- Preparatory work
- How to remove whitewash from walls by a dry method?
- How to wash the whitewash off the walls?
- Tips and small tricks:
Nowadays calcareous whitewash can be found only in old houses, where repairs were not done for several decades. And in such premises, before you begin to improve the walls with new modern finishing materials, you need to remove the whitewash from the walls, since neither paint nor glue on it will not hold. How quickly to remove whitewash from the walls and what is needed for this, we'll tell in the article.
to the contents ↑Preparatory work for
One who once did the repair knows that before starting the finishing work, it is necessary to perform difficult rough drafts. For example, remove the old wallpaper or tear off the glued on, all the linoleum. But one of the hard-to-remove materials is the lime mixture, due to the peculiarities of its composition.
Important! In some cases whitewashing must be removed, even without the alleged repair. Quickly remove whitewash from the walls you need, if you find that:
- The walls of the steel are yellow.
- Covered with mold - these microorganisms give off corrosive components, which cause serious damage to the health of residents.
We choose the method
To remove the whitewash from the walls, there are such methods:
- Dry.
- Mechanical.
- Wet.
Preparing the room for repair
Each method requires its own tools and its own methodology for carrying out the work. Since any method of cleaning the walls is dangerous and dusty, it is first necessary to carry out thorough preparatory work:
Before you wash the whitewash off the walls, prepare the workplace:
- Bring the furniture from the premises in which the finishing work will be carried out.
- Furniture that can not be moved, covered with plastic wrap and wrapped with tape.
- Curtain the windows and doors of the building with a building film.
- Floor the floor with a film or other material, so as not to look for options for cleaning the surface of the floor from whitewash. Along the perimeter, fix the tape with adhesive tape.
- Cover the heating radiators with a film, as their finned surface is difficult to clean from lime dust.
Protection measures
Working people indoors must be secured, so prepare:
- Rubber gloves.
- Special clothing.
- Safety glasses.
- Respirator.
Collecting tools
For each method of cleaning the walls you need your tools. In the future, we will look at each method in detail and determine all the disadvantages and advantages, and you will have to choose the most acceptable method for a particular situation.
For dry removal of whitewash by hand( mechanical method) the following tools are required:
- Metal spatula. The tool should be well sharpened. The length of the spatula: 6-8 cm.
- Scraper. Find a special scraper designed for this job. On such an instrument there is a special box, into which all garbage from ceilings and walls is collected.
- Metal brush.
Important! This method is suitable in the event that it is not possible to take all the furniture out of the room, or in case it is necessary to remove that part of the whitewash which hangs with "cakes", and continue the further work with the grinding machine.
For dry cleaning of walls you will need:
- Grinding machine.
- Large sandpaper( abrasive).
To wash the whitewash off the walls, that is, remove it by "wet" technology, you will need the following materials and tools:
- Spatula.
- Water basin - use both a metal and plastic container.
- Water.
- Sponge.
- Rag.
- Roller made of foam rubber on a long handle.
How to remove whitewash from walls by a dry method?
Dry method is great if you have a goal to quickly remove whitewash from the walls. However, it should be remembered that in the course of such work, a lot of dust and dirt is formed.
Important! Grinding machine will help to remove the lime layer quickly, but in the room there should be no furniture and other interior items. Dry whitewash as a result of the machine will be intensively crumbling down, especially from the ceiling. Therefore, immediately protect your eyes, hair and body with special clothing, a hat and glasses.
To clean the walls from whitewashing in this way, proceed as follows:
- Take the grinder.
- Wear large( the largest) sandpaper on it.
- Plug the tool into an outlet.
- Smooth rotational movements walk on the walls and ceiling.
- After removing large pieces of lime, clean the entire surface of the walls and ceiling with grinding movements.
- After completion of work, remove all dirt from the floor, along with the film.
- Wash the floor several times.
You can also remove the lime layer manually, if you are not a happy owner of the grinder. There are two options:
- With a hammer and a spatula. Knock on the whitewash and she will leave the walls herself. Tear layers with a spatula and remove them.
- Use a spatula. Just clean the wall with a spatula and a metal brush. This method is very laborious and dirty.
Important! As a compromise option - connect the two dry methods. First, using a hammer and a spatula, remove large layers of whitewash from the wall, and then use a grinding machine, changing the abrasive paper from a large grain size to the smallest.
to the contents ↑How to wash the whitewash off the walls?
Our grandmothers and mothers used a "wet" method of removing the lime layer - using water. This method also has two options:
- Humidifying walls with water.
- Use of a special solution.
Let's consider each variant more in detail.
How to clean the walls of the whitewash with water?
To moisten the walls with water, use a foam sponge or an old washcloth.
Important! For more convenient wall impregnation, use the roller on the long handle .
Proceed as follows:
- Pour into the water tank.
- Dip a sponge or other improvised material into the water.
- Squeeze out the sponge so that water does not run down your hands.
- Moisten the wall with a sponge so that the lime is soaked with liquid.
- Humidify the process several times, as the water is very quickly absorbed into the whitewash.
- For convenience, take the foam roller on the long handle and moisten the walls, moving from the corners of the room.
- Take a spatula and clean the walls.
