- Where do lice come from?
- What are the types of lice?
- Where can I get lice?
- Symptoms of the disease
- How many live lice?
- Choosing tools from lice
- Safety measures when using lice funds
- First aid for careless use of
- funds Popular lice and nits tools
- Means for lice-making with effective substance Permethrin
- Folk recipes for getting rid of lice
Many parents know such a disease as pediculosis. There are these parasites in the baths, saunas, swimming pools. If you are reading this article, then you have a question how to get rid of lice? We will analyze the reasons for the appearance of lice and nits.
to the contents ↑Where do lice come from?
Occasionally, parasites can appear quite unexpectedly - it is enough for an infected child to sit next to the desk. It's easy to pick up a head louse, even trying on someone else's hat.
You can transfer insects from other infected things, such as:
- towel;
- scallop;
- bed linen.
In the modern world, this phenomenon should gradually disappear, but strangely enough, the incidence rate is increasing steadily, especially in children. Naturally, the appearance of parasites can be prevented if hygiene is observed, but there are times when even cleanliness does not protect from "guests."Then we have to solve the problem: how to get rid of lice at home?
to the contents ↑What are the types of lice?
Three types of lice can parasitize on the human body.
This species selects the scalp. Lice are small in size( up to 3 mm), have a grayish-white color. The risk of "picking up" parasites is most serious in girls with long hair. To grasp such hair lice much faster and easier, and the traditional games in hairdressers, which girls love so much, can lead to the appearance of parasites, if from the hands of the common hairbrushes and hair clips go.
This species is found in the area of the pubis and genitals. The size is up to 2 mm. If you do not get rid of lice of this type on time, then multiplying, they will move to other parts of the body: the armpit, mustache, beard, chest.
Louse lice
This type is larger in size( up to 5 mm).Mostly, parasites are taken into the folds of clothing and bedding. From their bites, those parts of the body that are directly in contact with the laundry can be affected: the neck, shoulder blades, loin, axillary cavities. On the human body, this species moves only in order to drink blood.
to the contents ↑Where can I get lice?
You can transfer lice to your body only when you are in contact with a source-an infected person. Places where you can "pick up" pediculosis, are diverse:
- common areas - baths, saunas, swimming pools, hairdressers.
- kindergarten;
- school;
- children's camps and sanatoriums;
- transport.
Important! Pets are not carriers of head lice.
to content ↑Symptoms of the disease
The most important symptom of pediculosis is severe itching. In addition, there may be tickling, a sensation of movement in the hair, there may be a rash behind the ears or on the neck. Children become capricious, restless, they are troubled by insomnia, since at night lice are most active.
to the contents ↑How many lice live?
Adult parasites outside the hair can live only one day. On the head of a person their life does not exceed 21 days. Hatch lice from eggs( nits) after 7 days.
Important! Even during such a short period of life, these bloodsuckers manage to produce a huge offspring. Therefore, if you notice at least a couple of parasites on your hair or on the head of a child, immediately get down to action - get or prepare effective funds from lice and nits to get rid of them as soon as possible. Otherwise - they themselves will not disappear after these 3 weeks, and the population will become more and more.
to the table of contents ↑Choosing tools for lice
When selecting agents from parasites, pay attention not only to the effectiveness and ease of use, but also to toxicity. For example, the known kerosene is an excellent folk remedy for lice. It is easy to use, very effective, but at the same time dangerous.
LiceGuard spray is safe to use, but as practice shows, with the removal of parasites from the hair is coping badly. This drug is effective only as a protection against infection with lice.
Important! Choosing a remedy for lice and nits, study the composition in detail, evaluate the specifics of its ingredients, and better read reviews about this drug.
Types of tools against lice
Descending the effectiveness of the means for fighting in this order:
- pediculicidal concentrates of emulsions;
- sprays from lice;
- shampoos;
- creams;
- combs;
- folk remedies.
In this list, the products are sorted by the number of the most effective drugs. For example, vinegar and kerosene are much more effective than creams and these funds refer to folk remedies. But in the general amount, lice creams that allow the parasites to be safely and quickly removed are much more than effective drugs related to folk remedies.
If you divide funds by ease of use, then this list will be:
- sprays;
- creams;
- shampoos;
- folk remedies;
- concentrates;
- combs.
Important! Even the most effective remedy for lice can not cope with nits. For the destruction of the latter, special drugs are used, or several means that destroy both adult insects, and their larvae.
to the table of contents ↑Safety measures when using lice remedies
The danger of using chemicals is primarily an allergic reaction to the active ingredients. All products containing insecticidal substances are prohibited for use by children under 5 years of age, as well as pregnant and lactating women.
Important! Before using the chemical, read carefully the instructions for use, do not overdose!
Use the following precautions to get rid of lice and not get more serious health problems:
- Use any product strictly for the intended purpose.
- Do not use one drug three times in a row for the same adult or child. If the remedy is not effective, change it.
- Do not use several tools at the same time.
- Do not use the hair dryer after using chemicals, as it may contain combustible components.
