- Determine the type of skin peeling
- Causes Treatment
- home "home" mask to hydrate the skin
- Dry Skin Care
skin on your face - the most unprotected place in the human body. And in severe cold, and in the heat, it is in the air, it is weathering, it dries up, and because of this it begins to peel off. Then immediately the question arises, and what to do if the skin on the face is dry and flakes. Everyone knows that if you do not fight this problem, the signs of aging will appear on your face more quickly. In this article, we will talk about the causes and methods of treating the problem of peeling.
to the content ↑Determine
skin type In order to deal with how to remove the peeling skin, we need to decide on a number of reasons that contribute to this kind of behavior.
One such is the skin type. There are 4 types: Dry, oily, normal, combined. Normal skin type is extremely rare, and most often combined.
What does the combined type mean? This is when on the face, in different parts of it there are different types of skin. For example, the forehead is fat, and the cheeks and chin are dry. On the type of skin and depends on what care it needs.
In order to determine your type, you do not need to contact a specialist. Just do the following:
- Go to the mirror and take a clean napkin.
- Attach to different areas of the face: nose, chin, forehead and cheeks.
- Define the type. Where there are traces, the skin, respectively, is oily. There will be no traces in the low-fat areas.
reasons peeling
All causes of the problems with the skin can be divided into two categories: internal and external. To determine why suddenly the skin of the face changed its type, you need to consult a dermatologist.
Internal causes include various diseases of other organs. For their diagnosis and treatment it is necessary to consult a doctor. Among the most common causes are:
- Drinking regime violation.
- Eating foods that interfere with the absorption of moisture in body tissues. For example coffee, sweet.
- Wrong application of cosmetics.
If we consider in more detail each of them, then:
- First, a person should consume at least 30 ml of water per 1 kg of body weight per day.
Important! At high physical loads, this rate increases to 45 ml.
- As for cosmetics, it is prohibited to use products that are not designed for your skin type and age, because of the application of only harm, not good. The same applies to substandard and overdue products.
- In this case, there is a need for seasonal care: in summer, the skin needs to be moistened, protected from the sun.
Important! In order to reduce the influence of age on skin transformation, experts recommend the use of care products intended for their age group. So, allocate lines for:
- Adolescents.
- Up to 20 years.
- Series 25+, 35+, 45+, and so on. D.
Besides the most common, there are other reasons that the skin on your face is dry and flaky. Among them are:
- Lack of necessary nutrients in the body.
- Disturbance of the sebaceous glands.
- Prolonged exposure to unprotected skin of the external environment( winding, sunburn).
- Age.
- Diseases of the digestive, endocrine, gastrointestinal and adrenal glands.
- Stress, depression, and other disorders of the central nervous system.
Important! The last two factors affect the face skin in particular. But you need to treat not obvious signs, but the disease as a whole. Avitaminosis and external effects of climatic conditions can be eliminated with the help of pharmacy ointments, vitamin complexes.
to the table of contents ↑Treatment at home
If your skin is dry and flaky, what can we do in this section of our article. In order to eliminate the causes, you need to first contact the doctor. Perhaps you need serious treatment. If the problem lies in improper care, then its solution is likely to be among the foods in your kitchen.
Important! For the first time using any tool, test it for sensitivity. This rule applies to cosmetics purchased at the store.
In order to normalize the condition of the skin on the face it is necessary to vitaminize it. There are many ways to remove the peeling of the skin on the face. Among them, several that are most reliable and common.
Milk Compress
In order to apply this method, you need:
- Wet a paper towel in the milk.
- Apply it to the problem area of the skin for 5 minutes.
Important! If there is no milk at hand, kefir or whey will be suitable.
Aloe vera juice
Aloe has many different medicinal properties. Among them is the elimination of dry skin. To do this, do the following:
- Take an aloe leaf and rinse it thoroughly. You need to take a plant from below, if you have one.
- Cut it along and pull out the pulp.
- Moisten the cotton pad in the resulting mixture.
- Gently wipe the skin. This removes dead cells from the surface.
Bee Wax
In order to prepare a product from this component, you need: wax, lanolin, aloe and olive oil.
After you have prepared the ingredients, do the following:
- In a water bath, melt the wax spoon.
- Do the same with a couple of spoons of lanolin.
- Add a teaspoon of aloe juice and a spoonful of olive oil to the mixture.
- Next, the mixture wipe dry areas on the face.
Such simple means you can take care of your own health.
English salt
In order to restore elasticity to the skin, prepare a bath with two glasses of English salt.
Important! After taking a bath it is recommended that the skin dry out on its own.
Balanced nutrition
Another important factor for the health of your skin. In order not to have such questions, as well as what to do, if the skin on your face is dry and flaky, you need to know how to eat right.