- After completing the finishing work, put the room in order.
Important! This method of cleaning the walls is considered to be the most time consuming, besides, it takes a lot of time and effort to clean up the premises. But remember that the key to the success of the process, directly depends on the quality of impregnating the walls.
How to remove whitewash from walls with a special solution?
Special mixture can be purchased in a building supermarket, but we suggest you prepare the solution yourself. We recommend several recipes for mixtures that effectively help to remove whitewash from the walls.
Recipe No.1
Mix in a container:
- 3 liters of water.
- 2 tbsp.spoons of ammonia solution( get ammonia in the pharmacy and mix with water).
- Soda solution( 1 part of soda for 3 parts of water).
- 1 tbsp.spoon 9% vinegar.
- 3 bath foam cap.
Important! The resulting mixture is heated to 40-50 degrees by pouring into it 2 liters of hot water .
Recipe №2
You will need 2% solution of hydrochloric acid and copper sulfate( 1 part).Features of its application to quickly wash whitewash from the walls:
- Do not heat the solution, but apply a roller on the walls.
- After 20 minutes, remove the whitewash with a spatula or scraper.
- Remove whitewash residue with a brush with a metal pile.
- Wash the walls with a damp cloth.
Important! Do not use the spray gun to apply the solution, since you can poison yourself with the vapors of the mixture. Protect hands and eyes with protective equipment so that acid does not get on the skin and mucous membranes.
Recipe # 3
Prepare a solution of soap:
- 5 tbsp.spoons of soda.
- 2-3 tbsp.spoons of grated soap.
- 10 liters of water.
Use mortar for application on walls.
Recipe No.4
Prepare a paste:
- 2-3 st.tablespoons of starch( flour).
- 1 liter of water.
Important! In the paste, add hot boiling water. Apply the finished mortar to the wall and allow it to dry. After that, you can easily clean the walls of the whitewash with a spatula.
Application of special preparations
To facilitate the laborious process of washing the lime mortar, a number of manufacturers release liquids to remove whitewash. For example, QUELYD Dissoucol.
Read the instructions carefully and dilute the chemical in the correct proportions. The composition of the drug includes components that allow quickly and effectively remove the lime solution.
Important! A bottle with a capacity of 250 ml is enough for processing a room of 50-100 square meters. The remedy is safe for people.
to the contents ↑Tips and small tricks:
- It is very easy to remove whitewash from walls with the help of glue composition. This method is the cheapest and the easiest. Take old paper, newspapers, the remains of wallpaper and apply glue on them( the cheapest one).Glue the material to the whitewash, but leave the edge of the paper not smeared. After a while, pull the edge and tear the paper along with whitewashing. What remains on the surface, remove with a spatula or a special scraper.
- For humidifying walls and ceiling, you can use a spray gun or an old bottle from a window cleaner if you are using ordinary water or a special professional solution.
- Clean the whitewash until the walls are completely clean. Check the quality of work can be done this way: with a damp cloth, draw on the wall, if it becomes dirty, then not all of the whitewash is removed.
- To remove whitewash from the ceiling, purchase special tools, which contain glue. When the adhesive composition is applied on the surface of the old calcareous layer, a crust is formed, which is easy to remove with a scraper. Special chemical solutions are available in large packagings of 3 and 5 liters for ease of use.
- If the area of the wall is large, then irrigate it in small areas of 3-4 square meters. Apply a liquid and leave - let it soak. And at this time, process the next section. Go back to the previous section and remove the whitewash until the treated surface absorbs the mixture. So act on the entire surface of the wall.
- Along with the spatula, use a special scraper, all garbage will be collected in the scraper container.
- After you completely clean the walls of the whitewash, take the sanding sheet and walk along the surface. If after grinding you notice irregularities and dents, then treat the defects with plaster on a gypsum basis.
- After cleaning walls and ceiling, check with a screwdriver the joints between panels for voids. If necessary, clean the joints and seal the holes with a new putty.
- Cretaceous whitewash is easy to wash off with plain warm water. In the process of work you can tap the hammer on thick layers, so that it lags behind the surface better.
- Do not use newspapers to cover the floor, because when they come into contact with water, they easily swell, tear and pass dirt.
- When using a roller, attach a plastic cover to it so that water does not drain into the sleeves.
- During work, try to ventilate the room frequently to avoid poisoning with mixtures of vapors.
- During washing the floors after cleaning the walls in a basin with warm water, add a couple of tablespoons of vinegar. A rag, to which you will wash the floor for the first time, is best discarded, since there will be too much chalk and lime left on it.
- To wash the whitewash off the floor, you can use the following method: add vegetable oil to the water, at the rate of 100 g of oil per bucket of water. Wash the floor thoroughly with this liquid. In the next container add any detergent, whiteness, vinegar. In the end, wash the floor with clean water.
- With traces of whitewashing on the floor can handle and potassium permanganate. Add it a little in a bucket of water.
Lime mortar, of course, has long been an outdated way of housing, and today we meet it less and less. To continue not to wonder how to clean the walls from whitewashing, embody on the walls and ceilings a more modern design dream: painting, wallpapering or finishing with natural materials. Good luck!