- Before you get rid of lice with a spray, tie a cotton bandage around your head to protect your eyes, mucous membranes of the nasopharynx.
- Before using the drug, you need to remove contact lenses.
- Wear rubber gloves when handling.
- Do not use food and drink during the procedure. After carrying out work, wash your hands thoroughly and ventilate the room well.
- Keep out of lice in a place inaccessible to children, and away from food.
- Avoid contact with chemicals on the mucous membranes of the eyes, mouth and nose.
First aid for careless use of
If the product still accidentally gets on mucous areas or skin, then proceed as follows:
- Thoroughly rinse the nose and mouth with warm water.
- If you experience an itch, a rash on the skin, or irritation when using the product, rinse this area quickly and thoroughly, and consult a doctor if necessary.
- In case of contact with eyes, rinse thoroughly with plenty of water and 2% baking soda and consult a specialist immediately.
- If irritation occurs in the mucous areas of the eye, drip them with a solution of sodium sulfacyl 20-30% and immediately consult an ophthalmologist.
- If you have pain in your eyes, drop 2% solution of novocaine and go to the hospital, too.
- In case of irritation of the upper respiratory tract, remove the victim to fresh air, then rinse the nasopharynx and mouth with a solution of baking soda. If symptoms of poisoning and malaise do not go away in a few minutes - urgently seek help from doctors.
Popular means from lice and nits
If you decide to use chemical agents in the fight against parasites, check out the following drugs, which are offered in large numbers by pharmacies.
- Pedilin;
- LiceGuard;
- Paranita;
- Hygiene;
- Veda 2.
Sprays and aerosols for controlling lice:
- "Pediculum Ultra";
- "Pair Plus";
- Nyuda;
- "LiceGuard";
- "A-Par".
Creams from lice:
- "Nittifor";
- "Knicks".
Important! The most effective and safe means are ridges. They not only rid you of parasites, but are absolutely safe for health. Combed lice and nits collect on a clean sheet and put on the street. The Nit Free combs, the electronic combs from Robi Comp lice, the LiceGuard comb with steel teeth are well advertised.
Let's look at some examples of how to use drugs made in one form or another.
to the table of contents ↑Means for pediculosis with an effective substance Permethrin
This group includes several drugs that are very effective according to reviews. Before you get rid of lice with the help of one of them, read the information below. Attentively!
Produced in the form of a cream, lotion. One adult lotion will require 10-60 ml.
Applying lotion:
- With the finished product, moisten the head.
- Thoroughly rub in the roots and leave for 40 minutes.
- Wash hair with shampoo.
- Rinse with 50% vinegar.
- Use a thick scallop to clean lice and nits.
Important!"Nittifor" is able to remain effective for up to two weeks.
When using cream:
- Shake the bottle.
- Wash hair, dry it.
- Apply evenly by carefully rubbing the roots of hair.
- Flush the product after 10 minutes.
- Wash the head with shampoo and rinse with 5% acetic acid.
- Comb the crest of dead parasites.
Medifox Concentrate
In the treatment of pediculosis, this preparation is used in the form of a freshly prepared aqueous emulsion.
Use concentrate:
- ⅓ dilute the vial in 200 ml of boiled water.
- Apply an aqueous emulsion to the damp hair of the head.
- Lightly rub into the skin with a cotton swab.
- Leave it for 20 minutes.
- Wash off the product with warm, running water with soap( shampoo).
"MediFox" gel
It is possible to remove lice with this remedy even in children from 5 years old. For one person the expenditure is from 10 to 15 grams, depending on the degree of infection and the length of the hair.
Application of the tool:
- Apply evenly to clean, damp scalp.
- Gently rub into the roots of the hair.
- Wash off after 40 minutes with warm water, shampoo or soap.
- Comb comb the strands of dead insects.
Folk recipes for getting rid of lice
The following recipes have proved to be the most effective of their group.
Salt and vinegar
- 45g salt;
- a glass of wine vinegar;
- 5g of strong alcohol.
- Carefully mix the vinegar with salt.
- Add strong alcohol to the mixture.
- Wash hair, dry.
- Soak gauze in the prepared solution.
- Attach to the most stricken places.
Important! It is recommended to wear the whole day, three times changing the lotion. This remedy will help get rid of lice and nits, and also soothe the skin and reduce itching.
Rid of lice with kerosene
- kerosene;
- vegetable oil.
Preparation is very simple. Mix kerosene with oil in a 1:10 ratio.
- Treat the prepared hair with the product.
- Wrap the head with glossy paper, fixing it on the head with a towel or a scarf.
- Leave the compress overnight.
- In the morning, rinse with hot water and soap. Comb the nits with a scallop.
Important! Note that kerosene, although effective, but after it remains not very pleasant smell, which can not be withdrawn even after a thorough washing of the head with a fragrant shampoo. Gently work with this product, since it is a very combustible substance!
In this article we introduced you to a disease such as pediculosis. We hope that the information provided and the listed ways of fighting against parasites will help you get rid of it forever.