- Cartridge
- How does the cartridge work?
- Installation of a conventional
- device
- terminals Screwless cartridge
- How to repair a cartridge?
It's hard to imagine a lamp without an electric cartridge. This detail not only fixes the light bulb and transmits current, but also serves as an integral component for other additional elements. To such parts it is possible to carry: lampshade, a plafond and various objects of aesthetics. In order to understand how to connect a bulb holder for a light bulb, you need to get acquainted with all the nuances closer.
to the contents ↑Cartridge
Before you install the lamp holder, it is worth paying attention to its device, GOSTs, types, ways of connection and other interesting things.
If you believe GOST-R IEC 60238-99, you can see that the threaded cartridges are of three different types:
- E14 - a cartridge that is called a "minion".Such a device is used in microwave ovens and refrigerators.
- E27 is used in the vast majority of fixtures.
- E40 is used for street lighting sources.
All of them have the same principle of operation, and differences can be observed only in dimensions and design solutions.
Important! Any device has its own marking on the surface of the case. It is necessary in order to designate the technical characteristics:
- The first of the list is installed only in those places where the current consumption does not exceed 2 A, at 440 W.
- E27 - no more than 4 A, at 880 watts.
- The latter - no more than 16 A, at 3.5 kW.All these devices operate at an AC voltage of 250 V.
How do I remove a chandelier from a chandelier? Let's not rush and get acquainted with the device of this useful device.
to the contents ↑How is the cartridge arranged?
The device boasts three main elements: a body in the form of a cylinder, in which there is a sleeve with a thread, a bottom and a ceramic insert. The thread is based on the Edison principle. To transfer the current, two brass contacts and two straps are used, with threaded mounting for them.
Important! For safety reasons, it is necessary to feed the phase directly to the contact of the cap, which is located in the center. Such measures will help minimize the chance of hitting the human phase.
Triple cartridge
There are devices that can accommodate three lamps at once. Often, contacts can drop out of the device, so you should pay attention to working with such devices.
The wires are attached to the holes in the contact plates. You can attach them with nuts and screws, but nobody forbids using a soldering iron.
Important! A person who has never done this will be quite difficult, so it's best to rely on instructions that can be found on the manufacturer's websites or the box of the product itself.
We are already close to the bulb holder itself.
to the contents ↑Installation of a conventional
device It is necessary to understand how the cartridge is assembled from the very beginning. Such knowledge will always be useful in case of repair:
- The plate made of brass is pressed firmly against the ceramic liner. The contact plate is fixed with a screw, which is screwed into the steel plate. This screw is needed not only to fix the central contact, but in order to pass through a current.
- The second brass plate is mounted exactly in exactly the same way. The contact, which is located in the center, must be bent to the level of the contacts located on the side. Straight on the conductors are formed rings and pass through the bottom, attaching to the plates of steel.
When connecting the cartridge via a standard switch, the phase must be connected to the one in the center.
Important! When assembling, it is necessary to check all components for integrity. Take the lamp cap and press it firmly against the contact. If, during contact, the deflection is measured in a few millimeters, then you have done everything correctly. In the opposite case - it is necessary to bend the contacts to the top.
Now screw the body on the bottom, use the finished device for any lamps.
to the contents ↑terminals Progress does not stand still, therefore the home appliance market has long been able to boast of a new kind of devices whose wires are fixed with special terminals.
The terminals help greatly speed up the installation process for chandeliers and luminaires. The very body of such a device is made of plastic, and the contacts are kept on the inside by rivets.
Important! Unfortunately, if the device overtook a breakdown, it will not be possible to carry out the restoration work, which will force the consumer to look for a replacement.
to content ↑Screwless cartridge
How to assemble a lamp holder if it does not have a thread? Everything is very simple. The body is equipped with two pairs of holes, into which the wires are pinched. Inside the cartridge there are brass contacts, which are some kind of springs. This whole design serves to fix the wires.
Important! Twin holes allow connecting cartridges in parallel in chandeliers and lamps, which have several light bulbs. One device is powered by voltage, and the others just connect to it.
In order to connect a contactless cartridge, you need to take the wire and get rid of the insulation on it exactly one centimeter, and then just pass through the hole.
But even when working with such devices, there are nuances. It's no secret that the most used wires are stranded, and fixing them in contacts is quite problematic. Manufacturers solved this problem as follows: stranded wires are irradiated, in order to make them single-core.
Important! If you find it difficult to get to the wires with your fingers, you can resort to using tweezers.
to the contents ↑How to repair the cartridge?
Did the lamp lamps start to flicker or burn out? Most likely, it's the bad contacts inside the cartridge. The buzzing and the smell of burning at turning on and off only indicates this.
To check this, unscrew the bulb and inspect the cartridge. Blackened contacts need to be cleaned. The cause of such blackening can be poor contact in the places of connection of wires and cartridge. In order to get rid of this problem, it is necessary to do the following:
- Disassemble the electric cartridge.
- Make sure of a good connection with the current conductor.
- Clean the contacts well, if necessary.
- If the bulb is moving away from the cap, it is best to unscrew it by unscrewing the case from the bottom.
Now you know how to assemble a lamp holder, and you can repair it if necessary. Remember about security measures and be careful when working with similar devices!