How to ground the outlet in the apartment?

  • Why is this necessary?
  • When is it necessary?
  • Check the socket
  • We put a new outlet
  • How to ground the washing machine?
  • Grounding in an apartment
  • What is zeroing?
  • Grounding in a private house
  • Errors and bans

It's hard to imagine a modern apartment without electrical appliances. Washing machine, vacuum cleaner, TV, electric stove - and this is not a complete list. Electrical appliances create comfortable conditions, but at the same time, each of them is a source of increased danger. That they work normally, you need a grounding. How to ground the outlet in the apartment or in the country? Let's discuss this.

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Why is this necessary?

If the appliance is not properly connected, residual charge accumulates on it. Probably everyone was faced with this. The simplest example: when touching the device, which at this time may not work, and hear a click. Sometimes a spark escapes from under your fingers. This is the residual charge.

Important! Usually it is weak and does not cause any harm to health. However, for example, a charge of fairly high power may form on the washing machine. The slightest touch - and a person gets electro-injury. In order for this to happen, and you need to ground the washing machine.

Do not think that the residual voltage of high power is dangerous only for humans. If it accumulates continuously, it can lead to malfunction in the device, and even to its failure. So the grounding is a measure absolutely necessary.

Important! Earthing protects electrical appliances:

  • from mains voltage failures;
  • from being struck by lightning in the transformer;
  • from being struck by lightning in the antenna.
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When is it necessary?

It is unlikely that you will encounter a lack of grounding in the new apartment. New homes are put into operation if they comply with all safety regulations. That is, the grounding there is provided by the project. But for low-rise buildings, there are two options for connecting to power networks:

  • two-phase;
  • three-phase.

Important! In the first case, you have to take care of yourself. The same must be done if you bought an apartment in the secondary market, and the house was built a long time ago. This is especially important if the house is wooden - the slightest malfunction in the electrical systems can cause a short circuit and a fire.

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Check the socket

First check one of the outlets:

  • In older houses with gas stoves, there may not be any grounding at all.
  • In apartments with electric cookers, there is usually only one outlet for modern safety standards - the same one in which the cooker is included.

The socket must be removed. To do this, you need a screwdriver. If there is an opportunity to switch off electricity in the apartment for the duration of work, it is better to do this. But you need to take care of safety in any case. To you will help:

  • slippers on a rubber sole;
  • rubber mat;
  • galoshes.

Important! Rubber is a powerful dielectric, so if you can not cut off the power supply, put on galoshes or spread a dry rubber mat under your feet.

Option 1

Inspect the top cover of the socket - if it has been standing for a long time and it has not been changed, you will see only two holes and you will not find a grounding bus. Further, to check whether it is necessary to ground the socket in the apartment:

  1. If you do not find the tires, unscrew the cover.
  2. Inspect the inside of the socket.
  3. We saw only two wires, phase and zero - there is no ground.
  4. Check the resistance of the wires by the tester.

Important! If there are more wires or there are antennae - the socket is grounded and there is nothing to worry about.

Option 2

Tester you can do yourself. For this method, you do not need to remove the power outlet. You need:

  • electric light bulb;
  • cartridge;
  • 2 wires;
  • outlet, which must be checked.

To check the status of the outlet, connect the wiring to the socket. Then plug them into the socket. The light bulb, of course, will light up, but it does not say anything about grounding. Then proceed as follows:

  1. Connect one of the wires to the metal part of the socket.
  2. If the lamp does not turn on, repeat the operation with another wire.
  3. A non-illuminated lamp indicates that there is no ground connection.
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We put a new outlet

If the house used for wiring uses a three-wire cable, but only one outlet is grounded, you can also secure the rest.

Important! A socket with grounding can be bought at any electrical shop. To learn it simply - it has a special tire - antennae on the bottom bar.

Install it this way:

  1. Strip the end of the ground wire.
  2. Loosen the screw on the tire.
  3. Attach the antennae to the peeled end.
  4. Tighten the screw.
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How to ground the washing machine?

A modern washing machine that has a surge protector, without ground, produces a rather decent residual voltage - 110 V. It's unpleasant, but it's quite safe. But if the insulation has broken through somewhere - the voltage can be 220 V, if the "phase" falls on the case. This is already dangerous, especially when the car is in the bathroom - the water has excellent electrical conductivity.

It is necessary to connect the machine to the power system of the house using a separate three-phase line. To lay it you need a three-wire wire with a cross-section:

  • 2.5 sq.;
  • 4 sq.

