How to paint the ceiling in the bathroom?

  • Why does bathroom repair cause so many problems?
  • Types of paints for finishing the ceiling in the bathroom
  • How to choose the best paint for painting the ceiling?
  • The Importance of Choosing the Paint Color for the
  • Ceiling Is the glossy or matte ceiling in the bathroom?
  • How can I paint the ceiling in the bathroom myself?

In the process of performing repair work, most questions arise when it comes to the bathroom. It is very important to choose the right material, because this room has quite specific features. Many, for example, for a long time without hesitation, prefer ceramic tiles as floor and wall coverings. But what to do with the rest of the room? This article will help you to understand what to paint the ceiling in the bathroom, so that the coating is resistant to moisture, durable and beautiful.

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Why does bathroom repair cause so many problems?

In terms of repair, of course, this part of the house is considered the most difficult. Walls and floors can be finished with tiles, but you have to tinker with the ceiling. In addition, in our time even the most usual decoration materials are not cheap, what can we say about high-quality foreign products.

If you want to make a good repair, but spend a minimum of money on it, you can stop on the painting option. But even in this case, it is necessary to spend a lot of effort and time on choosing the right paint, because it must be moisture resistant.

Next, we will consider which paints under the influence of moisture are not washed away and do not allow the formation of mold fungus on the ceiling.

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Types of paints for finishing the ceiling in the bathroom

So, you are faced with a difficult choice, determine what to paint the ceiling in the bathroom? In any construction shop, you definitely advise to choose a water-based paint, which can be silicate, silicone or acrylic, because exactly such solutions do not fear the influence of moisture.

Important! The main feature of such paints is that they need to be diluted with water, rather than the usual solvent. Thanks to this, as soon as they dry out, they form a special film on the surface that does not allow water to pass through.

Now we will get acquainted with the most popular types of water-based coatings.

Latex acrylic paints

The choice of the majority of consumers falls precisely on this kind of paints, when it is necessary to paint the ceiling in the bathroom. In the opinion of professionals, it is these paint materials that make it possible to obtain a truly high-quality coating that will be resistant to the formation of fungus and contaminants.

Important! Such paints, as a rule, are applied in two layers to cover any cracks and chips.

Silicate paints

If the ceiling is plastered and covered with mineral composition, then it is better to paint the ceiling in the bathroom with silicate paint. This material is not as elastic as acrylic, so do not count on overlapping chips and cracks. Nevertheless, this paint perfectly prevents the development of mold, which means that it is not necessary to conduct additional antiseptic treatment of the walls.

Silicone paints

Painting the ceiling in the bathroom with silicone paints is considered the most preferable option, because they combine all the advantages of silicate and acrylic paints.

Silicone paint allows creating on the ceiling a vapor-permeable, elastic and water resistant coating that perfectly copes with the sharp temperature changes typical for such premises.

The main advantages of silicone paints:

  • Excellent repulsion of dirt, so you do not have to put order in the bathroom for a long time.
  • Create elastic coatings that successfully cover even the largest cracks.
  • You can apply them even on top of mineral plaster.
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How to choose the best paint for painting the ceiling?

We already know what paint there is for the ceiling in the bathroom. What is better and what is better to stop your choice will be dealt with further. When buying this material, you need to pay attention not only to its composition, but also pay attention to quality. Naturally, to count on the fact that high-quality water-based paint will not cost cheap. Remember that saving on such a purchase is simply illogical, because a poor-quality coating will definitely not last long, and cheap paint is unlikely to be enough for painting the entire ceiling.

Such acquisitions are better performed in the trusted building stores that have licenses and documents that confirm the high quality of the products sold.

Important! Spontaneous markets and transitions are not the best place for such purchases, because such a seller can not exactly give you a guarantee for the offered goods.

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Importance of choosing a paint color for a ceiling

Does it matter what color the ceiling will be in the bathroom? Here a lot depends on the preferences of the owners. But still:

  • If your bathroom is not too big, then it's better to prefer light colors.
  • The ceiling can not be painted white, because among the light colors there are lots of more practical options.
  • Beautifully looks the ceiling lilac, blue, beige, turquoise and green. Of course, it must be combined with a shade of other finishing materials.

Important! It's not advisable to tint the paint yourself, it's better to have it made to order in the store. Then you can achieve the perfect combination of colors.

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Glossy or matte ceiling in the bathroom?

As we have already explained, painting the walls and ceiling in the bathroom has a huge number of nuances, each of which is quite significant. Therefore, it is necessary to find out one more thing, what color is better to paint in the bathroom ceiling - glossy or matte?

Important! Modern manufacturers produce materials that differ not only in color, but also in the type of surface that they form after application. There are glossy, matte and deep matte paints.

Due to the basic properties of such coatings, the surfaces can and look different:

  1. Matt paint perfectly conceals any defects on the ceiling, which can not be said for their glossy "brethren", which only emphasize them and make them even more noticeable.
  2. Before using glossy ceiling paints, the ceiling must always be leveled. Due to the fact that the glossy surface reflects light, it is able to visually increase even the smallest bathroom.
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How can I paint the ceiling in the bathroom myself?

Now we learn how to create a quality and durable coating on the ceiling in the bathroom with our own hands.

Materials and tools for work

First, prepare all the materials necessary for work, namely, in addition to paint, you will need:

  • Finishing putty.
  • Primer with antifungal properties.
  • Brush with short pile.
  • Special container with a ribbed wall, designed for dipping the brush into the paint.
  • Narrow and wide spatula.
  • Step ladder.
  • Roller.
  • Fine grained sandpaper.
  • Overalls( hat and glasses).

Ceiling preparation

Now you need to prepare the surface of the ceiling for painting, and we will do it in several stages:

  1. Remove the old coating and evaluate the state of the ceiling surface.
  2. If it turns out smooth and smooth, then you can immediately begin to primer it. But most often you first have to level it.
  3. Insignificant irregularities and cracks can be eliminated by finishing putty. It must be applied with two spatulas. A narrow spatula scoops the mixture and is put on a wide spatula, and then distributed over it. Then, with wide movements, it is applied to the surface - from the walls to the center of the ceiling.
  4. Once the putty has dried, you can start sanding it with sandpaper.
  5. Then apply the roller and apply the primer to dry it.


The very process of staining is quite simple, you need:

  • to pour paint in a special container;
  • with a roller put it on the ceiling, preferably in two layers.

Important! If you have problems with applying the paint in certain places because of the size of the roller, you can use a brush. In order not to form strips when painting with a brush, it is necessary to paint by tying movements, and not smearing.

So, we found out what paint to paint the ceiling in the bathroom, so that the coating turned out to be moisture resistant and served for more than one year. Its appearance will directly depend on which paint you will use, and how accurately and correctly you will carry out the preparatory work.