If you have similar problems, then probably in your diet there is not enough linoleic acid. It is found in such products:
- fatty fish;
- walnuts;
- different oils - linseed, sesame.
It is necessary, first of all, to include these products in the diet.
Important! In your daily diet should include such vitamins - A, B, C, as well as selenium and zinc. Eat more foods that contain them.
There are 4 basic tips for balancing nutrition:
- Drink a minimum of one and a half liters of water per day.
- Eating foods that contain lanolin.
- Pay special attention to plant and raw foods. The volume of these products in the menu should be about 40%.
- Take care of the skin only by the right means, otherwise - balancing the diet will not help get rid of the problem.
"Home" masks for skin hydration
Usually the problem of skin dryness arises from the malfunctioning of the sebaceous glands on the surface. As a consequence - they give off a little fat and not sufficiently moisturize the surface. Therefore, to remove the peeling of the skin on the face, you need to use moisturizing masks. We picked up the most popular ones.
Various oils, except for sunflower, remarkably moisturize the skin and normalize it. To do this, you need to do the following:
- Preheat the selected oil.
- Soak a cotton swab in it.
- Apply for a third of the hour to dry areas of the skin.
- After the time has elapsed, remove the mask residues and pat the skin with a damp cold towel.
Important! With the exception of sunflower, for masks you can use oils such as:
- linen;
- rapeseed;
- pink;
- peach;
- is apricot.
Apricot Mask:
- Take apricot juice and soak a napkin in it.
- Wipe the skin with sour cream or lotion.
- Put a napkin on your face.
- To remove the mask, use a cotton ball.
Important! It is recommended to apply this mask 3 times a week.
Another remedy for removing the peeling of the skin on the face is done on the basis of a decoction of cornflowers. To do this:
- In a broth of cornflowers add a little lemon juice and rye flour.
- Mask applied to the skin for a third of an hour.
- Wash off with warm water.
In order to make a mask from this berry, you need:
- Take 100 g of berries and squeeze out the juice from them.
- Add 2 tablespoons of milk to this mixture.
- Dampen gauze and attach to face.
Put dry gauze on the plots, soaked in watermelon juice. After 20 minutes, remove the tissue, wash the face and treat with a nutritious cream.
To prepare a mask:
- Take the zucchini and grate it on a grater.
- Put the mass on gauze and attach to the problem areas.
Important! This mask not only tones up the skin, but also helps to get rid of pigment spots on it.
Mature banana must be kneaded to a homogeneous mass and mixed with a spoonful of milk. Use this mixture to smear your face. This mask is removed with the help of a cotton pad soaked in warm water.
St. John's wort
In order to prepare a mask, we will need:
- Spoon of water.
- The same amount of olive oil.
- Ten drops of vitamin E.
- Half a spoonful of St. John's wort.
All this carefully mix, apply for 15 minutes on face and wash off.
To remove the peeling of the skin with this mask, do the following:
- Mix the spoon of vegetable oil with a spoonful of grapefruit juice.
- Mix the resulting mixture with a spoonful of sour cream and apply on face.
Birch leaves
You will need:
- Decoction of birch leaves.
- Spoon of melted butter.
- Cream for the skin.
Mix everything in a ratio of 1 to 1. Apply to the skin with cotton.
Grapes make the skin tender, supple and velvety. To do this, just 3 times a week to make yourself a mask of grape juice. It is enough to moisten the gauze and apply it for 20 minutes to the problem areas.
to the table of contents ↑Dry skin care
To make dry skin fresh and young, it is not enough just to apply masks. It requires very careful care, and in order to remove the peeling of the skin on the face, you must adhere to the following rules:
- It is necessary to wash this type of skin on the face only in the evenings.
- Wash only with water at room temperature. Hot water is best not to use.
- Water for washing is best defended, boiled or filtered. Tap is not for you.
- Washing without soap. Use a moisturizing lotion or foam. After washing, do not rub your face with a towel, just pat the moisture.
- Care should be carried out with means marked "moistening", with the line must be from one manufacturer.
- Study the composition of the proposed care products. Choose only those that do not have alcohol.
- Cosmetics should be used very carefully, or at all to refuse it.
- Before going to bed, remove all cosmetics from the face.
- Monitor your drinking regimen. If your skin is dry, drink as much water as possible.
- Proper nutrition is also a pledge to success.
- Once every six months, take a course of multivitamins.
- Ventilate the room in which you are, as often as possible.
- Before bathing in a pond or pool, apply a layer of greasy cream on the skin.
- Protect your face from direct sunlight and cold air.
Now that we have considered in detail the question of what to do, if the skin on your face is dry and flaky, it will be easier for you to choose the right care for your face. All recommendations are very simple and accessible to everyone, which means it will be easier to be beautiful.