The vacuum cleaner sucks in the dust - what should I do?

  • Diagnosis of the fault
  • Problems with the dust collection container
  • Filter
  • Breakage of other
  • components Engine breakdown

Every person who has a vacuum cleaner sooner or later encounters the fact that the unit sucks badly. However, do not immediately throw the device, as the cause may be superficial, and eliminate it will be very easy. Today we will look at all the possible reasons why the vacuum cleaner does not suck in enough dust, what to do in this situation

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We diagnose the fault

Before considering the repair of the vacuum cleaner, it seems necessary to diagnose and find out possible reasons,why the vacuum cleaner sucks badly.

To perform this action, you do not need special skills and do not have to be a true professional in repairing household appliances.

The initial reasons for poorly sucking the vacuum cleaner can be as follows:

  • dust bag filled more than necessary;
  • filter is clogged;
  • engine failed, as a result - the components were damaged and the main functions did not work.
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Problems with

Dust Collector The most common problem with the vacuum cleaner being heated and poorly sucked in is the problem with the dust collector. Among all the failures, this cause is found in more than 80%.

On modern models there is a dust bag dusting indicator:

  • If the light is green, the capacity is not yet full.
  • The red color indicates the need to clean the dust bag.

Important! Old models of vacuum cleaners are not equipped with an indicator of dust bag dusting, so cleaning should be done periodically, after one or two cleaning.

If there is a dust bag in your vacuum cleaner - a bag, then it is easy to clean:

  • One-time paper bags should be discarded immediately after filling.
  • Reusable after rinsing off the garbage rinse in soapy water and dry.

Important! Always keep the dust container clean. The reusable use of paper bags, like untimely cleaning, will lead to more serious consequences. This may damage the motor or shorten the life of the motor.

Another common, and at the same time, simple reason why a vacuum cleaner sucks in dust is small power. That is, you simply put the suction regulator on the minimum position. If you twist it and put it at maximum, then the technique will again work in its normal state.

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If you have tried all of the above methods, and the vacuum cleaner is still poorly absorbed, then the cause of the failure can be in the filter. It can also be contaminated with dust and from this the suction force decreases several times.

Modern models contain two filters:

  • HEPA;
  • for fine cleaning.

What to do with filters:

  • Filters for fine cleaning do not require special skills and cleaning technologies. It is enough to rinse them with water and rinse in soapy water. After that it is necessary to dry the filter.
  • Another component of this technique is the HEPA filter. Change it is after a five-hour work. That is, if you have not changed it for a long time, then you should think about replacing it.
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Breakdown of other

parts If you performed the initial diagnostics and found that the dust bag and filters are normal, then it is worthwhile to think about the malfunction of other constituent parts - such as pipes and rods. They can simply become dirty.

The pipes are cleaned with a soft and thin wire. For this:

  1. This component must be disconnected from the vacuum cleaner.
  2. Next - putting a metal cord inside, clean the dirt of the hose.

Important! If your vacuum cleaner does not suck well and the cause lurks in the bar or pipe, then during the cleaning you will hear a characteristic loud roar.

When cleaning your appliance, take five minutes to clean the brushes and roller. This will improve the condition of the machinery, cleaning will be more thorough and faster, and its service life will be longer.

We advise when deciding why a vacuum cleaner does not absorb dust, what to do in such a situation, pay attention to each component.

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Engine failure

The biggest problem that can occur with such household appliances is engine failure. Diagnose this drawback is very simple:

  • During operation, the unit is very hot with minimal suction.
  • Also periodically it can turn off.

It is not recommended to repair the motor by yourself. Better - give the unit to qualified service personnel.

Important! In some cases it is economically inexpedient to repair the engine. It is better to buy a new unit right away.

We have dealt with the most common cases, why the vacuum cleaner sucks in badly. Watch your device and it will last you a very long time!