense to overpay on too loud or too brands design items. But also to buy the cheapest can not, they do not last a long time. It is better to seek a middle ground, and save where appropriate.

These criteria is enough to furnish a bedroom of a teenager with taste and intelligence.

Brown racks in the room of a teenage boy

Try to arrange the room the way I wanted to see her own child

Furniture design, depending on the sex teen

As already noticed, children's furniture for a teenager necessarily correspond to its floor. Modern furniture manufacturers know how important it is, and make chairs, beds and tables for boys and girls the most incredible designs.


For parents of a girl - always charming little princess, but do not make out her room pink thingies. She's a teenager, so - a fashionista, and wants to become an adult as soon as possible. So the little girl's room should be stylish and very modern.

Wooden bed on thin legs in the girls room

Spring floral motifs - traditional design themes for a young lady

Be sure to focus on the tastes and preferences of girls. If her favorite color purple and you place the room in shades of yellow, the child would be offended.

It should be spacious wardrobe for clothes, shoes, clothes, accessories. Necessarily a dressing table with mirror and lighting, even a little, but it should be. Most beautiful bed with fluffy pillows, garlands and toys, pouf or armchair, where you can dream. And of course a comfortable table and shelves or shelving for books, knick-knacks and memorabilia of different things.

For boys

Boys' room furniture guy teenager should be modern, simple and concise. He is unlikely to please the bed in the form of a racing car: after all, this is quite an adult and the modern child.

Bright facades of furniture in the room the girls

With brightly furnished room will not look bored

Large computer desk chair and cool - that's what he would be delighted. After all, the guy spends a lot of time on the computer, and therefore need a comfortable place. The chair is better to choose Orthopedic, on it he would sit for hours.

You can use the modular furniture: wall for the storage of clothes, books, sports awards, equipment, personal belongings. Bed - simple, spacious and comfortable. Armchair-bag or a soft, comfortable lounge chair. Better to choose neutral colors: blue, gray, green, brown.

For heterosexual teens

If the room live two teenagers of different genders, it should first zoning. To do this, use a rack, cabinet or wall, partition or high screens: each tenant should be let its small but isolated personal space.

Zoning nursery for heterosexual teens

Separate beds teens easiest with the help of curtains attached to the ceiling cornices

Each of them should have their children or teenagers with modern furniture: personal desk and a wardrobe, bedside tables and drawers, freestanding isolated bed. Even the style of the two zones can be arranged in different ways, separated by color. It is important that young people feel that they have their own private area.

The choice of style furniture

Modern furniture for children's or teen room should be not only convenient and practical, but stylish. It is best to choose a clear stylistic direction and act within the requirements of this style.

  • Loft. Teenagers love this style for its modernity and a certain impertinence. Brick walls, gray and brown colors, rough textures. You can put a very trendy bedroom suite for a girl or boy teen loft-style: rough wardrobe solid untreated wood, a large metal bed, rude stylish accessories, lamps on wires, decor. Very nice and modern!
    Electronic guitar on the brick wall of a child's room

    Loft interior will be a good choice for a boy or girl, if they like rock music

  • Modern style. Modern teenagers bedroom can be very comfortable. A simple functional furniture, clean, lots of light and nothing more. Furniture made of wood or more available materials, but in the natural wood, without bright spots. All light, modern, practical, modular and multi-functional.
    A minimum of furniture in the bedroom of a teenager

    Room modern teenager, furnished in a minimalist

  • Romantic style. For the girl's bedroom can be arranged in the style of Provence, if it is a gentle creature with a poetic soul.
    Children's room in the style of Provence for girls

    In Provence, traditionally used wooden furniture, painted in bright colors

  • For a boy choose minimalism, exactly like him, but from the high-tech style, he is generally happy. Metal, plastic, all space a modern, unusual, no figurines and other decorations.
    White furniture in the style of high-tech for a teenager

    Furniture in high-tech style - it's smooth glossy facades without handles

  • Good Scandinavian design - ecological, simplicity, comfort. In a variety of directions, choose something that will respond to the child's mind, because he has to adolescence have their own personal tastes and preferences.
    Bed with drawers in a white room

    Scandinavian interior differs thoughtful selection of furniture in bright colors

variety of furniture

Choosing furniture to the modern children's bedroom for your teen is to adhere to the chosen design direction. You can even buy the furniture from the same collection, and you can select individual objects, but carefully to all of them harmoniously joined in the general ensemble.

Bed convertible to a teenage girl

Transformable furniture models will be useful in terms of convenience, economy of space and the family budget

Soft furniture

First of all, it's a bed. Not necessarily that it was huge, but cramped, narrow and compact too should not be. On the bed, the child not only sleeps but also reading, dreaming, writing in a diary of your private thoughts, plays. So it should be comfortable, spacious and cozy.

Yellow sofa in the room of a teenager

Upholstered furniture in the room teen need to on it could comfortably accommodate came to visit friends

If space allows, you should buy a soft chair or even a miniature sofa: to relax, read, relax between lessons. As an option - frameless furniture, bean bags.


