- Primary actions for spot detection:
- Rules for contaminant handling
- How to prepare a stain remover with your own hands for white?
- How to prepare a stain remover with your own hands for colored products?
- How to make a stain remover at home for specific contaminants?
- Stain remover with own hands for cabinet furniture
. As gently and neatly, we did not treat our things, stains lie everywhere: from the grass on children's panties, from berries on a T-shirt, from a foundation on the collar of a blouse. How to make a stain remover at home, if you do not want to use purchased household chemicals or just do not have the opportunity to go to the store? Yes, it's very simple! All the ingredients are usually at hand at every hostess in the kitchen or in the medicine cabinet. This is soda, salt, vinegar, peroxide and ammonia. Agree, even if something you do not show up, you can easily borrow from a neighbor. In practice, it turns out that the home stain remover turns out not only more eco-friendly, but also very budgetary. A few useful stain remover recipes at home can be found in this review.
to content ↑Primary actions for spot detection:
- If you just planted a stain on clothes and can not remove it, then blot the stain with a damp cloth
Important! A dry rag just rubs mud deeper into the fibers of the fabric.
- If there is a possibility to remove the soiled clothes, pour on the stain the soda water. Aeration is better than plain water will wash the fabric of the main part of the contamination.
- If the stain leaves fat, then treat it with a dishwashing detergent.
- When you do not have the opportunity to immediately clean the stain, then moisten it with cool water, do not let it dry and eat.
- If the stain is old, soak it with warm glycerine and treat as soon as possible.
Important! Before you prepare the stain remover in your home , familiarize yourself with the type of fabric and the label on the clothes, and when you have prepared a home "antipyatin" - try first its action on an inconspicuous area.
to the table of contents ↑Pollution Handling Rules
To ensure that the hand-held stain remover prepared at home is as effective as possible, consider these recommendations for treating stains of any origin:
- When treating the stain, proceed from the wrong side by placing a clean cloth on the back.
- Move from the edges to the center of the spot so that it does not spread further.
- To avoid the appearance of stains, wipe the cloth around the stain with water and sprinkle with talc or starch. It will be a kind of "buffer zone".
How to prepare a stain remover with your own hands for white?
On light clothing, the stains look much scarier than the colored ones, and it seems that everything is lost and these clothes can be taken to the dacha. But strangely enough, it's much easier to work with white things, because you will not be afraid that the fabric is shedding.
Important! If the stain is planted on a white cotton cloth and it is fresh, try to pour on it with steep boiling water, and then remove the residues of dirt remove the stain remover home production.
The most effective stain removers for white fabrics are the following.
Prescription No. 1
This product effectively removes sweat stains on clothing, from yellow traces due to the long storage of things in the cabinet and from the stains that perfume leaves. Also, they can handle the collars and cuffs of clothing before washing.
Method of preparation and cleaning:
- In 1 glass of hot water, dissolve half a glass of soda, and then pour half a glass of hydrogen peroxide.
Important! If the stain is small, then reduce the proportions to the following: in 100 ml of hot water stir a quarter of a glass of soda and after pour 50 ml of peroxide.
- For convenience, pour the mixture into a container with a sprayer.
- Before handling, shake the stain remover and spray on the stain.
- Wait for 10-15 minutes.
Important! If the stain is old - leave for 8 hours.
- Then rinse and wash the product in the machine.
Recipe No.2
This remedy is good to remove the dirt left on things with fruits, tea and coffee, perfume and cosmetics. How to make a stain remover in the home of such a universal action? Very simple:
- In 1 liter of warm water, add 1 teaspoon of dishwashing liquid and 3 tablespoons of ammonia.
Important! Some mistresses add for a better effect also 1 tablespoon of vinegar.
- The product should be well stirred and applied to the stain.
- Wait a few minutes, rinse and wash the product.
Recipe № 3
This solution perfectly removes stains from drinks, fruits and berries, as well as grease and other dirt from clothes, tablecloths, kitchen towels and other light products.
