- How to get rid of bedbugs with a plot?
- A powerful conspiracy to banish bugs
- A strong plot for Semyonov's day
- A rite that relieves bugs
- A ritual for removing bugs
- Useful tips:
People at all times used various rituals to solve their problems. Conspiracy from bedbugs for many remains relevant. When all the known methods have already been tried and nothing helps, there is only one thing - the help of higher forces. In this article, you will find out what effective conspiracies exist from these harmful insects.
to the contents ↑How to get rid of bedbugs with the help of a plot?
If you can not solve the problem of how to get rid of bedbugs, a conspiracy will probably be the only option in this situation. Knowledgeable people recommend that all such rituals be conducted to expel parasites on the waning moon. You have to take the procedure very seriously. If you do not believe in what you are doing, do not start at all.
Powerful plot to expel bugs
Conduct ritual early in the morning, as soon as you wake up. Do not get out of bed loudly say such conspiracy words from the bedbugs:
"Clover, you are a frostbite, get away from the house of the slave( s) of God( Name), go far, run away quickly. From all corners and walls, from ceilings and floors. Your zests, the clown, are soft, and the body and members of the slave( a) of God( name) are stone. Do not hurt your body, so as not to bite my skin. Flesh is mine, you can not exterminate bugs, do not bite my bones, do not dry my eyes. Yes, what I have said will come true. Amen".
to the contents ↑Strong plot for Semenov day
From the very morning, open all the windows. In each room and room, light the candle. Become in the middle of the dwelling and loudly say such a conspiracy from bedbugs:
"A friend of my house will be Semyon, a traveler long-awaited. May he raise from my dwelling all the bugs of biting, all the creeping smells. Let all the reptiles and parasites be removed, let them burn with fiery flame, let them rise. I'll hand it to the guard at my key house, and hand the lock over to him. He will block my house on all sides, not a single parasite will run past, cover all the bugs with entrances and turns, protect all windows from bed bugs. All the paths for the evil are closed, all the windows for the bloodsuckers are shutters, forever the road is closed back. Yes it will come to pass, as it is said. Amen".
Important! After the words are spoken, leave the candles to burn out. Do yourself your own business.
As soon as the last candle fades, close the windows and at each closed leaf pronounce another plot from the bedbugs:
"I cut off the bedbugs, closes them all to Semyon the log. He drove out all the reptiles, he sheltered my house with a castle, drove away the parasites, he protected my hearth. So be it the Amen. "
to the contents ↑Rite that relieves bugs
For this ritual, follow these instructions:
- Catch an insect.
- Tie it to the long thread.
- Take the other end of the string and pull the parasite away from the house.
- Dragging, say these words: "Bedbugs, bedbugs, go on rafts. On the way, distant, for the overseas water. I take you from home, I specify the way, I order a way back. "
- At the end of the rite, throw a thread with a bug in the river or at the intersection.
Ritual to remove bugs
Spend magical actions on this plot from bugs at midnight and follow this instruction:
- Take an empty saucer and put it on the table.
- Place 6 candles around the circumference and light them.
- Put a dead insect in a saucer.
- Take the mirror in the left hand and rotate it with the reflective surface to the plate.
- With your right hand, take the comb and draw a cross over the mirror.
- Say these words: "Hear the words of my crows and black, swing your wing, take with you the sucking bloodsuckers, take them to the dead."
- Collect the melted wax and throw it away from the house.
Important! Do this ritual three days in a row .
to the contents ↑Useful advices:
- Do not perform magical actions as a prophylaxis.
- If you smoke or drink, do not conspire. Ask someone who leads a healthy lifestyle.
- Make sure that the words are pronounced clearly, loudly, without hesitation. Do not rearrange words in places and do not confuse them.
- Before any rituals, you need to tune in. You can not laugh, joke and doubt.
- After the ritual, take a bath, clean the apartment and sprinkle the corners of the premises with consecrated or salt water.
We hope that such last hope as a conspiracy from bedbugs became a dream come true. Carefully act when performing any magical rituals, so as not to harm yourself.