You will need another socket, but not any, but designed for a current of 16 A. In addition, much depends on where the machine will be. As a rule, it is a premise with high humidity - a bathroom or a kitchen. This means that the socket cover must be waterproof. Install it so that the wire of the washing machine can be reached without any extension.

Important! For greater safety of the machine, it is possible to install the earthing of the housing and to ensure automatic shutdown.

How to get the wiring?

In any case, you will need materials and tools:

  • three-wire;
  • socket with ground;
  • pliers;
  • indicator screwdriver;
  • knife.

Before installing the machine, ground the wiring. There are two ways to do this:

  • hidden;
  • open.

Hidden method

In this case, it is necessary to trace the channels in the wall. The channels are laid three-phase wire, then all this is removed under the plaster.

Advantages of this method:

  • security - the wiring is completely hidden, which means it can not be accidentally damaged:
  • aesthetics - the kind of wires does not spoil the interior.

Important! There are, of course, disadvantages:

  • labor intensity;
  • need to use special tools;
  • if the wire fails - getting to the place of damage is not so easy.

Open method

With open method, the wires are laid from the shield to the socket in special boxes. Its advantages:

  • small work;
  • on the device of such wiring requires little time;
  • is easy to reach the place of damage.

Important! The main drawback is that such a box does not look particularly beautiful. However, it can be "inscribed" in the interior so that it not only does not spoil the view, but even decorates the kitchen or bathroom.

When will you need an extension cord?

There are times when there is no way to draw a separate line for the washing machine. What to do in this case?- Proceed as follows to ground the washing machine in the apartment:

  1. Place the outlet that fits all safety regulations right at the control panel.
  2. Purchase an extension cord.

Important! Extension for the washing machine must also be grounded. This can be determined by the presence of metal contacts on the plug and receiver.

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Grounding in the apartment

Make the washing machine work safe is half the work. In fact, you need to ground each outlet. How to do this, if it is not provided for in the project?

To begin with, remember the marking of the wires:

  • red - phase;
  • blue is zero;
  • yellow-green - grounding.
  • if all wires are white or colorless, grounding is medium.

"Dancing" start from the electrical panel:

  1. Set the zero and ground buses - the first is labeled N and PE.
  2. From the outlet into which the washing machine is switched on, lay a three-core copper wire.
  3. Connect the blue wire to the bus marked N.
  4. Red - connect to the phase wire of the meter via the circuit breaker and the RCD.
  5. Bring the yellow-green wires to the PE bus.

Important! Do not connect the yellow-green wire from the outlet to the blue wire.

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What is nullification?

If there is no technical possibility to ground the washing machine in the house, it is necessary to make the reset:

  1. Remove the three-wire wire from the shield.
  2. Attach an additional bus to the blue wire of the socket.
  3. Install the outlet - it will be connected to the shield by a three-wire cable, but through zero, which will allow it to work safely.
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Grounding in a private house

For private houses there are two connection options - two-phase and three-phase. If a three-phase profile is laid - there are no problems, you just have to check how the sockets work.

When the wiring is made using a two-phase wire, grounding can be arranged in the yard. You need:

  • wire;
  • 3 metal pins length of 150 cm;
  • bolt;
  • nut;
  • spanner;
  • welding machine;
  • shovel.

Work order:

  1. Choose a damp place in the yard.
  2. Dig a small triangular trench.
  3. Beat the metal pins to the corners, leaving 10 cm outside.
  4. Fix the metal bar on the pins.
  5. Fix the bolt.
  6. Use a nut to attach the cable to the bolt.
  7. Tighten the nut with a wrench.
  8. Loop the contour with the ground.
  9. After this wire lead into the house to the counter.
  10. From the meter, make the wiring to the sockets.

Important! Do not forget that the ground wire must be connected to the ground bus.

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Errors and prohibitions

Errors in any electrical work can lead to tragic consequences. What can not be done in any case with a grounding device?

  1. Use both water and sewer pipes as grounding conductors, especially if they have been laid for a long time.
  2. Arrange earthing through heating system pipes.
  3. Confuse the wires by connecting red with blue or blue with green.
  4. Use in places with high humidity sockets, not intended for this purpose.

Important! Once upon a time, communication systems were constantly used as earthing switches. Now do not do this - in many homes metal pipes are changed to plastic ones, and they are useless and even dangerous in such a situation.

Now you know about all the ways how to ground an individual outlet, a washing machine or fully establish electrical safety in an apartment and a private house. We hope you were able to carry out these works, and now reliable grounding will be an excellent protection against emergencies.