Preparation and use:
- In 1 liter of warm water, add 2 tablespoons of soda, 2 tablespoons of ammonia and 2 teaspoons of dishwashing liquid.
- It is necessary to apply the product to the contaminated area and wait a little.
Important! If the stain does not completely come off - apply the product again and wait longer.
- Then rinse and wash as usual.
Recipe No. 4
From stains of grass on clothes, the following home stain remover can help you to get rid:
- Prepare the solution from water and ammonia by mixing the liquid in a 1: 1 ratio.
- Add a little 3% peroxide to the solution.
- This mixture moisten the stain.
- Wash clothes in the usual manner with the addition of bleach.
How to prepare a stain remover with your own hands for colored products?
On colored things, the spots do not seem so noticeable, but they are a little more difficult to handle, because the colors on the fabrics are not always resistant.
Important! Before removing the contaminants, try the to make a stain remover in the home environment of the x and try it out in an inconspicuous place or on a shred of the same fabric. Act with caution, especially if the thing is new and you are not sure if it will shed.
Recipe No. 1
For colored things, there is a recipe that we will share. To prepare a stain remover for clothes at home, it is necessary to adhere to the following formula:
- Pour 1 liter of water into a pan and put on a fire.
- While the water boils, grate 50 grams of laundry soap( a quarter of the bar).
- Chop the chips in water and stir until completely dissolved.
- Simultaneously brew a glass of green tea.
- When the soap has dissolved, remove the pan from the fire and pour 100 g of soda ash( it is more active than food), add half a glass of strained green tea.
- This mixture should be cooled to 40 degrees and poured into the drum of the washing machine.
Important! Wash things in the recommended mode for them.
Recipe No. 2
Have you played football with children in nature and now clothes in green spots? This is not an excuse to get upset, because you will have a stain remover recipe, at home, cooking it takes 1 minute:
- Dissolve 1 tablespoon of salt in 1 glass of warm water.
- Blot the stain and wait for 20 minutes.
- Rinse the cloth in warm water.
- Next, wash the product as normal.
Important! If the stain from the grass is fresh, you need to rub the soiled area with laundry soap and leave it for 15-20 minutes, then wash by hand.
to Contents ↑How to make a stain remover at home for specific contaminants?
In cases where the universal stain removers for certain types of fabrics, prepared by you according to the methods already described, did not help to remove the contamination, then you can try using the prescription stain remover yourself with your own hands specifically for your case.
Ink stains
If your pupil at school wrote too hard and the marks from the pen remained on the clothes, do not swear, they are very easy to get rid of:
- Make the gruel out of soda and warm water.
- Rub it in a stain and leave it to dry.
- Pour a little vinegar on the dried mixture.
- Rinse and wash the product.
Important! If the streaks from the ink are not completely fresh, drop a little acetone or lacquer on the cotton pad and rub this place, then wash it with hand soap with laundry soap.
On a delicate fabric, traces of ink can be tried out with the help of heated glycerin.
Stain remover for removing stains from a marker and a marker
Having a small "artist" at home, you are not immune from such contamination:
- Stains from markers can be removed with a mixture of salt and lemon juice .
- From the permanent marker, clothes will be rid of ethyl alcohol. Simply moisten the cotton ball with this substance and rub the dirt.
Important! The thing can not be ironed until the stain is completely removed.
Stains from berries and fruits
Traces from the absorption of summer "vitamins" can appear not only on children's clothing, but also adults. From such contamination, and table cloths and towels. To get rid of the berry-fruit juices on the fabric:
- You can rub the stain with denatured alcohol, then wash it.
- If the paint on the fabric is not stable, then treat the stain with glycerin mixed with egg yolk 1: 1.
Spot from red wine
Noting some significant event, we often notice on the clothes the traces of red wine. Do not worry, the situation can be corrected.
