Fighting rodents

  • Popular methods of rodent control in the country house
  • Modern effective scarer
  • Alternative ways of rodent control
  • Fighting rodents at the dacha with chemicals

Fighting rodents is an actual problem for anyone who has a summer residence. Rats, mice, moles and hares not only eat the harvest. They scrape bushes and bark from trees, spoil the grain and vegetable stocks, disfigure the landscape area. In addition, given the speed of their reproduction, if you ignore their appearance on the site, you can soon face the problem of this invasion. And if we take into account the fact that rodents are carriers of dangerous diseases, then the decision on what methods to survive them from their territory should be taken immediately, once you have noticed the first individuals. About what and how to do it correctly, how effective can be the struggle with rodents in the country or in the house using different means, you will learn from this article.

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Popular methods of rodent control in the country house

If you decide to prevent the problem of the appearance of unwanted pets on your own site, the people's proven means can be used for this purpose. According to the observations of professional gardeners, the following methods will help combat rodents:

  1. Peppermint oil and wormwood - they spray valuable varieties of trees and shrubs, as mice and rats do not tolerate such a fragrance.
  2. Onion, hazel grouse, emperor - they are planted all over the site, especially next to those cultures that are most like to spoil rodents.
  3. Black elder - leaves and branches are laid out during the development of useful crops and under those perennial shrubs that hibernate on the ground. This plant belongs to the category of moderately poisonous, so small rodents do not approach it closely.
  4. Cherkokoren medicinal - it is planted on the site, since its smell is categorically not tolerated by the mouse.
  5. Coriander( cilantro) - gives a similar result. It can be used not only to combat rodents in the country, but also as an aromatic condiment for salads and hot dishes. It depends only on your taste, since this herb is very specific. If livestock annoys and in the cold season, it will be effective to fight rodents in the house, if you decompose the stems of this plant in the basement or barn.

Important! A similar result can be achieved if you lay out celandine, tansy. Of these, you can make mulch for sheltering wintering on a site of plants.

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Modern efficient

repellers This group includes special instruments that emit ultrasound. With their help, you can prevent the appearance of any rodents in the country. The animals themselves remain alive and simply do not come, having heard extremely unpleasant for their consciousness sounds.

Important! According to researches of scientists, the influence of ultrasound, which is used in these devices, in no way affects human health. In addition, you only need to install and configure the device once and more in your control is not necessary, which is very convenient. The only drawback of using such a method of fighting rodents is a fairly high cost of the device, and for a large area it will take several pieces.

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Alternative ways to combat rodents

A mousetrap is the most ancient way to combat rodents. But if you use simple designs, it is unlikely that you will achieve a qualitative result and defeat all pests. In addition, we need daily monitoring and verification of all the mousetraps, and they need to be placed around the house and the site in large numbers. If this is not done, then the dead animal will spread the fetid odor, which will not be very easy to remove from the house. Therefore, such a decision is not very relevant for today.

Important! The improved model of a trap - with an adhesive basis. Its advantage is that it will not be possible to deceive the mechanism of the pest, it will fix itself on the mousetrap forever. After you find it, you will have to throw it away with the device. If you are willing to spend money constantly on such mousetraps and do not watch the interests of animals, you can use this device to solve the problem of fighting rodents.

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Fighting rodents at the dacha with chemicals

All kinds of poisons for rodents today are huge. Some of the poison is even quite convenient to use. Chemicals are applied in several ways:

  • pollinates certain plants;
  • aerating mink;
  • lay out the bait mixtures.

Important! If you decide to give preference to this method and to ensure that the fight against rodents in the country or in the house has become really effective, it is better, of course, to invite the specialists of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station. They will come to you on the territory and conduct a disinfestation if the invasion of pests becomes more widespread.

You can also handle this task yourself, but bear in mind that:

  1. You will have to regularly remove the corpse.
  2. All these chemicals are extremely toxic, not only for rodents, but for domestic animals and humans.
  3. When handling, all precautions must be followed so that the poison does not fall on your crop.
  4. The recommended proportions and methods of using any means must be strictly observed.

Now you know about all the existing methods of fighting rodents, about the pros and cons of each. Carefully review the technology of each method, then choose the optimal one for yourself. We hope that you managed very quickly to cope with the problem and more pests do not attack your territory!