Required teenage presence in the cabinet room for clothes: spacious, large, but not bulky. There should also be a rack with shelves or drawers, for example, a wall. Then the teenager will hold books, textbooks, school supplies, various personal items and memorabilia stuff.

Freestanding furniture teen room

As for the racks and shelves, they must have an adequate supply of free space for injured things


Very convenient modular furniture teen: from light modules can be assembled wall, which will be a wardrobe, bookshelves, drawers, chest of drawers, drawers and doors, open and closed.

Modular furniture for a teenager from a modern manufacturer

The advantages of modular furniture - versatility and the ability to add necessary items as needed

The beauty is that the modules can be interchanged by changing the configuration of the entire wall. And as useless some of them can even be completely removed.

And others

Also in the teen room is to be desk - comfortable, spacious enough and durable. Chair or chair to work at the table orthopedic, with adjustable, convenient and reliable high. Bedside table or bedside table, dressing table for a girl and a mirror.

Desk before the window teenager's room

Desk for a teenager - is both a computer so it is better to choose a versatile option

Various shelves, decorative tables, ottomans - it is to your taste and discretion. Remember that clutter the nursery should not be better to leave more space.

Materials furniture manufacturing

Children's furniture can cost as much as is quite inexpensive, and be quite expensive. It depends primarily on the material from which the object is made.

natural wood

Objects made of natural wood all good: They are durable, safe for children's health, longevity. These tables and cabinets insanely beautiful and adorn the interior.

Wooden shelves above the bed boy

you can own hands made of wood to make beautiful and comfortable shelves

Minus - wooden interior items are quite expensive. But if your budget allows - no doubt, this is what we need! Just choose carefully and think whether a teenager will grow out of this furniture? It will be difficult to change, buy with the expectation of the future.

Particleboard and MDF

Incredibly popular materials. Lightweight, affordable, robust, very durable. Even the appearance of beautiful, indistinguishable from real wood. DSP is easier and a little cheaper, MDF is heavier and more expensive, but more durable.

Combined Furniture for teen room

A good combination - worktop MDF and chipboard laminated shelves

These materials make the cabinets, walls, modular structures, beds, cabinets, shelves. You can purchase a full bedroom set - set, it is a great idea not to select each item in color and texture.

Combinations of different materials

It is possible to combine different materials. For example, a wooden bed, a desk and a wardrobe - from MDF. The chair can be made of metal and a metal rack. The main thing is that all the objects of the external fit in style to each other and to the outside of the interior space.

Furnished room modern teenager

Stylish combination of furniture consisting of a table with a glass top, frameless seat, wooden beds and a rack on a metal frame

Textures and colors should be combined. If you have light graceful shelving made of metal, the heavy oak bed next to him would look illogical.

Forms for the room furniture

A closer look at the individual items of furniture for a teenager, and discuss how to choose and what to look for.

Podium with beds in the boys room

High beds with comfortable drawers - the perfect solution in terms of saving space


Roomy but not bulky - that's the main rule. In adolescents, a lot of things, and a perpetual mess in the closet. So there should not be crowded, and enough shelves and compartments for all, and to hang things, and put on the shelves.

White cabinets in a narrow room of a teenager

Cupboard under the color of the walls does not clutter up the space of a small room

It can be combined with the wall, for example, if a modular set. It is also the perfect solution - wardrobe. It will last for many years and never fails.


Teenage desktop - the most important part of the interior. It's not even in his style, and in the comfort of health and safety. The child is not hunched, and his back was not suffering from an uncomfortable situation, you must select the correct table height.

Corner table for a school-age child

The best place for your desktop - before the window of the room where the table top is well illuminated by natural light

The table should be strong, with good quality boxes and tables, which will be actively exploited. Desirable - large and spacious enough to fit and laptop, notebooks and books, and on the shelves and superstructures - different accessories and small items.

Unusual decor desk in the boy's room 14

The original decision of the organization of working space in the boy's room, entrained cars


Teenager dreaming of a big, spacious and high bed, which can be enough to lie, lounging with your favorite book or tablet. If space and budget allows - not to reject the teenager in a pleasure!

Graffiti on the bed of a teenage girl

For the child, adolescent, it makes sense to purchase a standard adult bed

But more important - memory foam mattresses because healthy sleep affects the growth and development of the child. Also pay attention to choosing the right pillow.

A workplace under the bed of a teenage boy

A practical solution for a small room - a loft bed with a desk on the lower tier

And others

The rest - a matter of taste and possibilities. Convenient easy rack will help keep the room in order. A large armchair will add warmth and comfort. And do not forget about a good orthopedic chair on which teenager will sit at the computer and lessons!

Wall for training in teen room

If the room is spacious enough, allocate space for sports equipment. For example, make a wall for training, if the teenager is interested in mountaineering

Video: How to arrange the furniture in the room of a teenager

design photos of the room with furniture teen

Now that you know all about choices and nuances, look for modern versions of stylish children's furniture for a teenager in the interior of the room in the photo. Photos certainly bring a lot of good ideas. You will be able to decide with the style of teenage room, choose the optimal solution.