Fresh stain should be soaked with a napkin and processed with a slurry of salt and water. Salt instantly absorbs the remains of wine. Then just wash the thing.
Important! To remove wine stains, the same methods are used as for eliminating berry and fruit contaminants.
Blood stains
Nuisances can happen to everyone, there are different situations when blood stains remain on the clothing. Remove them will help such a tool:
- If the stain from the blood is fresh, flush the thing under the stream of cold water, and when the main contamination has come down - wash it by hand with laundry soap.
- If the fabric is white, use hydrogen peroxide, diluted water. Pour the solution on the stain, wait, then rinse, wash.
- Kashitsa of salt and water will also help in this case.
Important! At such pollution in any case it is impossible to erase a thing in hot water. This will only strengthen the contamination on the fabric.
Tea and coffee
All such stains are encountered:
- Traces of tea, especially fresh, are excreted well by a gruel, which includes salt and warm glycerin.
- For traces of coffee, a mixture of common salt with sal ammoniac will help.
- Traces of coffee with milk can be removed with gasoline for lighters.
Facial Cream and other cosmetics
- Accidentally left traces of bright lipstick can be removed in a very original way, spraying the stain with hairspray. Immediately after such actions it is necessary to wash the thing in soapy water.
- Often a foundation, powder and other decorative cosmetics leave traces on the collars of blouses. These spots are perfectly cleaned with cotton wool and ammonia.
Not all deodorants and antiperspirants are so "traceless" as in advertising. Often they leave whitish or yellowish traces. You can get rid of them like this:
- On light fabrics - with the help of gruel from cold water and soda( 1 tablespoon of soda to 1 glass of water).If you still have traces left, you can pour soda on the stain and rub. After 30 minutes, wash the thing.
- On dark fabrics it is better to use another way. Mix 1 teaspoon of salt with 1 teaspoon of ammonia. After applying such a mixture on the fabric, you should wait 15 minutes, rinse and wash your clothes.
Stain from rust should be moistened with lemon juice, then apply a hot iron through the cheesecloth, but not letting the stain dry. Repeat the procedure should be repeated several times, until the result is achieved.
Spots from the proofreader - not uncommon on the clothes of schoolchildren. If you do not use special tools, they do not go away after repeated washing:
- If the corrector is water-based, then rub the stain with laundry soap and wash.
- Use vodka, alcohol, tonic or acetone to remove stains from an alcohol or emulsion corrector.
- If the proofreader stubbornly does not want to wipe, try white spirit, gasoline or another solvent.
Burns from the iron
Sometimes, putting the wrong temperature on the iron, we get the appropriate traces on the fabric. Try to get rid of them like this:
- On a fresh spot, pour the milk or curdled milk, leave for 1-2 hours, wash with laundry soap.
- If time has passed - try to apply onion on it. Well rub it in, leave it for a few hours. Then rinse with cool water.
With these tips, the footprints will become invisible.
to the contents ↑Stain remover with own hands for cabinet furniture
If it is expensive for you to buy a ready-made furniture polish or you just want to use natural remedies, prepare a stain remover yourself:
- Mix 50 g of lemon juice, half a teaspoon of olive oil and 6-8 drops of lemon essential oil. In this solution, moisten a soft rag and wipe the surface.
- You can get rid of grease stains with talc. Sprinkle dirt on them, wipe clean with a rag.
- Many other stains are well cleaned with milk or a solution of laundry soap, after treatment, polish the surface with a soft cloth. From the spots of different origin, half of the raw potatoes will help to get rid of. Just walk through it for polishing.
- Remove furniture from stains using drying oil.
- Dirt on furniture made from chipboard, MDF can be removed with a solution of laundry soap, acetone, alcohol or vinegar.
Now you know how to make a stain remover at home for a different type of fabric and furniture. Useful recommendations from the article will help you to keep the purity of your favorite things, without using at the same time ready-made expensive household chemicals.